The best first employer I can imagine!
One of the percs of working for Laserhub is the 100% home office environment and it makes handling my personal work life balance actually a lot easier
Everyone is open and direct, there's no "behind-the-back-talk" and the feedback / critic is always constructive and elaborate
If there'S need for support or any questions arise, I'm never left alone and have never had the feeling of handling entire projects just by myself
Like described above. Due to the home office policies, it makes it very easy to attend to other appointments or whatever and have a life next to work
There's a lot of direct communication also to the management level and Team Leads as well as Head Ofs are always available for feedback or general alignment
Interessante Aufgaben
Personally, I think the tasks given at Laserhub enables one to grow and learn a lot not only about professional skills, but in communication and team work as well. I've only been here for 2 years now and my learning curve is still growing fast