Ex-Werkstudent/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr im Bereich IT gearbeitet.
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Flache Hierarchie. Kommunikative und freundliche Kollegen. offene Arbeitsatmosphäre. flexible Arbeitszeit.
Kollegen sind alle freundlich und offen.
eine große Familie, viele Kollegen lieben Letmeship.
Familienfeste haben wir manchmal, wie Pumpkin Carving usw. Urlaub werden meistens nicht abgelehnt, mindestens bei mir nicht. Kollegen können auch sehr leicht Elternzeit machen.
In den Sprachkursen hast du Möglichkeiten, seine English und Deutsch zu verbessern.
Für Werkstudent ist der Gehalt attraktiv.
Kindertag haben wir.
Kollegen sind sehr froh ihre Kenntnisse zu teilen. Aufgaben über Abteilungen werden von Asana effektiv und erfolgreich weitergeleitet.
Umgang mit älteren Kollegen
Kollegen von unserer Abteilung sind relativ jung.
Deine Ideen sind geschätzt. Alle zwei Wochen hast du ein 1:1 Gespräch mit deinem Vorgesetzten, in dem dein Gefühl und deine Schwierigkeit werden gehört.
Eine schöne Terrasse und räumige Büro
C-Level haben manchmal ihre Ideen und Gestaltung für Zukunft gezeigt und darüber erklärt, was die Intransparenz in der Organisation reduziert. Kollegen in gleichen Abteilung sind kommunikativ.
Die Gruppe kommt aus ganzen Welt. Flache Hierarchie finde ich.
Interessante Aufgaben
In meiner Stelle kommt halbe Aufgaben von Kollegen, halbe von spontan.
Vielen Dank für deine positive Bewertung und dein wertschätzendes Feedback! Es freut mich zu hören, dass du mit unserem Unternehmen eine gute Erfahrung gemacht hast. Es liegt uns sehr am Herzen, ein positives Arbeitsumfeld zu schaffen und ein offenes, unterstützendes Team zu sein. Wir werden weiterhin stets daran arbeiten.
A modern company for a modern time
Werkstudent/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich Marketing / Produktmanagement gearbeitet.
Good working atmosphere and all around a climate in wich suggestions are not only heard but also appreciated.
Overall, LMS possess an image that would allow me with prise so say that i have worked for them, unlike say, Nestle or some of the large Pharma companies that might pay well but do so to keep your conscience from asking itself if this is really worth the money.
Working times are fine and the office itself is wonderfully situated. unlike other places, the computers you work with aren't 10 year old dust boxes you want to struggle each morning when they boot up.
While i wasn't personally working part time, there were other colleges that reduced there work time when it was necessary. Homeoffice was also a staple of the work environment and as natural as getting coffee from the kitchen.
When you can use the balcony of your office for an after work game round and no one so much as raises an eyebrow in protest, you know you have found a good place to work for.
A continual learning and self improvement mentality is appreciated and supported through indicatives such as english training for those employees who need or desire such a training.
the pay is good and fair for the work performed.
As a mainly IT focused company, there was little focus on environmental aspects, however social aspects were supported with events, such as the B2Run, a team event of a 5 and a half kilometre run through the hamburg city park employees were asked to participate in. Such activities helped bind the team closer together as one also dose activities outside of work and can do something good for, in this case cancer patient that were supported through the money raised by the run.
There is no us vs them mentality and even across departments people work well with one another. The exchange of information perhaps should flow a bit more smoothly, but that alone is a sole complaint of a minor detail.
Umgang mit älteren Kollegen
While the amount of colleges i could consider "Old" was not particularly high, they were nonetheless treated with respect and sought for their wisdom. Older employees weren't benched, but rather active members of the team just like everyone else.
The exchange between positions works well and is fair. Of course there exist people giving assignments and other caring out these assignments, but they never seem unfair. if struggles or questions arise, the department heads will listen to tose struggles and work together to help find a solution that works for everybody.
Situated in a high rise building in hamburg, there are modern working spaces for all employee and you have a wonderful view of the hamburg cityscape from two large balconies that are available for all employees to enjoy lunch on. or, if you just need a break for a moment and some frech air, they are also amazing.
When you need something, you know who to call and if others need something from you, they know where you are. You do not feel like you are left out of the loop and are informed of decisions that affect before they are announced to all.
I observed no discrimination based on Age, sex, race, religion, gender nor any other socioeconomic factor or background.
Interessante Aufgaben
Even in a newer position, you are seen as part of the team and given tasks that amount to more than just routine work someone else pushed on to you. Of course, not every day can be filled with wonder and amazing tasks, but those far outweigh the days where you have to trudge through excel lists for hour on end and watch the clock tick away at a snails pace in the background.
Basierend auf 3 Erfahrungen von aktuellen und ehemaligen Werkstudent:innen wird LetMeShip durchschnittlich mit 4.1 von 5 Punkten bewertet. 92 der Bewertenden würden LetMeShip als Arbeitgeber weiterempfehlen.
Basierend auf {totalReviewsFiltered} Bewertungen schätzen Werkstudent:innen besonders die Faktoren {bestFactor} an dem Unternehmen.
Neben positivem Feedback haben Werkstudent:innen auch Verbesserungsvorschläge für den Arbeitgeber. Ausgehend von 3 Bewertungen sind Werkstudent:innen der Meinung, dass sich LetMeShip als Arbeitgeber vor allem im Bereich Karriere/Weiterbildung noch verbessern kann.