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Challenging but rewarding

Hat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung für dieses Unternehmen gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

The flexibility we have and how we align internally around how to solve the challenges we face ahead.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Learn more from previous mistakes, specially the bad reviews we got in the past.


Trust the people you hired, they are doing an amazing job and compensate them whenever is possible.


I work closely with all departments and I really enjoy the collaboration. We all face the same challenge, so there is room for everyones opinion on how to tackle the day to day work topics.


We try to be as transparent as possible and celebrate each teams success and the challenges that lie ahead of us.


As a startup we need to work closely with all departments to ensure we reach our goals. It's tricky sometimes due to resources but we make the best out of it.


There is plenty work to do but no one forces you to work overtime. We also do extra work activities during work time (yoga, meditations, etc) to relieve some stress and hang around after work, like grabbing some beers or getting some dinner to bond better with our colleagues.


Our leadership team contains a good mix of backgrounds and experiences, which help us to navigate the complexity of growing Likeminded into a solid company in a very competitive market.

Interessante Aufgaben

Each department and team knows what they have to work on to make Likeminded successful. Everyone can express their opinion around how to make Likeminded successful. We care about feedback and apply this to the company, our product and the collaboration between our different departments.


There is growth opportunities for everyone, regardless of your gender or orientation. I wouldn't work at Likeminded if this would be the case…

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

There is a good mix between young and older colleagues.


We get the necessary equipment and office setup to perform our job. We're currently expanding our offices to accommodate more people. We also have a flexible/hybrid working setup (home office and office)


We do the best we can


Taking in mind the stage of the company salaries are good. There are options to make your salary compensation work accordingly to your needs.


We know what we are working on and what our legacy should be. I personally connect with the company's vision and what we want to achieve. Of course there are things we can improve at Likeminded but I also expect everyone to be proactive and make things better.


There is definitely space to grow… we're a startup
Roles, responsibilities and accountabilities are defined with your manager and help to evaluate when and how there should be a salary increase or promotion.
