16 Bewertungen von Mitarbeitern
16 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 3,8 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
11 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Ihr Unternehmen?
Jetzt Profil vervollständigen16 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 3,8 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
11 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.
High-intense working culture - each team is pushing each other to the next level. Super fun environment.
a startup but the image will grow for sure
It is a startup - but noone expects you to work 24/7 or be always avalibale or do stuff at the weekend.
lots of opporunities to learn
trying to be as much as possible
Colleagues are working together and having theirs backs.
we do not have really older colleagues but they would be treated as everyone else for sure
Clear and challengeing
nice office, snacks, coffee, height-adjustable tables... all good
Clear and open communication.
pretty high share of female colleagues for a manufacturing tech company.
everyday is a new adventure.
Team spirit mostly good.
No older colleagues.
High ratio of women for a tech startup. Not in management / leadership position but I don’t think that’s intended.
Repetitive. Employees should just sh… up and do their job. Probably different then other startups.
One thing I appreciated about MakerVerse was its vibrant and diverse workplace culture. Many of my colleagues were professionals who willingly shared their knowledge, helping me grow professionally. Their guidance and insights were invaluable, and I learned a lot from working alongside them.
There was occasionally a gap in the basic knowledge of German labor laws and especially for working students, since the majority of employees were not from the country, which at sometimes was a bit annoying, as many aspects required further clarification from others, despite being considered basic legal knowledge.
I found the checkouts on Fridays, where everyone should share their "highlights" to be a bit weird. Personally, I often found myself without any noteworthy highlights to share, and the expectations to present oneself with enthusiasm felt also somewhat odd. HR eventually abandoned this idea, which was amazing.
Regarding the checkouts on Thursday, with the increasing size of the teams and the workload, it became progressively challenging to stay informed about each team's activities and accomplishments. It also seemed that many individuals were primarily focused on their tasks/team and less interested in the whatever the other teams were doing unless it directly impacted their deadlines.
Brownbag sessions also had their drawbacks, while I found the management presentations on the company's progress to be very interesting. These sessions became less relevant when individuals from various teams presented topics that are only relevant to their work.
The majority of people I worked with or interacted with were very cool
Being a startup, the company may not be widely known yet, but that will change over time
you learn a lot and work with people who have extensive experience
My position was paid above the average for working students
A highly diverse company with employees from various countries
More office space would be optimal / sometimes it gets very loud in the office
- Pleasant working atmosphere
- Collegial support
- Flat hierarchies
The working atmosphere is relaxed, open and healthy
I believe that the ability to integrate business and personal life is made possible by the customised working hours and the possibility of making flexible agreements with the team management for working remotely.
Lot of opportunities via internal training also can be chosen from different platforms.
Salary adjusted to performance and level of education.
It is very easy to collaborate with other teams and whenever help is required people make time for you
Very appreciative
Superiors are emphatic and not condescending
Overall communication within the teams is very good. There are regular meetings to keep everyone informed.
Diversity as our Strength: With over 19 Nationalities
The tasks are varied and exciting, you definitely won't get bored quickly
Opportunities to shape everyday working life for yourself and to help develop it in general.
1. Open and Transparent communication 2. Good understanding in the management team 3. Friendly & Focused environment
Collaborative and fostering a supportive environment where employees are encouraged to contribute their unique skills and ideas
Positive and Growth mindset
The company promotes a decent work-life balance, allowing employees to thrive both professionally and personally
At MakerVerse we have a benefit that focuses on personal development. We can learn different courses that benefits current projects or future tasks
MakerVerse ensures a competitive and decent salary, complemented by benefits that stand out, particularly when compared to other startups in the industry.
While currently not deeply involved in environmental and social awareness, our company is gearing up to soon embarking on initiatives to contribute positively in these domains
The office is a warm and collaborative space, thanks to the presence of good and kind colleagues who contribute to a supportive and friendly atmosphere
Learning from older colleagues at Makerverse is always enjoyable and insightful, thanks to their amazing guidance and teaching style
Having a very solid and supportive supervisor has significantly contributed to a positive and growth-oriented work experience
The flexible and open work atmosphere at our company accommodates all emergencies, ensuring employees can address unexpected situations without stress.
Effective communication is prioritized in the company, with open channels, regular updates, and ensuring that information flows seamlessly across all departments
Equal rights are upheld across the office, teams, projects, and in day-to-day interactions, fostering a culture of respect and inclusivity
Participating in cross-functional projects allow for the exploration of new ideas and the expression of creativity in the workplace.
- interessante Aufgaben
- gute Atmosphäre
keine Gehaltserhöhung nach einem Jahr
mehr Plätze im Büro
guter Gehalt für ein Startup
sehr internationales Team
mehr Plätze im Büro als Verbesserungsvorschlag
Flache Hierarchie, Vorschläge werden ernst genommen, lockere Kommunikation von Gründer bis Praktikant
Nicht genug Arbeitsplätze, wenn alle tatsächlich mal im Büro sind.
Ein paar Kollegen
Vorgesetzten Verhalten
Wirklich startup weniger konzern
Das Geschäftmodell, das coole internationale Team, die Team Events und eine starken backup mit Siemens Energy und Zeiss
Junges stark internationales Team mit respktvollen miteinander
Das Image ist natürlich noch im Aufbau jedoch hat man mit den Joint Venture Partner Siemens Energy und Zeiss weltweit bekannt Firmen die einen den Gesprächeinstieg mit Interessanten definitiv erleichtern
Flexible Arbeitszeiten mit HO Möglichkeit. Ab und an muss man auch mal Überstunden machen wenn etwas fertig werden muss. Lässt sich aber im Vertrieb nur schwer komplett vermeiden und gehört dazu. Wichtige private Termine können flexible eingeschoben werden und man hat hierfür Verständnis.
Es gibt einmal wöchentlich eine Vertriebsacademy + ein 1x1 mit den verschiedenen Ingenieur sodass man auch das technlogische Verständnis für die angebotene Fertigungsverfahren aufbaut. Zudem gibt es für die englischsprachigen Kollegen einmal pro Woche deutsch Unterricht.
Man zieht an einem Strang und hat Verständnis für die Aufgabenbereiche der Anderen. Mit kniffligen Situation geht man konstruktive und fair miteinander um.
Klare Kommunikation und Erwartungshaltung. Man erhält einen transparenten Einblick in die Zielvorgaben der Investoren. Dadurch das einige der Erwartungen sehr ambitioniert sind führt das in meinchen Situation zu nur schwer erreichbaren Zielvorgaben. Man geht jedoch lösungsorientiert an die Zielerreichung ran.
Schnelllebiges Transaktions- und Projektgeschäft mit diversen Kommunikationschannels bei denen man auf zack sein muss. Jedoch wird bereits daran gearbeitet diese zu vereinfachen und besser zu kanalisieren. Es wird stark darauf geachtet das Meetings nicht ausufern und man über die wesentlichen Themen spricht. Man könnte evtl. 1-2 Meetings streichen bzw. Die Zyklen verlängern
Für ein Startup ein ein äußerst faires und wettbewerbsfähiges Gehalt mit variablen Anteil der gute Leistung belohnt
Ich hab in den 6 Monaten bereits viel gelernt und konnte stets meine Gedanken mit einbringen. Es wird bereits ein stärkeren Fokus auf Kundenbesuche gelegt. Was ich persönlich sehr gut und erfrischend finde.
So verdient kununu Geld.