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Be like a robot and you'll get ahead here.

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr für dieses Unternehmen gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

The old ones were great, the new ones are a disaster.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

don't make their own opinions. make promises and don't keep them. power games are always there. the way to work with the public transport is often a nightmare. sometimes you need 90 minutes from berlin.


makes an anonymous survey about the leads, so that the employees can finally let out their frustration. and also thinks about salary increases.


Praise is a rarity here, leads don't talk to you when things don't go well. In return you get your feedback completely unexpectedly banged around your ears, while they assure you in advance that everything is ok.


An absolute foreign word. my lead has also once addressed news in the room, while half was missing. and you'll get an announcement as to why you're not sticking to the news.


are actually all quite nice. it is only strongly blasphemed about everything and everyone. while all have a problem with their leads, in the end only nobody dares to speak it out loud.


Everything's all right here.


have no expert knowledge, no sense of decency and as long as you don't put honey on their mouths, you will be treated accordingly. whoever speaks to what the lead doesn't like in meetings will get real problems afterwards. so here, always smile nicely and everything is fine. human behavior and respect are misplaced here. if you stand in the way, they find a way that you go or have to go.

Interessante Aufgaben

your own ideas are always in demand, but are not implemented. here you only copy what others do.


more women than men in higher positions, although they have less idea. but who is more sympathetic climbs up here.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

You're in charge of high traffic, numbers and calls here. The rest is uninteresting.


some teams have twice as much space as other teams. some sit in a comfortable office and others squeeze together.


you get well paid for the little work.


this year, many have left, as have i. officially, there have always been other reasons than unofficial. because most of them have strong problems with their leads and the work they do. the superiors listen to the problems but nothing is done. accordingly, they talk about the company in the breaks. you only have to look at the company parties, there are not even half of the employees, not even the chefs.


no career, no further training, nothing.

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Anne Graeger, Head of Human Resources
Anne GraegerHead of Human Resources

Liebe/r ehemalige/r Kollege/in,

vielen Dank für deine Rückmeldung. Wir werden uns kritisch mit deiner Bewertung auseinandersetzen und prüfen was wir davon annehmen.

Kommunikation ist ein Thema, welches immer verbessert werden kann und wir haben speziell zu dem Thema auch schon einige Veränderungen in Gang gesetzt. Regelmäßig Feedback zu geben ist ein wichtiges Führungsinstrument, welches wir bereits nutzen und noch weiter verfeinern werden.

Bei unseren Führungskräften sind wir sehr stolz darauf, dass fast alle Führungskräfte intern aus dem Unternehmen kommen und somit auch die Chance erhalten, mehr Verantwortung zu übernehmen und sich persönlich weiter zu entwickeln. Unsere Führungskräfte werden vor ihrer Beförderung nach bestimmten, objektiv nachvollziehbaren Kriterien ausgesucht. Das Geschlecht spielt dabei für uns überhaupt keine Rolle.

Schade, dass es in der Zusammenarbeit zwischen dir und Media Partisans nicht so gut gepasst hat. Wir nutzen dein Feedback aber gern als Ansporn für weitere Verbesserungen.

Wir wünschen Dir alles Gute und viel Erfolg für die Zukunft!
