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Überstunden ohne Vergütung/Abbummeln

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr für dieses Unternehmen gearbeitet.


Ein paar nette Kollegen und spannende Themen mehr aber auch nicht


Kommunikation war sehr unorganisiert und von der Geschäftsführung von oben herab


Überstunden sind zu erwarten und davon viele. Keine Möglichkeit diese abzubummeln oder ausbezahlt zu bekommen. Wer Lust auf Ausbeutung ist, ist hier richtig.


Mikromanagement von oben herab - mehr als einmal habe ich erlebt wie andere Kollegen zusammen gestaucht wurden für (kleine) Fehler. In so einer von Angst geprägten Arbeitskultur lässt es sich schwer innovativ, kreativ arbeiten.

Interessante Aufgaben

Das war noch der stärkste Punkt!


Wie geschrieben: schlechte Arbeitsbedingungen


Okayes Gehalt


Kaum Weiterbildungen, bzw. Mitarbeiter sind so zu mit To Dos dass kaum Zeit hierfür bleibt




Ditha PahnkeHead of People Management

Dear former colleague,

Thank you for taking the time to give us feedback even though the assessment is not too good.

The good thing is that, since you left about 1.5 years ago, a lot has been done to further improve the employee experience.

Work-Life-Balance: We don’t expect overtime and are continuously hiring to increase the capacity within the teams. This is reflected by a growth rate of 60 percent in 2022. In addition, we have 3 days of home office, trust-based working time and core working hours between 10:00 and 15:00 to allow people to flexibly plan their day. We also offer 4 weeks of remote work at a location of choice plus three additional holidays per year.

Training: We actively encourage our people to keep up continuous learning. To support this, we have introduced several standard training offerings including languages, presentation skills, project management, leadership etc. This offering is available to all staff without any budget restraints. Collaborating in a network of 5 sister companies also allows for a lot of cross-company growth and learning opportunities.

Atmosphere: It is fair to say that the team spirit has always been one of our very strong points. We are respectful and supportive with each other – and we have great fun, too. People are regularly going out together after work and the team events we hold together with our 4 sister companies are always a huge success and a highlight in everyone’s calendar.

Communication: Here, too, we have introduced several measures to make communication even more effective. It is true that in the “start-up” years there was room for improvement. But with the introduction of a dedicated HR department and middle management structures 1.5 years ago, professional and transparent processes are now well established. We have an active and appreciative feedback culture and everyone is encouraged to contribute.

Even as these changes may have come too late for you and you feel you’ve had a negative experience, I hope that in time you can also remember the positive aspects, as I know that, at least from our side, the colleagues are remembering you fondly.

Wishing you all the best
