No fun, no reward
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Some people are fun
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
See above
Delegate more, trust your employees, come punctual to meetings or don’t come at all (in that case, a heads-up is a must), i think a „culture“ should be something different than „you have to work hard and harder than your peers“
Grey, dark, cold office with artificial walls creating disconnection with the team, increasing power distance and the perceived „top-down“ leadership style.
For a startup it is normal, but communication between teams and within teams can be improved. Especially communication from C-level can be improved.
mostly cool team
Startup with lots to do. Home-office is possible but sort of frowned upon. But the work times were normal for me personally. For certain teammates the times were longer than for others.
Umgang mit älteren Kollegen
We didn’t have any but everyone was respectful
See comment in „work atmosphere“