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An EGO toxic all male management

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Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat bis 2024 im Bereich IT gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

very pretty offices

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

weak management acted aggresivly and kicked me out while my projects were succesful. just because i was taking an active part as i was asked to do.


such a toxic male environemt cannot be fixed.


My manager never spoke to me except for when they let me go.


all male management that does what it wants...

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

male coleagues never listen or react... when i was fired nobody knew... including my German managers nor HR... the process was ugly. i was completly avoided.


this is the most embarrasing, it promised to be a different consultancy but once i was off a prpoject they kicked me out





Interessante Aufgaben







Lars FeldscherManaging Director

Dear R,
to be honest, first I wanted to ask kununu to delete your remarks because I find them extremely emotional and sometimes factually incorrect. I was also surprised, because the event happened first half of last year. What happened there has not much to do with what happens today.
But...I also saw that you evaluated some areas positive and in some areas I have to admit, you were right in your case. This is why I would like to comment on your remarks:

"An EGO toxic all male management" - I really do not see what your case has to do with ego toxic or all male, which is factually incorrect. We have in important positions women working. Of course, in technology you are working normally more with male colleagues than female. My predecessor was a woman. This is a feedback I really would like to neglect.

"weak management acted aggressively and kicked me out while my projects were successful. just because i was taking an active part as i was asked to do." - I do not see my management colleagues that were involved as weak. And I definitely do not know any situation where I saw aggressive behaviour. Some of these managers might be inexperienced. And I agree that our process was inadequate for a situation where a contract is terminated and a human being is put into a difficult situation.
"My manager never spoke to me except for when they let me go." - The process followed was formally in order, it is the employer's and the employee's right to terminate within the probation period, even without reason. Like you, I am not at all happy how communication and feedback worked until that day. I believe you when you say you were not aware that your manager was not satisfied with your performance.
"such a toxic male environemt cannot be fixed." - I strongly disagree. After your case we immediately picked this problem up. All managers were trained on people management and communication. The process was changed, all people being in probation have at least one generous feedback discussion with their manager, HR must be present, feedback is documented. I apologize for this inadequate process and I hope you see we immediately learned from that.

The rest I do want to comment on, your remarks are either positive (thank you) or overly emotional and not really fact based (from my perspective).

I think I can say I was personally shocked to read your comment since a good company culture is very important for me. But I also have to see and accept when we did not live up to our own standards. I hope your professional experience is a more positive one now. I wish you all the best for your future and thank you for your feedback.
