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Mehr Schein als Sein kann nur auf kurze Sicht Erfolg bringen, langfristig aber wird es zum Scheitern führen

Nicht empfohlen
Hat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr im Bereich IT gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Die Kollegen. Weiterempfehlung allerdings nein, da die mittlerweile alle weg sind.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Mehr Schein als Sein ist eine der schlimmsten Krankheiten unserer Zeit.


Wo soll ich nur anfangen? Aus Holland hört man, wie toll alles ist. Das Management in Deutschland bejubelt sich selbst, obwohl es dafür keinen Grund gibt. Wirklich keinen. Jetzt wurden neue Büros eröffnet. Die Frage ist, wer da hingehen soll. Die Manager sollten als gutes Beispiel vorangehen und nicht im Januar (Jahresabschluss Salesforce) für 4 Wochen in den Urlaub gehen. Aber der Consultant, der sagt: "Vergiss den Bonus, ich mache dann halt Urlaub", wird im Call mit den Worten "Übertreibt es nicht mit dem Urlaub" ermahnt. Leute, entweder oder. Wenn im Vertrag steht, dass der Urlaub nicht gedeckelt ist, dann ist er das auch nicht. Mein Verbesserungsvorschlag: Lebt nach eurem Prinzip "We work as friends". Freunde tun einander Gutes und sehen sich nicht als Ressource an. Wenn ihr Prinzipien habt, nach denen ihr nicht handelt, dann seid ihr eine Firma ohne Seele, und das spürt man.


Ich spreche hier grundsätzlich Nextview Deutschland an. In Holland ist die Situation bestimmt eine andere, aber die Arbeitsatmosphäre leidet unter der hohen Fluktuation und der Unzufriedenheit der Mitarbeiter im deutschen Team. Alle Kollegen, mit denen ich angefangen habe, sind mittlerweile nicht mehr im Unternehmen.


Es finden regelmäßige Calls statt, aber irgendwie ist die Kommunikation meines Erachtens völlig ineffektiv. Schaut euch die anderen Bewertungen an. Es wird versucht, Dinge schön zu reden.


Die Kollegen in diesem Unternehmen sind/waren (die meisten sind weg) super. Hier haben die Recruiter wirklich gute Arbeit geleistet. Schade, dass Nextview das nicht zu schätzen weiß, es hat bestimmt auch einiges gekostet. Von Holland aus weht immer eine leichte Brise von Hochmut und Arroganz rüber, weil die Kollegen fachlich top sind. Das wissen sie auch, aber das ist mein persönliches Empfinden. Das Management muss anders bewertet werden. Es sind einige Leute gefeuert worden oder haben ihre Position verloren. Wer also kein Ja-Sager ist und mit dem holländischen Kurs nicht einverstanden ist, wird es im Management wohl eher schwer haben. Der Verdienst auf dieser Ebene scheint jedoch gut zu sein. Wegen dem Management gibt es aber einen Stern Abzug.


Nun ja, Consulting halt. Überstunden werden nicht bezahlt. Man könnte argumentieren, dass man die Überstunden mit dem nicht gedeckelten Urlaub ausgleichen kann. Jedoch ist der nicht gedeckelte Urlaub eine Farce und läuft bei mehr als dem gesetzlichen Urlaub gegen eure "Billed Hours", so dass man Gefahr läuft, den Bonus nicht zu erhalten.


Siehe Kollegenzusammenhalt. Ich würde mir mehr Rückgrat wünschen, allerdings werden diese Vorgesetzten es bei Nextview schwer haben. Wenn ich nach Holland blicke, werde ich dieses Verhalten besser erst gar nicht bewerten. Das Verhalten mag in Holland funktionieren aber nicht in Deutschland.

Interessante Aufgaben

Zum Zeitpunkt meines Ausscheidens aus dem Unternehmen gab es keine Sales-Pipeline, daher auch keine neuen Projekte (in Deutschland) und keine interessanten Aufgaben. Grundsätzlich möchte Nextview eine Deloitte oder Capgemini sein, und das mit Startup-Charakter. Das ist zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt jedoch völlig utopisch und geht an der Realität vorbei.


Es gibt einen Stern Abzug, da die URVE- und Billed-Hours-Regelung für das Management nicht gilt. Das bedeutet, dass sich hochbezahlte Führungskräfte Urlaub gönnen können, ohne dass die Billed Hours und damit der Bonus darunter leiden. Ansonsten ist hier jeder gerne gesehen.


Na ja es gibt eine Home Office Pauschale, von der man sich ein Monitor kaufen kann, das war es dann aber auch schon.


B-Corp und ansonsten viele Aktivitäten in diesen Bereich


Die Bezahlung war marktüblich, jedoch gab es bei der saftigen Inflation keine vernünftige Anpassung. Die Kunden werden aber zur Kasse gebeten. Daher gibt es nur einen Stern. Meiner Meinung nach wurden auch andere Mitarbeiter bei Einstellung nicht gerecht bezahlt. Das kam gegen Ende heraus, als man sich etwas mehr über die Gehälter ausgetauscht hat.


In Deutschland nicht bekannt


Karriere kann ich schlecht beurteile war zu kurz da, aber Weiterbildung wird gefördert



Huub Waterval, President & Founder
Huub WatervalPresident & Founder

Dear colleague,

Thank you for taking the time to provide this feedback. My apologies for writing this in English, since my German is not flawless, and I do not want that things get lost in translation. Nuances are important. I am going to be completely honest here. It is always hard to 'defend' ourselves against comments we feel are not giving an accurate view of our company. In this case, we know that a few people have been very negative and have also left very negative online reviews. Although the previous answer is correct, I feel we should provide more nuances to it.

On Glassdoor I have always responded personally to every review. Hence why I will provide you with my perspective here. I feel sorry that you never tried to reach out to me personally, especially since you have experienced the situation as bad as you are describing.

Verbesserungsvorschläge - the restructuring of the hubs and opening of the new offices is in line with the strategy of Salesforce in Germany. During covid (we planned expanding to the German market beforehand) when we started in Germany it was less important where people were located. Nobody also knew how the new hybrid working situation would develop. Three years later we see the need to gather in offices again. To see each other and meet with customers and our partner Salesforce. That is why we openend the offices, all of them are flexible so they can grow with the team, and in some cases, the teams even selected the offices themselves. I think an excellent example of how it should be.

With regards to your example of leading by example (manager taking holidays during year end / start new year) I think you are missing important pieces of information. Let me provide the whole story.

The situation you are referring to with the manager and the leading by example relates to a specific situation and I feel this is pulled out its entire context. End of last year we setup a new management team in Germany. When I asked the new manager to take the Managing Director role and to get the business to the next level, he immediately said yes. Although he knew this would be very challenging. His loyalty towards the team and the company are without question.

He had however a holiday planned, since his best friend would get married, unfortunately for us, at the other side of the world. He told me this immediately and we discussed the situation. We knew this would not help in the first months in his new role, but as said, this was already planned. So he was even present during important meetings in his holiday, and during different time-zones. Just to make sure, his absence would not be a stumble block. This is the real story. It was also not a secret, so I do not recognize your statements (un)fortunately.

The previous management had hired a lot of (junior) people that did not have prior consulting experience. Often we have hired the best people outside of our own industry, but in this specific case it led to a let of questioning and explaining about how things work that are actually quite normal in a consulting company. One of those things is the bonus structure.

The statement that holiday goes at the expense of the bonus is not valid. The abrevation is even called URVE (Utilization Rate Vacation Excluded), which means that we actually deduct the holiday hours before calculating the % of billability. This is a widely used system.

Furthermore, the statement that unlimited holidays are a hoax is not valid. That there are still rules is normal. In general, we believe that everyone has their own responsibility toward this concept. We have been using this concept for over two years (in our third year now) and have very positive feedback about it. Also, our numbers show that people have taken more holidays than usual. The belief behind it is that we are primarily concerned about output and not how many holidays someone takes. It is, however, not a free ride to not show up at work ;)

Arbeitsatmosphäre - I am sorry to see your score. And to be honest, I don't feel its a true reflection of the atmosphere. I do agree that there was some negatively lately. Everyone can see that suddenly there are five negative reviews, while we have been in business for years and have honestly never experienced that before. Nextview has just received news that we are again a Great Place to Work, for the seventh year in row and even in the second year in Germany. Out of 180 companies that partcipate, we were again in a top 10 position. We are not perfect and we can always improve, but this score is certainly not a true reflection.

We know that a few people have been very negative and have also left very negative online reviews. We know you are part of that group, and we also feel that if people feel structurally uncomfortable being at Nextview, they should find happiness elsewhere. Otherwise, it is just a waste of energy from both sides. It is not that there is no room for feedback, on the contrary, within Nextview there is a lot of room to address topics and everyone, including myself will listen and act if possible.

Kommunikation - I have to relate to my previous answer. I find it extremely important to be very transparant. People that work within Nextview of have worked with us will immediately say that they have never ever experienced this elsewhere. It is just who we are. We will also say if things are not going according to plan. We will never try to make up things or create hidden agenda's. I really feel that there is more emotion behind your score than rationality. Again, we are not perfect and are always trying to improve. Especially communication is really hard to do it well. I personally always try to see the intent of a person and/or a message, and that often helps to get into a good dialogue ;)

Kollegenzusammenhalt - you speak about cultural differences, in an international company these will always be there. It is also what makes it interesting. Nextview is now active in 6 countries and has more than 18 nationalities on board. It is not a German business. It is also not a Dutch business. It is a European Salesforce Boutique with currently around 200 valued colleagues. Differences should be appreciated and respected, it is what makes us unique.

Work-Life-Balance - I think this point we already touched a bit before. It relates to experience with consulting. We do not encourage overtime. We also do not pay for it (otherwise it would be encouraged). We certainly do not expect it, or ask for it. On the contrary, we encourage everyone to keep the balance, even with our Nextview Manifest, we have detailed out a lot of behaviors that we feel are important. Like doing sports during the day. Or just thinking f*** it for today. Your comment about the bonus I already covered before, your statement is not valid.

Gleichberechtigung - your statement that the URVE bonus is not for the management is not correct. Alle the middle management have team bonusses that are also based on the same methodology. Our sales people and sales related roles have bonusses based on revenue. The management board actually did not have bonusses until last year. And actually we paid out all the bonusses to all colleagues last year that earned a bonus. The only difference is, we did not pay out the bonus to the management board, because in that way we could guarantee that we could payout our people. That is what really happened and that is who we are. We have also communicated this, so I do not understand your comment here.

Gehalt/Sozialleistungen - Regarding the inflation correction, we did not do a general and collective inflation correction towards our people. We also know that it was just in this specific part of the company that people were asking for it. We index our customer rates yearly, which is part of the ordinary course of business. Although the two are related economically, the connection you are making here is not accurate by far.

Even stronger, we have never done collective raises because we feel the concept is outdated. Instead, we look at individual performance and do individual raises. I just looked up the numbers, and this year to date, we have done 48 individual salary raises. These are discussed as part of the yearly performance cycle. The average raise (in case of a raise) has been constant for years and is around 7%.

To conclude, I never had to respond in such a way and feel that I need to defend our company. However a lot of your statements are just not accurate and I also feel that they do harm to everyone that is proud about working at Nextview. I feel sorry that you left us with all these emotions, but I unfortunately can not turn back time. However you have my number and I will always listen to you and see if I can learn something from it.

best regards, Huub

Team Growth & Talent

Liebe Kollegin, Lieber Kollege,

vielen Dank für deine Bewertung. Uns ist eine offene Feedback-Kultur sehr wichtig, daher nehmen wir deine Rückmeldung ernst und besprechen die angeführten Kritikpunkte im Team.
Nach fast 3 Jahren auf dem deutschen Markt ist in den letzten Monaten viel Bewegung im Team, was uns dazu bringt unsere Strategie anzupassen. Die Eröffnung der Hubs beispielsweise soll den Kolleg:innen Raum bieten um gemeinsam arbeiten und sich auszutauschen zu können.
Trotz all der negativen Kritik, freut es uns das du auch die positiven Aspekte wie Gleichberechtigung, unser soziales Engagement und die Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten anerkennen kannst. Vielleicht ist dies ein door opener für ein konstruktives Gespräch.
Ich bin für dich erreichbar unter sarah.waterval@nextviewconsulting.com

Wir wünschen dir Alles Gute.
