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Run the other way

Nicht empfohlen
Hat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung für dieses Unternehmen gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Honestly, there are so many unhappy people working there. I can‘t think of a reason not to work somewhere else, Berlin is full of cool companies.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

There is lots of favoritism: People close to highest management are untouchable.
Same rules and conditions don‘t apply to everyone.

Also, there is no works counsil (and no promotion around it) and a big yes-sayer-culture around the CEO which allows a lot of very „free“ and wild decision-making.

Benefits are outdated.


The company events are always in the same locations.


Some teams have it better than others but in general there is quite a big sense of dissatisfaction.


The company lets you know what they want you to know.
The company is open about its numbers etc in Town Halls.


It is marketed as good and the work from home policy is good, however working during vacation, sicknesses and holidays is in a very outdated way considered ‚dedication‘ by the upper management. Also, there is no compensation for extra work hours (which all departments have).


Mostly inexperienced managers with a few exceptions.


The closer you are to management, the better you are treated.
Women are in higer positions but zero are in C level.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

Neutral. There are a couple of older colleagues.


Laptops are good but the best ones are only given to certain (higher) pay grades, the office has a good location but not enough meeting rooms and there are constantly issues with the internet. Phone booths are small and sweaty yet always full.


Haven‘t witnessed much of that


Outdated. Extra hours with no compensation, no vacation money (or XMas presents), no significant benefits, no bonus's.
The money is better elsewhere.


Better than in rest of the debt collection industry.


Entry-level employees can get promoted fast and get a good set-off to their careers. For the rest it gets limited quickly.


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