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    Too little money for too much work

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    That everything is controlled by Australia. No trust. No appreciation for what your employees do every day.


    @Camplify: Trust the workers of PaulCamper. They know what they are doing. They know the market, their costumers and owners. When something workes in Australia it does not mean the same will work in Germany/Europe. Stop management. Pay your employees fairly within their market.


    Since Camplify (Australian company) bought Paul Camper it's very tense.


    Basically not existent. All big bosses are sitting in Australia and only give orders. They are not listening to what people with many years of experience are suggesting. Communication is not only because of the time zones very difficult but also because they just won't listen.


    Among PaulCamper team everyone tries to stick together but it's more like "we against Australia"


    Way too much work for everyone at PaulCamper. Positions were cut but it's of course still the same amount of work which needs to be done...by less people


    As said before: All big bosses are based in Australia with Camplify. Work is very hierarchical and micro-managed.

    Interessante Aufgaben

    Work and cause itself is very nice and relatable. But as said before it is just too much which leads to all tasks being perceived as a burden.


    At PaulCamper there are only 6 women left. Of course no one in a high position. In general the team has always been international but also mainly white. There are no initiatives for more diversity, gender equality or inclusion to my knowledge.


    Too much work for too little pay. New office in Berlin is nicer than the old one but always feels messy and not very inviting.
    There is - no joke - a employee of the month voting. Like in the 90s. As there are small teams at Paulcamper which are working under the radar of everyone else (because of the bad overall communication) these people never have the chance to get voted. This is a slap in the face for everyone who does everything they can every day to keep PaulCamper alive.

    There is also no events in which the focus is on the employees. If there is a bigger event, then only on weekends with a focus on costumers (owners). This means that all workers have to work overhours. Do you expect a bonus or compensation days? There was 1 day last time. For 2 days with more than 12 hours of work each. Never again!


    Paulcamper tries its best, but Camplify always tries to keep the costs for Paulcamper as low as possible when it comes to work supplies or merchandise, for example. Since environmental awareness and fair working conditions do not seem to have established themselves in Australia yet, they also like to order from the worst companies.


    For sure better than at Camplify but for the amount of work the salary is too low. Also as this is decided by Australians it's often more about titles than salary.


    At PaulCamper there has been budget in the past for development but it was cut by - surprise - Camplify.

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