After the acquisition from AMCS a lot has changed towards negative
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Collagues still remain helpful and friendly. Home office is allowed. There is a trust relationship between middle management and employees, and not much micromanagement.
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After the acquisition from AMCS, budget cuts have started to take place. It takes a long time and escalation to upper management to get business expenses reimbursed. Promised salary increases have been cancelled (salaries were low to begin with compared to industry standards). Promised learning budget and work-related expenses have turned into a burocratic nightmare. Recent announcement of layoffs have been poorly handled by the company leadership and have brought the employees' mood down.
After acquisition from AMCS mood in the company went downhill
Has gotten worse after acquisition from AMCS
Colleagues remain helpful
Remains the biggest positive at Quentic
Middle-management relationship with team is positive (can't speak for all departments of course)
Below industry level