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Perfect if you love to say “yes” or just tag along

Nicht empfohlen
Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich IT bei reev in München gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

The few ex-colleagues which made it fun to work that are still left. We head really great, smooth, fun teams until it got re-shuffled a couple of times to end up in the old setup without addressing the underlying issues. Making it easy for skilled people to say goodbye …

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Don’t taking into account attitude for hiring. Relying on the same set of people for new hires and decisions.

Scaring away all people with skills, ambition and that don’t say “yes” to everything.

If “Leaders” blame (ex) employees that empowered the company to the state it’s now or saved whole business critical areas with their contributions.


Listen to the many Feedback channels. Collect peer review in
probation to avoid more people quitting because of the same people and issues.
Don’t find excuses for facts confirmed multiple times. Don’t listen to people with a lack of insights and/or interest.
You won’t be fired for having an opinion, it’s your job to challenge decisions in certain positions.


Only pseudo important news, mainly rocket emojis but no one is willing to answer simple questions or share important news or collaborate on things that matter


No good collaboration, mainly interested in short term (personal) success.
Self-proclaimed elite circle loves praising each other without major contributions instead of empowering or enabling others.


High stress due to lack of planning or a vision. Few teams or people need to compensate that usually. Don’t expect any Appreciation for long hours and working beyond your scope.


Root cause in most areas, trickling down and expanding due to hiring & feedback structure.
Completely closed to feedback, Nobody seems to be able to address the issues with some parts of leadership, a lot of conflict avoidance, bad decisions ignoring facts and trends. Avoiding “hard” decisions

Interessante Aufgaben

Depends on the team and short term ideas to rush out something instead of releasing few things properly


No issues here, but not everyone gets the same rights in some areas. Values are interpreted as needed

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

No old colleagues


Office & equipment is good, the messy and broken parts reflect the culture in some areas.


Mainly marketing


Not transparent or based on performance


Mainly based on legacy / market capitalization via hardware partner. Far away from competitors in terms of delivery or innovation.


Career plans without any base or hardly anyone who is able or willing to teach or lead by example.
Promotions are not based on contributions or impact. Accidental promotions are left alone and demoted afterwards.


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Laura Weißmann, Talent Acquisition Manager
Laura WeißmannTalent Acquisition Manager

Thank you for your review, even though you don't seem to be satisfied with reev at the moment.
We take you and your feedback very seriously and work every day to get a little bit better. Since you indicated in your review that you are working in the IT/Tech area, I would really appreciate it, if you would reach out to me for a personal conversation or to anyone else within our P&O (maybe using the newly implemented consulting conversations?). However you prefer, please feel free to contact us at any time.
