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Very ambitious startup that values transparency and individual contribution

Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung bei remberg gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Company culture, product & market, ambition, everything!


Keep it on during the growth!


The colleagues are very motivated and supportive, cross-team collaboration is fun and works well and appreciation for individual contributions is regularly explicitly practiced (in all hands and 1on1s)


Personally I think one of the strongest points at remberg - the founder team ist very transparent, both good and bad news are shared and discussed openly (both in all hands and 1on1 meetings) as well as strategic changes and management makes a point of giving a clear direction; no topics are tabu and constructive feedback is asked for and indeed taken, which creates high trust


You get a personal buddy during onboarding, there are many team events (also virtually during corona), offsites and we still work often interdisciplinary and help each other - looking forward to even more events after corona!


For sure (much) better than at many other startups that I know. Founders work of course a lot and until late, but this is explicitly not expected by anyone else and sometimes purposefully discouraged ;) there is understanding for special personal situations and flexible solutions are possible (e. g. hybrid office, workation)


Transparency, directness, fairness und openness/looking for and giving constructive feedback is highly valued and personally practiced by the founders; important for me is also that the founders have strong personal values and remain authentic

Interessante Aufgaben

Absolutely - classic startup with very diverse challenges and much freedom for motivated, pro-active people


Women already in the management team/team leads, even though there are not too many in general in the company. As a woman myself, I can say I feel treated absolutely fairly and have never felt uncomfortable (on the contrary)

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

No people 40 yo yet, but e.g. colleagues with children get a lot of understanding and flexibility


Hybrid Office, you choose your own equipment, office is super centrally located, only that the rooms are a not very good at noise isolation..


Cannot complain - the company really tries to win and retain good people - also with a very competitive salary and package


Unfortunately the company is still not particularly well-known, but colleagues seem to recommend the company, just as I do :)


Everyone has a personal development budget that can be used also for non-role-related personal goals; there are also regular knowledge exchange sessions

