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The games is called: you don't want to be the one that screwed it up, if the company misses to catch the next big client

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FührungskraftHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung für dieses Unternehmen gearbeitet.

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The young leaders show how the transformation towards a better future can be shaped positively. Raise more young leaders to replace the old bosses. The bosses became incompatible to todays worlds requirements and did not learn enough to overcome their shortcomings in the last years!


Support the growth of the young and willing performance leaders, retire the old bosses, empower the women and fundamentally change the definition of KPIs for higher management to reward the exchange of ideas, synergetic thinking and the support between groups and global locations.


Homeoffice is an advantage to the point that one does not need to hear the complains of employees all the time


Communication seem to have improved over the last years as young and motivated colleagues have been promoted to lead groups of various sizes. The older managers are mainly concerned with fulfilling their KPIs, limiting cooperation and communication at a minimum. KPIs are wrongly set by top management and make managers to work against each other. The games is called: you don't want to be the one that screwed it up, if the company misses to catch the next big client!


Engineers typically have a good way of co-working and helping each other. The same is true for young management / leaders who were engineering colleagues not long ago. Too many bosses work against each other!


10h a day prior Corona and 12-13h a day since Corona. The company is trying to compensate insufficient success due to lousy management and lack of leadership trough over-hours and exploiting their employees.


there are two types: young leaders that go ahead with good example and older bosses that govern with fear and punishment. At best you can expect disinterest from those bosses, which puts employees into a state of professional stagnation. The number of those bosses (often department leader) is still way to large! The company would be much better off replacing them.

Interessante Aufgaben

Most often tasks are interesting but bosses too often think they outsmart their employees by far, hence forcing them to pursue stupid goals. Due to a lack of planning bosses behave like dogs chasing a car which results in time line pull ins and mis allocated resources. This does often result in work overload.


Although the Qualcomms headquarter is trying to promote and support gender equality extensively, the reality in Munich looks very different. Only a very few women have been promoted to be shown around as example for good practice. Most women are not promoted as often and if then only strongly delayed compared to their male counterparts resulting in a significant pay check difference for equally good work.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

Since bosses do work against each other, their example is adapted by their employees promoting the rise of egocentric employees. Older colleagues, women and those colleagues trying to foster cooperation are left behind in the journey the company takes. Besides that, the typical interaction between engineers of all ages is sill quite good.


with large offices up to 50+ persons per room, noise levels beyond healthy and most offices without an air-conditioning system with peak temperatures up to 37°C in summer, the work in the office was rather challenging prior to Corona home office time. Too few meeting rooms or "creative-collaborative" spaces.


Excellent departments ensuring compliance with all requested standards.


Payment is generally good, but given the huge cost of living in Munich it is only above average and given the working circumstances it can be understood as a compensation for personal suffering. Getting unemployment benefits and living in a less expensive place offers equally net payment at no suffering! Understandably that colleagues decide to leave frequently!


Qualcomm is a strong brand with great products today and a fantastic lineup of technologies for the future. The Munich sub brand RF360 is still too unknown.


Trainings are, if at all, only provided for technical topics. There is hardly any guidance for personal professional development. Most annual performance reviews are disappointing. Both that the bosses don't care about the personal professional development of their employees as well as their monetary development. Young motivated highly performing individuals are too often discouraged from "outdated" performance evaluation and development support scheme. Most women of all age are monetary discriminated.
