If you are thinking of joining RF360, ask someone already here... you may change your mind
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
lack of transparency
A better communication between the leader and the employee
A manager who prefers one employee to another causes problems between the employees and this leads to bad working atmosphere ...
There is almost no communication between the manager and the employee!
Most of the colleagues do their best to achieve results on time
Due to the huge stress you can not keep work-life-balance
unrealistic targets assumed by a leader and never discussed with the employee therefore extremely bad decisions which not only bad for the employee but also bad for the company and this is damaging the image of Qualcomm as well
Interessante Aufgaben
The tasks are generally interesting but most of the time you do not have enough resources for that
Theoretically there is no discrimination. but what is actually happening is completely the opposite, starting with the annual evaluation and more importantly in the promotions choices
Old laptops with relatively low quality compared to the required tasks.
Sometime you need to wait few months to get a software that you urgently need! I could not believe that until I faced it
The salary is good but almost no other benefits
The reality is completely different from what is said outside. A high tech company lacks good infrastructure for its employees!!