RUPTLY “Everyone is a Stranger, sometime somewhere, if we all come together, there is a world like never before”
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
DAs Team
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Die Relations
If RUPTLY want to grow more and more in a minimum of time, they make nearly everything right! If they decide to grow to the next stage of one of 3, they could ask me....
If you ask questions, you get a real and trustworthy answer!
If you need somebody or if you need someone, you will find somebody or someone!
If you can manage the whole company and if you can delegate the work, you have the best job in life!
If you talk with your Manager like a Manager, you will get the same open minded conversation back!
Interessante Aufgaben
If you think you’ve done everyghing and it’s time to change the location, you should ask for if it is the point to ask!
Feel like a “Divers” and not like an “Transsexual”
Umgang mit älteren Kollegen
Top Secret
That could be better for everyone instead of myself! For me it was like a dream!
To many things are good enough to repair, and that is exactly the point where is my highest critical point!
If it is that big, it will be better!
Trust me!
Some know what it is but a lot are not believing!
Could be better, but nothing is impossible!