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3 Bewertungen von Mitarbeitern

kununu Score: 2,3Weiterempfehlung: 0%

3 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 2,3 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.

Der Arbeitgeber wurde in einer Bewertung nicht weiterempfohlen.

Authentische Bewertungen für eine bessere Arbeitswelt

Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.

Zero Flowers Given, my opinion below:

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat bis 2018 im Bereich Produktion gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

First good point. Working in Schwerdtel allows you to experience a “time machine” effect, you will be working with processes of the 80’s, all information in hard copy. And communicating through maybe smoke signals, because without fix phone either mobile phone I do not know how the heck are you supposed to communicate.
And talking about soft and hard copies: The legend says that once a slide* was presented in Schwerdtel. On 2013, 1 of April. Maybe it was April fools joke.
*-In case Schwerdtel management is reading this- Slide: a page of a Power point presentation.

Moreover, you can experience also a strong Groundhog Day vibes in the useless weekly production meeting, every Monday at 11:00 where you hear the same things being mentioned again and again till you brain can’t take it anymore and disconnect from the useless meeting. In my case the fastest disconnection time was 27’’ after the start of the meeting. But I believe this record will be soon broken.

Ah, last but not least and you can see a dog in the office. Just in case you like dogs you should know that.
Yeah, is not a good as a penguin, but at least is not a chicken.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Let's keep with the improvement recommendations.

3. Do no say that you use SAP as ERP in the interview. That is not reflecting the reality. You are using a low-end ERP called ABAS and -to my knowledge- you have not get an update since 2010.

4. Do not say in the interview that you use SAP also as CRM. That is far from the truth. You are using a shitty excel sheet as CRM.

5. Do not write in the job description that you are doing XVIM€ turnover, you are doing ca. half of that amount in machines.

Note about points 2 to 5, the job description is so far from the reality that it could even be punishable by law.

6. Marketing starts with having a marketing dept
 A challenge for the reader: check Schwerdtel webpage and try not to feel ashamed about it.
Update your catalogues. By update I mean redo everything older than 5 years. And burn down the rest.

7. Get a legal counsellor (and pay him, yes you have to spend money to get services. Sorry owners of company, 2k€ less for you) otherwise you are going to be fooled so easy one of those days by letting engineers checking legal contracts drafted by legal deppartments of other companies 1000 times bigger than Schwerdtel. Get real.


1. Do not mislead in the job description; “Fundierte und intensive Einarbeitung” is more fake than a Russian dollar.
Leaving an employee alone without tasks and even without phone within the first month lays quite far from “Fundierte und intensive Einarbeitung”.
Neither leaving an employee working in a meeting room for the first two weeks.
Same with roughly 1h of “feedback meeting” with management in ca. 3 months.
Or being in sales dept. and not having your own mobile phone nor your visite card.
Some people in Schwerdtel are deficient in all related teaching /sharing knowledge. Imagine trying to ask and learn something and getting as an answer “Was willst du denn wisen?” in the first weeks.
They are few exceptions I have to say.

About documentation available, let me say just that my new computer instructions are like getting lessons in Oxford compared with the documentation available in Schwerdtel.

2. Do not highlight how complex the technology is, and that takes 2 years to learn. It is not, at all. It took me 2 months. I could work only 2h with a patch in the eye and an arm tied to the back and still be fit enough to sell it. A couple closed-loop systems and that is it.


Calling it “Arbeit-” is being too generous. I’d rather say “Etwas-“, because Arbeit/work is suppose to have a purpose.
There in Schwerdtel everybody has his own micro “Etwasphäre”, can not be defined as an unique collective “Etwasphäre”


Schwerdtel is a company famous and very well know by dozens of people all around Karlsfeld and its surroundings. With a long history, exist since 1912 or something like that (seriously) and actually you can still see and feel some stuff/behaviors from that age.
Change to museum incoming.


In other jobs, work is considered part of life. But here I think you can use the expression “Work-Life-Balance” indeed; being Work and Life separated concepts. Because work in Schwerdtel it must not be considered part of what Life is supposed to be.


“Karriere” and Schwerdtel are opposite concepts.
If management it has not been capable to establish a training during the last 25 years, do you really expect “Weiterbildung”?


They promise X in the interview, but then they offer X*0,70. So I recommend ask for X/0,70, where X is your salary expectations.
Generally speaking Schwerdtel behaves tightfisted, with infinite meetings just to discuss if producing or not a part which cost 1k€ within a project of 1M€. I was wtf-ing inside by hearing that. Thinking small mentality. Really really small.
The “Ja-Ja sagers” who has been in the company the last 200 years, maybe have decent condition. So if you are old and have no personality and energy for life, this company may be for you.


Throwing filled silicone cartridges to normal trash is legal, thanks Germany. I am just saying…

But my answer is: it is was good, coz it was nice to walk / run 3km from the S-Bahn and back every day. It was healthy, and I thank Schwerdtel for locating the company in the middle of nowhere.


Kolleg… what? I think calling some of them “Kollegen” is being really generous.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

Yes. A lot.
It was very nice experience to say them “servus” and “mahlzeit” when crossing them on the asile.


About management I think he is smart rationally, and has the ability to identify till certain point smartness in others. But emotional intelligence is extremely limited, being governed by a clear confirmation bias. Probably he does not know what a “confirmation bias” is indeed.

His affinity for software technologies is 0.12 in a scale from 0 to three cows and a pig: Forgetting attachments, a poor ugly signature in the emails, not being able to identify the button of changing language of a website…
Basically he not being aware of himself enough tho* his advanced age (*or maybe because of).
Also he has problems by understanding or admitting he missed information / gave the wrong call. E.g. Product sensible against Oxygen and humidity means sensible against oxygen AND humidity, not “only humidity”. I can clearly hear his brain saying “I just decided not to process that word into meaning”.

Although financial management and ownership of the company. I sensed that ownership of the company had not much clue about his own business (tho his age too) so can not take a decisions by himself, no personality and a fragile self esteem.


Computer screen: ca. 10 years-old, “new” laptop: an HP look new but checked and was a model released in 2016 if remember properly. Who the hell buys a model from 4 years ago? The "outstanding" IT dept. probably.
I take the opportunity to mention that the IT “department” (calling it dept. is being too generous), is as real as Santa Klaus. There is so less knowledge and dedication that feels inexistent. Obviously there is no ticket system.

More about working conditions. I was working in an office that was asking for being burned down and reconstructed again, coz it was full of trash being accumulated by an millenary employee having a bit of Diogenes syndrome, and shamessly messy.


No email etiquete. Like if the email is address to me, do not put me in CC but in “To:”, use the “Reply button” for replying, instead of creating a new email.

No usage of Outlook calendar. Many people panic and feel pressurised when they get an outlook appointment invitation.

Some people are writing on the computer slow as a disabled turtle being high, writing with the two index fingers (including the IT).

If you are foreigner consider yourself lucky if you are able to hear “Hoch Deutsch” instead of bayrish.

There are people in leading positions that have no clue about talking English.

Did I mentioned the pathetic IT support?


If you are not German, forget it.
Evaluation of the new employees is fairly being done through Gemipo (Geheime MitarbeiterPolizei).

Interessante Aufgaben

Machines are nice tho. Quoting them was interesting.
But the take away is I have learned a lot. Although I may be a bit biased, those are my main learnings:
- Avoid company that “smells” old, tho product having good quality.
- Screen out any company with poor level of English in management.
- Screen out any company if management doubles your age.
Thanks to that knowledge acquired in Schwerdtel now I have a job where I fit good.

Summary. Schwerdtel does not deserve any new employee under the age of 55, and any well educated non-german employee.



Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung für dieses Unternehmen gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Nette Kolegen, beständige Firma, fair zu älteren Mitarbeitern

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Managment nicht present für alle


Mehr infos für "niedere" Mitarebeiter. Z.b. Firmen news, intranet. 


Kennt niemand


Null Weiterbildung


Nette Kollegen

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

Sehr faires Verhallten zu älteren Kollegen


Bis auf einige Ausnahmen ganz o.k.
Teilweise sehr respekloses Verhallten gegenüber Mitarbeiter ohne Ausbildun


Kommunikation ist eher unzureichend. Abteilungen arbeiten "für sich selbst"


Wenig Möglichkeiten für Frauen. Führung ist eher "alte Garde"






Interessante Aufgaben

HilfreichHilfreich?1Zustimmenstimmt zuMeldenTeilen

Guter Mittelstand

Hat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung für dieses Unternehmen gearbeitet.


Gute Kantine








Umgang mit älteren Kollegen




Interessante Aufgaben

HilfreichHilfreich?1Zustimmenstimmt zuMeldenTeilen

Fragen zu Bewertungen und Gehältern

  • Basierend auf 3 Erfahrungen von aktuellen und ehemaligen Mitarbeitenden wird Schwerdtel durchschnittlich mit 2,3 von 5 Punkten bewertet. Dieser Wert liegt unter dem Durchschnitt der Branche Maschinenbau (3,6 Punkte).
  • Ausgehend von 3 Bewertungen gefallen die Faktoren Umgang mit älteren Kollegen, Work-Life-Balance und Arbeitsbedingungen den Mitarbeitenden am besten an dem Unternehmen.
  • Neben positivem Feedback haben Mitarbeitende auch Verbesserungsvorschläge für den Arbeitgeber. Ausgehend von 3 Bewertungen sind Mitarbeitende der Meinung, dass sich Schwerdtel als Arbeitgeber vor allem im Bereich Karriere/Weiterbildung noch verbessern kann.