Federal Institute for Reinsurance
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Lack of decision-making ability and sense of responsibility on the part of managers
there was no real collaboration worldwide...
There was a big break after management change. Under the current CEO, communication was subterranean. Company values are being trampled underfoot
Colleague cohesion? People prefer to work in silos and spend a lot of time on demarcation, which they don't have to do.
Everyone can plan and find their own times and tasks as they wish. It is always important to prove why you have done something and that you have done everything to prevent mistakes and that others are to blame.
Leadership also consists of professional competence, not leadership and above all decision-making competence.
The board acts like a manager, not like an entrepreneur. Short-term (personal) success is important, not the long-term success of the company. (Unfortunately, this is the case in almost all non-owner-managed companies today)
Interessante Aufgaben
sometimes, when you are not forced to document things only for internal processes...
can be improved...
Umgang mit älteren Kollegen
most colleagues are older colleagues...
CSR measures are taken obviously for external impact. There is no mindset change among colleagues. You only have to look at the employee vehicle fleet and the number of business flights....
almost the only positive achievement
Careers are essentially based on leadership, not on project or expert knowledge. Management positions are held for years (sometimes even decades) and therefore offer no career prospects.
Further training takes place via linkedIn, there is more or less no personnel development. Some managers have not attended any further training for decades and are not challenged to acquire new skills.