12 Bewertungen von Mitarbeitern
12 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 4,0 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
9 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Ihr Unternehmen?
Jetzt Profil vervollständigen12 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 4,0 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
9 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.
Good idea, nice product, and (at least back then) a great team with a lot of smart people, although about 80% of that team have left the company since then.
Incredibly bad leadership. Founder team has no leadership experience and/or training, and it shows. Lack of empathy, no social skills (communication, motivation, people management) and bad business decisions. This lead to micromanagement and a lot of conflicts and frictions within the team, resulting in a very high fluctuation.
Change leadership team/approach, leadership training for CEO
Felt very toxic at times, especially because of bad leadership, micromanagement, and unrealistic goals
Good, especially thanks to a fully-remote set-up and rather flexible working hours
No real opportunities for career growth within the company and no established structure/framework for further training
The salary was okay and social benefits were great, including international private health insurance, vouchers for food and public transport, yearly budget for new hardware, and more.
Team spirit and atmosphere within the "normal" teams was mostly okay, depending on the team. However, the relationship with leadership was difficult and created a lot of friction throughout the company.
It was a very young team, so that's not really relevant
Middle management: great. C-level: not great.
Company is fully-remote and doesn't have an office but offers access to co-working spaces
No issues here. It felt like everyone was welcomed regardless of their gender, race, or sexual orientation
Repetitive and boring tasks, leaving little room for creativity
Remote Work
Unterschiedliche Benefits
Realistische Ziele
Flexible Arbeitszeiten
Durchweg positiv.
Man wird auch als Werkstudent gefördert, indem man die Möglichkeit bekommt sich im Vertrieb zu entfalten, viel zu probieren und eigene Schlüsse im eigenen Verfahren zu ziehen. Die Option auf Quartalsboni sowie das Teilnehmen an Events um aktiv zu akquirieren, ohne nur nett da zu stehen ist ein großes Plus.
Guter Zusammenhalt, Konkurrenzkampf nicht vorhanden. Jährlich zwei Offsites um mit allen Kollegen bonden zu können.
Gut. MacBook und IPhone
Sehr gutes Geld für Werkstudenten durch Quartalsboni, die auch realistisch sind.
Spielraum um verschiedene Approaches zu testen
Practically everything. There is no culture and everyone takes care only about their own benefits. No cooperation unless there is an urgency. Top Management very easily blame whatever wrong is happening in this company. It was the worst place I have ever worked at.
Less micomanagement
Superficial happiness, while very malicious comments behind
Superficial happiness, while very malicious comments behind
One should be avaiable all the time
Little to no options when you start as a Working Student
Negotiate properly, the workload is extremly high
This is not a topic at all
Workload discussed before employememt immensly differs from reality
Superficial happiness, while very malicious comments behind
Superficial happiness, while very malicious comments behind
Do not question anything form the top management
Blame shifting and not taking responsibility
Little to no, everything is being pushed onto others
Little to no, everything is being pushed onto others
Remote Work
Fast alles.
Öffne die Augen und erkenne die tatsächlichen Probleme im Unternehmen.
Die Unternehmenskultur schafft eine Arbeitsatmosphäre, die stark auf Ausbeutung basiert, insbesondere von neuen Mitarbeitern, die sich erst beweisen müssen.
Die Mitarbeiter sind extrem verunsichert
Man kann zwar theoretisch alles machen kann, solange man die Arbeit erledigt, jedoch tatsächlich mit der doppelten Menge an Aufgaben belastet wird.
Welche Karriere?
Kein Thema
Oberflächlichem Lob und toxischer Positivität; solange man mitspielt, ist alles in Ordnung.
Junge Menschen, die selbst noch lernen, in Führungspositionen sind, wodurch es an echten Führungsvorbildern fehlt.
Vortäuschte "Feel Good", Toxisch
Die Kommunikation in der Unternehmenskultur folgt dem Prinzip "Fake it until you make it", wobei das C-Level sehr ungebildet und in seiner Art äußerst unsicher wirkt.
Es wirkt, als wären die Mitarbeiter dazu genötigt worden, positive Bewertungen hier zu schreiben...
Very positive people with high intrinsic motivation!
Seatti ACTUALLY lives hybrid work. Definitely a role model for many companies out there!
It's a startup - so you'll always be challenged with new topics. That's what makes it exciting ;)
despite being a remote first company the culture is amazing! Seatti is organizing an offsite once a quarter so everyone can meet in person and can connect. You really feel how benefitting this is for our culture
its not about working hours its about getting the work done and you can feel it. Quality over quantity like it should be nowadays. You can really feel that life comes first is practiced from normal employee up to the founders.
I like a lot that the Company is living what they praise and with that comes an all-over feel-good vibe if you meet with any college because everyone what he expected when you were hired no false promises and no false expectations.
My Colleagues are super Kind and even with 100% Home office I feel like I know everyone super well.
For now everyone is really happy about working for Seatti. At least the people I spoke with.
Sounds extreme but It was never better than here and I got already Plenty of Working experience on my back.
We get a lot of options to grow ourselves but also get the option to grow within Seatti.
I work mostly on my own but, all the Information and Help were always provided to me with a lot of support.
As I think I'm one of the Older ones at Seatti I have to say they are all very welcoming and friendly to me :-).
Super Friendly and Kind always have an open ear when you need them.
It's my Home so It is super great :-D but we also have the option to go to a Shared Office if we don't feel like working from Home.
We have a great way of organizing and communicating not Too many meetings but also not too less so you always have and get the information you need to do your job and don't feel disturbed by too many nonsense Meetings
Money Could always be more not gonna lie but as I started here with all the benefits that we get I have to say I'm very happy.
I think it is good but can only speak for myself.
Since I started I got a lot of interesting Tasks and I already have a good backlog about what to do when I finish the next task.
_ Stets respektvoller und freundlicher Umgang miteinander
_ Hohe Identifikation jedes Einzelnen mit dem Unternehmen
_ Wertschätzung für jeden Mitarbeiter täglich spürbar
_ Junge Mitarbeiterstruktur passt zum Start-Up-Charakter, allerdings braucht es manchmal noch mehr Erfahrung und Seniorität (aber nur eine Randnotiz)
Remote-first setup, jeder bekommt eine WeWork Mitgliedschaft
Very collaborative, productive and respectful atmosphere. I feel seen and appreciated in my work
So verdient kununu Geld.