Get ready for "ambiguity'
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Home office option
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Too much to mention, a workplace filled with angst about job-security and just toxic
Just drop it, hopefully you will all be fired by Getty once they take over!!
The colleagues are fine but the company culture is toxic in many ways. The anxiety about job security has increased over the past years.
The worst ever, especially the senior leadership has no understanding of good communication
People know the drill, but it's not like everyone is waiting in line yo help if help is needed
As the company is working from a hybrid model, everyone is still in home office, so we tend to have a good home life workbalance
The lower and mid management has very little to say or power to change anything really, so they try..
Interessante Aufgaben
It's a repetition of the same chasing monthly targets
No such thing, everyone has different pay for the same job,
Umgang mit älteren Kollegen
Seems to be good
The higher management have no understanding of inflation etc and they stopped the annual salary increase so your buying power decreases the longer you stay
Everyone is just chasing targets and commission
It's bad, no annual salary pay, everyone is on different pay, commission structure is different for many people
The image looks good only from the outside
No such thing!