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Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich IT bei STTech GmbH in München gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Interesting projects

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

I hope that you will read this before you sign the contract!

The environment in STTech is one of the worst and most hostile you can ever imagine.

The management is abusive and being threatened to be kicked out is absolutely normalized.

Management would intentionally try causing divisions between workers by distributing rumors and counting on the fact that there’s very little communication between employees (which is the absolute opposite)

Management promises a phd but do not fall into this trap, there’s not enough time even for work itself.

You get paid well, but you will probably use this money later for a therapist.

To sum up, if I had the option to work in STTech or in a pizzeria, I would undoubtedly choose a pizzeria. At least, I have free pizza.


To listen to employees and not cause divisions between them






Interessante Aufgaben


Umgang mit älteren Kollegen








Gereon HinzGeschäftsführer

Thanks for the review and mentioning that the work is interesting.

We think that it's fair to mention that the mutually decided separation due to performance problems that you seem to describe is a last resort and was only applied after nothing else worked out. Still we tried to be supportive as best as possible, made sure that the scientific work could be carried over, and supported the transition into a new job. For us this became relevant in less than 5% of the cases.

We understand that this can be frustrating.

We do have an excellent team atmosphere and very open communication between everybody in the company. Which is very good.

We don't understand the pizza comment. The review was written in a pandemic during which most restaurants were forced to close. It's not a good time to belittle work at a restaurant, rather it's a time to show support. Additionally we have been having free pizza-events for all employees regularly since the company was founded, including regular joint resstaurant visits before the pandemic. Concluding, you can work at the STTech and have free pizza as well. If somebody works at the STTech, reads this, and thinks it has been too long since the last free pizza event, just request one internally and we are happy to schedule it.

The research work is progressing nicely and steadily. We have supported multiple scientific publications, some of which are already published. More papers are always nice of course!

We wish you all the best, and would be happy to reconnect in the future.
