Bridge-job for troubled times. The management in UK is mediocre, the workers are talented people in need of stability.
-Paying the normal wage in Germany for workers of our industry.
-Care for people personally.
-Measure productivity fairly and not based on unrealistic expectations.
-Recognise the value of seniors.
-Employ more people and give more time for each project to improve the quality of the films.
-Let people work remotely.
Unhealthy when coming to expansion, ambition and ethics. No ethics when being honest to clients, either not when speaking clear to workers regarding expectations.
It feels most of the time like there is a huge mismatch between the image they want to keep up, or the values they say they represent, and the way they act and they profit from their people and the climate change(experts greenwashers).
None, no interest in getting to know their people, neither to put their talent at use.
Except for when they can profit on stealing worker's ideas without giving credit even.
If there is anything worth speaking good of this company is their workers.
The production office has an oppressive vibe, but the people there are top talents, mainly expats and young german talents living a difficult financial or burocratic situation. That people's everyday work has potential when bringing the company in alignment with their values, it is just the management has no interest in such, cause it is just not profitable for them.
If you are part of the team who goes on shoots, it might be nearly impossible to make normal life.
When working in the office, it might be possible.
It is just a very crispy environment in general, and it can burn out even the most motivated workers.
The working environment is extreme, rather very demanding or very boring.
Conflicts between people in the office are normally faced with empathy.
Conflicts between workers and management are just not addressed.
There is a general feeling of resentment.
Interessante Aufgaben
When the projects are not greenwashing, yes they can be interesting, but it is 1 of every 10 times.
More men than women, but the seniors make an effort to hire diverse pleople.
They are also normally people in difficult living situations who take this job.
Toxic emotially and very unmindful when coming to the environment.
Off reality.
A professional editor full time will get a little over minimum wage.