9 Bewertungen von Mitarbeitern
9 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 2,7 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
3 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Ihr Unternehmen?
Jetzt Profil vervollständigen9 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 2,7 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
3 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.
dauerhafte Angst gekündigt zu werden, obwohl ich jetzt viel glücklicher bin wo ich da nicht mehr arbeite.
Es wurde erwartet länger zu bleiben, auch wenn es nicht vergütet wurde oder in manchen Fällen kein Sinn ergeben hat.Die erwartungen waren sehr hoch, jedoch kam nich so viel zurück wie erwartet.
sehr enttäuschend.
Es gab mehrere Vorfälle wo Sachen versprochen wurden und es gab immer wieder ausreden
Gehalt war Gering und eine Provision von der man leben konnte, nur in ausnahmefällen und sehr selten erreichbar.
Stressig, chaotisch. Dauerhaft Angst gefeuert zu werden.
Nein, nicht den Fall.
Für die meistens ist es ein 9-5 Uhr Arbeit, für die Leute die auf Drehs gehen oder project managers, ein dauerhaft Stress von Emails und Arbeit die auch am Wochenende und Feiertage stattfinden kann. An manche Tagen habe ich 16 Stunden gearbeitet und nur 2 Stunden zurück bekommen. Das war eine Ausbeutung.
Keine Weiterbildungen und persönliche Entwicklungen angeboten. Aufstiegsmöglichkeiten sind möglich, da die Leute in diese Unternehmen nicht lange bleiben.
Das Gehalt ist ganz gering. Provisionen würden seit mehr als vor zwei Jahren gesprochen, niemand hat sie bis jetzt bekommen. Es gibt eine Höhe Fluktuation von Mitarbeitern. Im Durchschnitt bleiben Mitarbeiter etwa zwischen 6 und 12 Monate.
TBD hat hinter sich keine Gedanken wie sie selbst ein besseres Vortrag an die Welt geben können. Keine Gedanken uber ihre CO2 Anstöße, inklusivität, Recycling oder fair trade.
Die Kollegen sind das beste. Talentierte und angenehme Leute.
Meist die Mitarbeiter sind in ihre 20s, dieses Unternehmer ist für Leute in ihre 30s, 40s, etc durch geringe Honorare nicht interessant. Das Unternehmen existiert seit mehr als 5 Jahren, 95% die Mitarbeiter sind da seit nicht länger als 1 Jahr. Es gibt höhe Fluktuation an Mitarbeiter.
Ich hatte da 3 Jahre lang gearbeitet und hatte ein festes Vertrag. Eines Tages gab es eine starke Diskussion, wo jemand mich angeschrien hat wie schlecht ich etwas gemacht habe. Diese event hat meine Gesundheit schwer getroffen. Die Geschäftsführern haben mich gefragt eine Liste zu machen, von was ich mit meine gesundheitliche Probleme noch machen konnte und was nicht. Bis diese Punkt war alles selbstverständlich. Auf das nächste Meeting wo ich diese Liste weiterleiten sollte, hat das CEO mir folgendes gesagt „Ich könnte dich jetzt kündigen, aber weil du eine gute Mitarbeiterin bis jetzt warst, werde ich dich hier arbeiten lassen bis Ende des Jahres“. Nach dem Meeting sagte mich das deutsche Geschäftsführer dass das CEO hatte mehr von mich erwartet, und dass auf den meeting hätte ich für mein Job kämpfen sollen.
Jetzt ist alles in Ordnung weil sie in einen neuen Büro arbeiten. Ich habe Jahre lange auf schlechte Konditionen gearbeitet. In die erste und zweite Korona Pandemie Welle, aber ich auf eine 15m2 Raum mit 7 weiteren Kollegen gearbeitet.
Kommunikation von manche Mitarbeitern in Höhe Positionen waren respektlos und manchmal einfach nicht humane. Hat mehrere Mitarbeiter zum weinen gebracht.
Ich würde sagen dass es hier Gleichberechtigung gab. Manchmal gab es aber respektlose Kommentare von Männer in Sales Team nach Frauen.
Das Inhalt kann interessant sein, Unternehmen bringen aktuelle und interessante Themen an. Nach einer Weile, wird jedes Projekt gleich aussehen.
A good way into the creative field. A good way to improve your portfolio and learn about documentaries and business films. You will most likely meet lovely people here!
Lots of flaws to be fixed. Supervisors need to be checked for their behavior, salaries need to be improved and workflow needs improvement. Too much to list here!
- Listen to your employees! They create the product you're "selling"
- Pay higher salaries. Even for the creative field, this is pretty bad!
- Inspect the work of some of the supervisors. Some of the behavior is just unbearable and should be checked!
Stressful atmosphere overall. Projects are to be finished as fast as possible without much room for creativity and new ideas. Weekly arguments with supervisors about feedback or workflow add to that. The only thing that made it bearable was the other colleagues who were more than great to work with and improved the overall atmosphere.
Looks good and professional from the outside but has lots of flaws on the inside.
Typical 9-5. Sometimes extra hours are requested but you're never forced to actually do overtime if you're not able to, at least in my department. DoPs and producers had a different experience though, as I heard.
Not much. You can ask to change your job (for example from editor to producer) but mostly it's not met with much joy.
Pretty bad for the overall creative field. No bonuses. Asking for more money based on workload/responsibilities gets you a polite "no!".
Not that I know of.
As mentioned before: colleagues really saved the day here. Talented and creative people with great ideas and a good sense of humor. Most of them are still good friends of mine to this day!
Mostly young folks working there so pretty hard to determine actually.
"Not good" describes it best. Rude, stressful, threats of being laid off from time to time, "Management is not happy yada yada", mood swings, the whole package. It would take too long to describe it all, but generally, some supervisors were hard to work with.
Mixed. Some weeks were pretty chill, others just pure chaos. Bad communication leads to stressful deadlines and too many projects which then leads to arguments and even more stress.
Not the best. Communication between editors was mostly great and on the same level but communicating with certain higher-ups has been a nightmare. Constant questionable changes to workflow and new "guidelines" made it even harder to communicate properly.
Mixed experiences. For me personally, it was fine but some colleagues apparently experienced borderline racist comments from some higher-ups. Happened more than once and definitely to multiple colleagues. Not good!
Lots of "greenwashing" projects with some rare interesting projects sprinkled in between. Pretty interesting the first two months but it starts to become repetitive after that. Not enough time to invest in most projects for them to be "interesting" unfortunately.
Friendly and open
you can talk to anyone in the company, there are no border
The company has the air of a startup, and you can see that they are constantly trying to improve and advance both how the company functions and the products that they provide for the customers. They are expanding immensely and are striving to expand their office and offerings.
A side effect of having the air of a startup company is that the company is also still learning as it goes. There is a little bit of disorganisation, but I think that comes with the development of businesses, and the company is taking steps to implement different tools to help improve their processes.
The atmosphere is very open and friendly, with most people thoroughly enjoying the work they do and the difference they can make within the company.
It's a typical 9-5 day. There are teams who go on shoots who have varying schedules due to travel etc, but those overtimes then can be transferred to other days and it could end up being that they don't even come in to work for half of the week.
The majority of employees here are younger and newly graduated, and the company is taking them on and giving them their first professional experience and developing their skills.
Everyone was very welcoming and nice. When I first started, people were constantly coming up to me and introducing themselves, and just generally making sure that I felt comfortable. I think there are always a few bad apples who decide to show up in bad moods and judge everyone and everything they see in a negative way, but the overwhelming majority are the most friendly and caring.
The age range is on the younger side, with most of the employees being around 25-35.
There's not much interaction with the high superiors, since they're in London, but the heads of the departments are always asking for feedback and input and from what I have seen are constantly reaching out to the employees.
Very open and nice office space, everything very neat and tidy. If you need something, you ask and the managers try to get it to you as fast as possible. If there's ever a scenario where you have to work overtime to get a project done, you can easily take time off afterwards to make up for it.
Absolutely nothing.
Based on my personal experience and everything I've seen at this company, they couldn't seem to care less about their employees and their well-being. There was a lot of coming and going, which speaks for itself. Everything was a giant mess, very poorly managed and the communication was extremely chaotic, unclear and dishonest, which made working here a living nightmare. I've seen some very questionable and odd things happen here and it was very upsetting and frustrating. This was the worst job experience I’ve ever had and I'm very happy and grateful I made it out of there. Nothing could ever make me go back there.
I don't feel like anything is going to change and honestly, this place would probably need a whole makeover, but they should really learn to handle their management better, communicate clearly and directly and start treating people respectfully. Also, pay people properly and offer them some benefits.
The atmosphere within my
department was kind of okay, although most people were very unhappy with the circumstances and how they got treated, but the general atmosphere at the office was horrible. Unfortunately, I can't go into details, but it certainly wasn't a healthy environment to work (or even be) in at all.
Speaks for itself.
Nonexistent, especially for
producers and DOPs.
They promised a bunch of things in the beginning, but none of that was actually true. No support, no opportunities, trainings, coachings or any kind of education etc.
Extremely low salaries and no
benefits at all. It's ridiculous.
I had some very sweet, helpful and talented colleagues in my department, but there were also quite a few very shallow, arrogant and rude colleagues, that’d make highly inappropriate comments every now and then.
There were very few, because
they mostly hire young, inexperienced people (mostly expats) that are willing to overwork themselves.
Very reckless, dishonest and
unprofessional behaviour. They never really told us about upcoming changes and constantly made false promises to us, which they never even intended to keep. There was so much wrong with how they handled things, it’s unbelievable. I honestly wonder how these people sleep at night.
Horrible. It was very hard to get
things done, because of how chaotic and poorly managed everything was. We were constantly pressured into something, which was very exhausting. Some people didn't even have proper equipment to work with.
Awful. Very messy, chaotic and dishonest.
The management chose to ignore their own employees when they didn't feel like talking about something/answering questions. Nothing ever got communicated clearly, it was a huge mess and they were very dishonest about pretty much everything.
There wasn't even the time to
do a project properly, because it was all about getting things done as fast as possible.
-Paying the normal wage in Germany for workers of our industry.
-Care for people personally.
-Measure productivity fairly and not based on unrealistic expectations.
-Recognise the value of seniors.
-Employ more people and give more time for each project to improve the quality of the films.
-Let people work remotely.
Unhealthy when coming to expansion, ambition and ethics. No ethics when being honest to clients, either not when speaking clear to workers regarding expectations.
It feels most of the time like there is a huge mismatch between the image they want to keep up, or the values they say they represent, and the way they act and they profit from their people and the climate change(experts greenwashers).
If you are part of the team who goes on shoots, it might be nearly impossible to make normal life.
When working in the office, it might be possible.
It is just a very crispy environment in general, and it can burn out even the most motivated workers.
The working environment is extreme, rather very demanding or very boring.
Off reality.
A professional editor full time will get a little over minimum wage.
Toxic emotially and very unmindful when coming to the environment.
If there is anything worth speaking good of this company is their workers.
The production office has an oppressive vibe, but the people there are top talents, mainly expats and young german talents living a difficult financial or burocratic situation. That people's everyday work has potential when bringing the company in alignment with their values, it is just the management has no interest in such, cause it is just not profitable for them.
Conflicts between people in the office are normally faced with empathy.
Conflicts between workers and management are just not addressed.
There is a general feeling of resentment.
None, no interest in getting to know their people, neither to put their talent at use.
Except for when they can profit on stealing worker's ideas without giving credit even.
More men than women, but the seniors make an effort to hire diverse pleople.
They are also normally people in difficult living situations who take this job.
When the projects are not greenwashing, yes they can be interesting, but it is 1 of every 10 times.