6 Bewertungen von Mitarbeitern
6 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 3,5 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
4 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Ihr Unternehmen?
Jetzt Profil einrichten6 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 3,5 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
4 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.
I've only been working at Techno Design for 2 months now, but so far I have many positive things to say. The working atmosphere is very pleasant, the office in Düsseldorf is bright and tastefully designed with open workplaces. The team received me very warmly, thank you for that!
Online presence and visibility, for example career page and website
Professional, friendly and focused work environment
passionate, dynamic & successful
flexible work hours, holidays are approved with short notice
Where other apparel businesses have suffered through COVID, Techno Design has grown rapidly and offers career opportunities and professional development
overall it is a young team, however, every team member is respected the same way no matter what age
trust from the beginning, place for bringing in ideas, regular feedback and clear communication
comfortable and modern office, the desks at all workplaces are adjustable in hight to stand or sit as one prefers, open co-work environment - fresh fruits and refreshments for all
topics are communicated openly and directly
Wage ranges are fair
diverse and inclusive team culture - in the office we are more than 12 nationalities
Offenheit für sinnvolle Vorschläge. Erfahrung aus vorherigen Unternehmen wird sehr geschätzt. Keine monatelange Einarbeitung nötig, weil viele Arbeitsschritte selbsterklärend sind.
Etwas mehr Flexibilität mit den Arbeitszeiten würde den Mitarbeitern gut tun
Könnte etwas verbessert werden
Es gibt viele Angeboten für Weiterbildung, die man auch aus Eigeninitiative ansprechen kann
Gehalt ist marktgerecht, Sonderleistungen könnten eingeführt werden
Sehr nette und umgängliche Kollegen, gute Mischung aus verschiedenen Nationalitäten und Altersgruppen
Sehr schöner Office, mit modernen Möbeln und einem tollen Aufenthaltsraum
kurze und damit effiziente Entscheidungswege
Das Management versucht alle gleich zu behandeln und niemanden zu bevorzugen
Das Unternehmen ist offen für Innovationen, sodass sich schnell neue Interessante Aufgaben ergeben
There is a lot of freedom and start up menatility.
It is a beautiful and modern office.
Walking along the Rhein, fitness program on Mondays, the rest is upto you.
Great teamwork. The colleagues are professional, dependable and happy.
Excellent. My superiors are respectful, engaging and helpful.
Those who want to put in a honest days work will find this company to be one of the best.
Open, trusting and to the point.
I have seen so much diversity and equality flow through the firma so naturally.
There are so many exciting and new things happening all the time. You just have to keep an open mind.
Learning how to act as a manager would be a fantastic start.
Tense and on the edge. Atmosphere changes when management is not around.
A companies true image is what is being spoken when its employees arent at work. From my experiences, its entirely negative.
Overtime is not compensated in any regard, work hours are non-flexible, and overtime is expected.
The company allows growth to some extend, however, most people dont stay long enough for that to be a consideration.
Salary is fine, but not worth the mental and physical stress
Employees and work colleagues are the only highlight of the company.
Personally had no issue with older colleagues.
Depends on the mood of the management.
Working conditions in terms of the office was nice. The office looks and feels great for the most part.
Attempts to communicate often result in having voices raised against you and constantly being interrupted when speaking.
People from the same ethnic background as the management receive better treatment overall.
I enjoyed my tasks for the most part.
The preferential treatment certain employees receive for having similar ethnic background. In addition to that the reliance of the superiors on cheap office gossips.
Creating an unnecessary stressful environment, trying to intimidate and instill fear among new employees and interns (occasional silly glares, random off the cuff demeaning comments), micromanagement, authoritative leadership style and not to mention favouritism based on their preferences of employees. Basically a complete abuse of authority.
Taking an anger management or a stress management course would not hurt. Improving one's social skills could also be quite useful.
Toxic workplace
The description of the company did not match to what was explained to me during the interview. Even my role in the company did not match to Internship Advertisement.
The salary is not worth the disrespect and ill treatment. And overtime and sick leave does not even get paid.
May be on papers but just to show their clients. In reality they consider even getting fake certificates.
The account managers are badly in need of social manners and etiquette.
That would depend on the mood of the supervisor
Superiors disrespecting their assistant/intern is not uncommon in this company.
Extremely bad. They don't take the German employment laws into account.
There is more gossip that goes around the office than clear, straightforward, honest communication between employer and employees.
Equal rights between a male and female employee does exist in the company. But there is partiality towards employees of the same origin as the superiors.
None whatsoever
wertschätzende Arbeitsatmosphäre
stark wachsendes Unternehmen mit viel Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten.
Leadership Akademie mit international anerkannten Coaches, z.B. von HBS
klar, direkt, unterstützend, hoher Einbeziehungsgrad in die Entscheidungsfindung, offen für Kritik
moderne stilvolle Büroräume, Lounge mit Kamin, table soccer und freien Getränken. Arbeitsmaterialen auf dem neusten Stand der Technik
Transparente und direkte Kommunikation über wesentliche Themen, Zahlen und Ereignisse.
Eigenständiges Arbeiten. kontinulierlich neue spannende Aufgaben mit hohen Mitgestaltungsgrad.
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