18 Bewertungen von Mitarbeitern
18 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 3,9 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
12 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Ihr Unternehmen?
Jetzt Profil vervollständigen18 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 3,9 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
12 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.
Das Unternehmen bietet eine gute Work-Life-Balance, die es ermöglicht, berufliche und private Verpflichtungen miteinander zu vereinbaren. Zudem gibt es einige hilfsbereite und freundliche Kolleg:innen.
Das Verhalten einzelner Kolleg:innen sowie der Geschäftsführung wirkt in vielen Situationen unstrukturiert und wenig konstruktiv. Entscheidungen, die getroffen werden, erscheinen häufig unüberlegt, und die dazugehörigen Erklärungen lassen oftmals eine fundierte Grundlage vermissen. Außerdem fällt auf, dass alt eingesessene Kolleg:innen deutlich mehr Freiheiten genießen und Entscheidungen gelegentlich von internen Beziehungen beeinflusst zu sein scheinen.
Ein weiterer kritischer Punkt ist die fehlende Verlässlichkeit bei Zusagen. Versprechen oder getroffene Aussagen werden leider nur selten eingehalten, was das Vertrauen in die Führung und die Unternehmenskultur belastet.
Insgesamt bietet das Unternehmen Potenzial, scheitert jedoch aktuell daran, eine professionelle und strukturierte Arbeitsweise durchgängig zu etablieren.
- Gute Work-life Balance
- viele Freiheiten/ Raum für Kreativität
- spannendes Konzept und schöne Workspaces
- Chaotische Geschäftsführung mit vielen Fehlplanungen die auf dem Rücken der Mitarbeitern ausgetragen werden (kurze Deadlines, betriebliche Kündigungen, etc.)
- Schlechte Kommunikation unter den Departments wie auch vom Management an das Team
- offensichtliches Fehlverhalten einzelner Kollegen wird geduldet (Aggressivität, vulgäres Verhalten, Sexismus)
Die überarbeitete Vision und Mission für Unicorn find ich sehr gut
Es wird sogar ab und an zusammen gekocht; Für einen netten Plausch ist immer Zeit
Flexible Zeiten und Home-Office Angebot
Können angesprochen und geplant werden; Werden aktiv unterstützt. Auch "Schnuppern" in anderen Abteilungen ist möglich
Dem Unternehmen und Berlin angemessen
Unicorn Berlin versucht nachhaltig zu sein und setzt sich aktiv für Benachteiligungen ein
Kolleg*innen haben immer ein Ohr offen für Fragen (Auch Abteilungsübergreifend); Das Team macht Fehler, nie der Einzelne
Jede*r ist willkommen
Ist immer für konstruktive Kritik offen und setzt diese auch um, falls möglich
Es wird auch stark auf das Privatleben geachtet und dieses unterstützt
Flache Strukturen
Jede*r ist willkommen
Ich habe bisher sehr viel gelernt
Liebe Kollegen
Viele Benefits
Versprechen/ Aussagen werden so gut wie nie gehalten!
Die eigenen Vorsätze auch leben!
Die Vorschläge/ Bedenken der Mitarbeiter auch ernst nehmen
Nettes, zentrales Office - bzw ist der Arbeitsplatz frei wählbar.
Homeoffice möglich
Image und Realität sprechen definitiv nicht überein.
Gehalt eher Durchschnitt, dafür aber diverse Benefits
Tolle kollegen
Bis auf wenige Ausnahmen extrem unprofessionell. Es wurden krasse Fehlentscheidungen getroffen - Erklärungen wirken oft ausgedacht
Man gibt sich wirklich Mühe durch regelmäßige Teamcalls, allerdings werden oft so abweichende Aussagen getroffen, oder Entscheidungen wieder verworfen, dass es darauf auch nicht ankommt
Zumindest auf den „unteren“ Leveln da, nimmt nach oben ab
Förderung der persönlichen Weiterentwicklung!
Die Führungsebene ist offen für Neues und Arbeit auf Augenhöhe wird hier groß geschrieben.
Kollegen sind freundlich und hilfsbereit, man kann sie bei allen Anliegen ansprechen.
Viele Benefits sind nur für Festangestellte und nicht für Werkstudenten
Urlaube werden kurzfristig zugesagt, Arbeitszeit
Es gibt ein festes Weiterbildungsbudget für alle Festangestellte, die Möglichkeit, Sprachkurse zu buchen und
Als Unicorn-Mitarbeiter kann man sich oft den Workspace aussuchen oder von Zuhause arbeiten. Die IT ist super modern.
Regelmäßige Mitarbeitergespräche, Feedbackmöglichkeiten für Kollegen und Vorgesetzte.
Das Gehalt ist gut: Für ein StartUp ist es überdurchschnittlich
Freiraum für eigene Ideen
Kurze Wege
ständiger Austausch, auch mit Vorgesetzten
People, diversity, solidarity with employees during the corona period, good coffee!
My evaluation may look negative at first glance. At this point I would like to emphasize that I did not decide to invest this time to annoy anybody but to encourage a rethinking in favor of my former colleagues.
You have so much potential in your teams. Trust in the abilities of your people and start giving away responsibility. Start thinking long term and promote people who perform on KPIs, not the ones you like the most. Otherwise you will not be able to keep the mood positive and work in the interest of the company
A really positive aspect at Unicorn are the employees, most of whom are young, open-minded and tolerant. So there is a lot of diversity, and by large good manners. In my team we got along great and we also had a good relationship outside work. However, the general atmosphere in the entire company became more and more tense and critical over time, as employees were not involved in decision-making processes and were not given opportunities for development.
To this day I have not understood what the brand core values are and what the vision of the company is. Recently, however, I have noticed that this problem is being addressed and that the branding is improving
Flexible work and home office is possible for most of the employees.
No one in this company is interested in making careers possible, so I would advise against joining here after graduation
Below the industry average. It is still enough for job starters and people looking for a temporary job
awareness of environmental and social issues exists as a corporate image, but is not actually lived
As mentioned above, there is good collegial cooperation within the teams. Unfortunately, there is lots of gossip between some of the teams.
Didn't see any issues here
I have often found the behaviour of superiors questionable. There have been individual cases in which managers have behaved politically incorrect and have tried to excuse it with a wink. Suggestions from employees were rarely taken seriously, and decisions that were made usually served the investors and not the employees. There were almost no employee discussions so that almost all of my colleagues did not feel encouraged. This also meant that many of them only stayed at Unicorn for a relatively short time and then took advantage of promotion opportunities in other companies.
The "low" price charged for the product is passed on one-to-one to the employees. Payment is below the industry average. This may also be due to the fact that the company is not oriented towards tariffs. In addition, there is no supervisory board. Benefits are flatrate coffee and a BVG ticket for those employees who are working at different locations
Rigid hierarchies, insufficient transparency in decision-making processes, top-down communication.
In General Unicorn has an open and diverse approach for all people, but there were some exceptions where executives
expressed themselves without any sensitivity for gender, sexuality and equality.
Even if the work in sales was a bit monotonous at times, I had the opportunity to work in an interesting start-up environment
Overall a great atmosphere that enables personal growth and a development of personal work habits. It never felt like there was too much pressure or that things were on fire; which is especially remarkable as I've worked in situations before where esp. IT departments were understaffed and lacking resources. However, there were some stressful periods of time as well, but that's pretty normal for SMBs and start-ups below the 10 years mark.
The company isn't fully established yet in the general public and team offices real estate echosphere, so there's room for improvement. Sometimes a clear communication of the product & vision is lacking & a coherent narration. There's some skepticism within the larger tech scene against workspace providers, but this isn't relevant for the general image of the company as it's main scope isn't technology but real estate.
Pretty okay given that it's a relatively young company and not yet fully established in the market. I did quite some overtime during my time at unicorn, but it always felt optional & never as it would be required to work overtime. I always had enough time to keep track of my private appointments as well. However it never felt like a 9-to-5 job, so if that's what you're looking for, more traditional SMBs may be a better fit.
There are quarter-yearly check-in talks with the reporting manager about personal development, general happiness, prioritization of work, setting goals and focuses. Given that I started as a working student and ended up being in a middle management position the career opportunities within the IT department are quite good. However I think it's pretty much dependent on whether you're part of a department that offers a variety of roles, or if you're working in a dead-end job in terms of career possibilities without that many advancement possibilities. There's some in-house education offered like language courses, but no specific post-grad/career advancement training for my specific position. However it was possible to go remote & work from intercity trains whenever I attended/spoke at conferences like the FOSDEM.
On a company level: I had a pretty good salary & was completely happy with it.
On a industry level: The salary is on the lower end of the average for comparable positions in general (including all business type), and on the upper end of the average for comparable companies operating in the same business field.
Benefits: Unicorn offers deals for private pension insurance funds, private disability insurances, an IT policy that includes the private usage of devices, a company branded credit card for private purchases (40EUR/month).
Unicorn sometimes contributes to social and environmental causes like fridays for future and tries to reuse and upcycle leftover decoration and ambient objects when renting and opening new spaces which adds individual notes to the new spaces while maintaining a core identity.
The company tends to attract lots of cool skilled people that are all open minded, supportive and fun to talk to.
I'm in no position to speak about this directly as I don't belong to that group. From my experience the older employees were treated equally and respectful. However I have to add the remark, that the company is demographically pretty young; but that may also be related to the industry and a difference in work place preferences between millennials and older people.
Always productive, on an eye level, appreciative, solution-orientated and honest speaking of the c-level managers I directly reported to. I've experienced a certain level of unwanted micro-management as well, even though it was well-intentioned, that lead to minor difficulties; but nothing that couldn't be resolved by talking & communicating about it.
Barista coffee, fruits and water is free, there are recurring team events, a team lunch is taking place every Thursday. The offices are nice to work in, possibilities were given to use ergonomic input devices and chairs. However there are some open space offices (which are bad for productivity as they are awfully noisy) as well and a certain kind of run-in culture, that makes it hard to focus on tasks on some days.
In terms of communication culture: pretty good, on an eye level, it felt like every employees opinion was valued & heard There were some times of miscommunication and informational asymmetry as well but again, that's within the set of what to expect from young businesses that are growing fast and thriving. However, in terms of structures: Unicorn sometimes lacks clear communication processes & structures; and sometimes processes were rather grapevineish and there's definitely room for improvement.
I always felt welcome, appreciated & equally treated, belonging to a underrepresented demographic group as a woman in STEM/IT. Unicorn has HR policies and an official process to deal with unwanted behaviour as well.
Definitely, I've had the possibility to work with a huge stack of different technologies and was able to manage a variety of projects and mentor parts of the IT department; even though my main focus was the network & server infrastructure.
So verdient kununu Geld.