22 Bewertungen von Mitarbeitern
22 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 4,0 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
17 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Ihr Unternehmen?
Jetzt Profil vervollständigen22 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 4,0 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
17 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.
The company is pretty stable, small team, but not a start-up. The colleagues and flexibility are simply amazing.
Collaborative, supportive atmosphere.
We track our working times and can take our overtime as extra day off of every month if you had to work a bit more than usually. Flexible working is also possible (with core hours), full remote within the country for some roles, partial remote for most of the roles.
Yearly individual training budget 1000 euro and there are also team and company trainings taking place and Webgears library program (books to your field are bought by Webgears)
Jobticket (almost fully paid Deutschland Ticket :) Regular team events with fully paid hotel and food, regular breakfasts and other events. Vacation days are a bit under average in Berlin, but as written above possible overtime can also be taken in free time. Working from abroad is also possible. Salary is ok
Green Team is moving things forward :) We can use the company boxes for lunch, so no more one-use packaging, when having take outs
The colleagues are simply great! I couldn't imagine a better team of people.
I feel my manager trusts me and I'm always supported.
I would wish for better hardware and more ergonomic equipment. There are a few height adjustable tables, but those aren't everywhere.
Regular all-hands, processes are being streamlined and communication is really about everything.
For my role definitely, I guess it depends on team and manager too.
- great team
- team events / learning possibilities
- openness to all topics and through the company
- improve the equipment in the offices (more height-adjustable desks, ergonomic chairs)
- communication between teams
Everyone is friendly and interested in you as a person. You are not just a resource, as it is in many companies, but you are a part of the team.
The company is not really known, however the team website is definitely eye catcher. I know there are a few bad reviews here, but I haven't experiences anything like that.
I'm free to decide when I want to work as long as I can make the meetings and meet my deadlines. We have to track the time, which is great - the possible overtime can be consumed as a extra day of once a month.
There is a 1000 EUR/year training budget, but it's not really clear how to use that. Outside of that, there are company-wide trainings and also shorter trainings/lectures on various topics offered.
I'm pretty satisfied with my salary, but I know that in some areas it's a bit under the market price. Next to the salary we get contributions to the transport ticket.
The topic is getting more and more to the focus, recently there was founded a green team, which is bringing various initiatives.
The team took me in wonderfully and actively included me in their conversations right from the start.
There aren't many employees that are over 50, so that's quite hard to judge. I'd say anyone is welcome, as I don't think there is any prejudice agains older people. Regarding the length of employment, there is a number of employees who are with the company since almost the beginning, and I believe they are very appreciated.
My supervisor is great and supportive, actively asks for my opinions on things and includes me in the decisions.
The office space is pretty nice, full of light and with high ceilings (typical Altbau in Berlin). There is flexdesk policy, however some people have their designated place when they're often in the office. There are only 2 or 3 high adjustable tables in the office, which I think should be more common these days and the chairs are also not really ergonomic (no adjustable armrests). For laptop you can choose between Mac x Windows and you also get headphones (not really soundproof) as a part of the welcome package.
I would appreciate more information about what the other teams are currently working on. The company is relatively small, so it should be easy to communicate without barriers. Otherwise everyone is open and sharing the information when I ask.
It feels that all employees are considered equal - it's not strange to speak to anyone from any level.
I think this depends position from position, but for me it's really diverse task and that makes the job interesting.
I think it's good that you can learn a lot, talk to everyone about everything and you are taken seriously as a person and in your function. Everyone is important and is welcomed with open arms.
I have the impression that the error culture is not yet fully developed. This is something the company needs to work on.
The employer should outline career opportunities, distribute salaries fairly, and provide modern, sustainable equipment.
You are quickly integrated into the team, receive support at all times and are always taken seriously.
I think the image is good, however, most people just don't know the company at first. But the concept is always well received.
Time tracking allows for a personal sound work-life balance. However, this also depends on the requirements of the job and whether you have to take on additional tasks, e.g. because someone is absent. Overtime may be used up once a month.
You have your own training budget and can book coaching sessions. There are also trainings for the entire company. However, it is not entirely clear which trainings you have to do in order to make a career. In addition, it is nowhere to be found which career opportunities are available at all.
I can't speak for everyone, but the pay is so-so. Some are satisfied, others not at all. The benefits between the locations could be better coordinated and, first of all, it should be clearly communicated who can receive what. There is room for improvement.
This is definitely on the agenda, as there is even a dedicated Green Team working on various initiatives! But there is still a lot to do in this field.
The team is fantastic! Everyone is helpful and approachable. I believe that people also have each other's backs.
We don't have that many older colleagues, but the ones we have we treat with love :)
I am very happy with my supervisor and get along well with them. But I also know that not all team members have a good relationship with their supervisor. Apart from personal matters, I think this is sometimes because supervisors could be better trained and more empathetic.
You are provided with work materials and a really cool onboarding box at the beginning. Some parts like headphones could be of better and more long-lasting quality.
Apparently, there have been repeated problems with communication in the past. I cannot confirm this from my experience. The management makes every effort to prepare timely and comprehensive information for those affected. There are feedback opportunities and surveys. You can actually always ask everyone anything.
The team is very diverse. There are also women in leadership roles, but there could be more at the highest levels.
My tasks are very interesting and multifaceted! It's hard for me to say that for other areas, because it depends on what you need yourself.
Top 3: Teamatmosphäre, Work-Life-Balance, Self-Management
Durch Home Office, flexible Arbeitszeiten und ein Time-Tracking-Tool wirklich ziemlich perfekt.
Es gibt ein jährliches Budget für Weiterbildungen.
Sicherlich bisher das beste Team, das ich je hatte. Hier unterstützt einfach jeder jeden. Alle sind super lieb und immer hilfsbereit. Neue Kollegen werden bei der Einarbeitung sehr gut begleitet und direkt integriert.
Meine direkte Vorgesetzte hat sich immer für unser Team eingesetzt und war sehr bemüht, dass sich jeder entsprechend weiterentwickeln kann. Die Kommunikation war stets offen und ehrlich.
Die IT-Ausstattung im Büro könnte noch etwas besser sein.
Die Möglichkeit im Home office zu arbeiten, die Kollegen, die definitiv die beste Ressource der Firma sind!
Die fehlende Kommunikation/ Dass man persönlich fragen muss, was für Benefits die Firma zu bieten hat, gibt den Eindruck, dass die Geschäftsführung entscheiden möchte, wer was verdient und wer nicht… nach welchen Kriterien entscheidet sie das?
Die Mitarbeiter nicht verspotten, weil man es kann! Die Mitarbeiter nicht herablassend behandeln.
Zwischen Kollegen und Line-Manager lief alles immer sehr gut! Die Chef-Etage mal so mal so
Wenn man Erfahrung braucht, ist man hier richtig! Aber die Bezahlung ist nicht besonderes attraktiv.
Meine Empfehlung: Erfahrung sammeln und irgendwo anders hingehen.
Line manager is really nice and capable, coworkers are great people.
Missing professionalism, I feel controlled/observed by the time tracking tool, no communication, no trust, very boring and sometimes useless tasks, in my opinion not a competitive salary, staff is not motivated.
Where to start? Stop controlling people, get full versions of the tools you use, not just open source, keep promises, develope your employees, have some little benefits: offer home office for example, rethink the pays
Terrible - they use a time tracking system where you have to clock out everytime you leave the desk when you go to the toilet, get coffee, receive a private phone call etc.
Not known among berlin Startups
There is some budget but you can't take German lessons, most of my suggestions were dismissed.
Nobody cares
It's fine but no one really likes their job.
There are none
Line Manager is great
There is free tea and some fruit once a week but the office is not nice. You HAVE to take your computer home every single day. Broken stuff isn't being replaced ever.
Management doesn't communicate decisions affecting staff, people do not really communicate with each other.
Only males in management roles
Tasks are organized VERY top down style
The people, there are some awesome pleople there that will make you life better by just being around them, some of the best colleagues I had are still there.
The complete lack of self awareness, thinking that the way they do stuff is undeniably correct without a second guess, this leads to a culture of distrust for your opinion as a worker, your superior will say / think they are better than you, which will decrease morale and quality in any of the teams since it creates a careless attitude towards quality, quality which is highly ignored in favour of meeting unrealistic deadlines that are treated like life or death situations but fail to realize you are listing coupons.
Take a good look at the execs and managers to see if the person has the soft skills to solve problems without having a tantrum or losing their temper, if not then they are not fit to be head of or lead anything even if they have a long time in the company.
The start-up concept but badly implemented, with gray, squared, cookie cutter open offices that take away worker's focus to allow management to supervise the workforce, this is done due to the distrusst of management for their personel.
The company thinks they have an excelent image but at the end they are a coupon page.
The work schedule is somewhat flexible and while it has a lot of time management, usually your vacation and time off requests are handled positively and with haste.
The company supports the worker to take on courses, classes and seminars to further their career but with a limited budget and scope.
Starting salaries are low with no compensations or bonuses for most of the roles, raises are even harder to come by and they don't even match yearly inflation.
The company tries to be inclusive and environment friendly, this is easy due to the class of business, a webpage is easy to make carbon neutral.
The people there are amazing, problably the best thing about the company, everyone has a cool open minded mindset, the problem arises when the conversations concern the career of an individual, that's where management fails to impress and regress back to the old bossy manager.
All the people there respect you as a person, they might have some old ways of thinking but overall they let you live your live as long as you let them live theirs.
Most of the superiors there are not suited for the position, they are only there because of the time they've worked in the company instead of being selected for being experts at both their field and being a leader, thus, mediocre project managers that can't handle input from the team or from external sources.
Equipment is old and barely functional which management sees as a pure luxury instead of an investment in a worker's tool.
The executive team has a problems with communications, many of the management and C roles were given by pure time working in the company regardless if the person had and soft or leadership skills that allowed them to handle a team.
I have no comments here since I was treated nice but I felt women are underrepresented in all departments but this is the nature of tech companies.
The tasks become repetitive quickly, this is exaggerated when your supervisor will take issues into their own hands to limit your input.
Die coolen Leute die aber das Unternehmen leider immer mehr verlassen.
Kommunikation, Kommunikation und Kommunikation. Weniger druck machen und mehr motivieren. Bestimmte Menschen aus dem Management sollten garnicht mit den Mitarbeitern reden da sie nur demotivieren.
Hört bitte auf die Mitarbeiter. Nimmt euch den Themen an und lasst sie nicht liegen. Bitte keine Panik verbreiten wenn es mal nicht so gut läuft wie zuvor. Dafür ist das Management da.
Die war mal so gut das ich mir hätte nie erträumen lassen können das es mal so schlecht wird wie jetzt.
Weder noch kann man was dazu sagen. Kaum einer kennt die Firma.
Darauf wird viel Wert gelegt aber auch hier wird es immer schlechter. Da immer mehr Personal fehlt und somit jeder mehr Aufgaben übernehmen muss.
Karriere selber kommt drauf an in welcher Abteilung man arbeitet. Geld für Weiterbildung gibt es.
Es wird 100% unter dem Durchschnitt gezahlt.
Dafür wird hier viel getan.
Das ist einer der wenigen Sachen die mich hier noch hält. Aber leider verlassen immer mehr Menschen das Unternehmen.
Kann man nicht bewerten da der Durchschnitt bei Ü30 liegt.
Waren mal für mich 5 Sterne aber das ist es lange nicht mehr.
Die sind gut. Es fehlt an nichts.
Die Kommunikation war mal brilliant. Leider seid langen aber nicht mehr. Es wird nicht mehr ehrlich und transparent Kommuniziert.
Leider gibt es viele Beispiele das es diese Gleichberechtigung nicht gibt. Das Management nimmt sich diesem Thema auch nicht an!!!
Nein die Aufgaben werden auf den Tisch geschmißen und du musst selber die Sinnigkeit verstehen wozu das gut sein soll.
Fair and the good communication
Good Teamwork and communication make the atmosphere very pleasant.
Everyone I know is pretty satisifed at webgears. As good work is rewarded and everyone is respectfull towards each other
Thanks to flexible hours and remote work the work-life balance is amazing.
As the hierarchy is pretty flat there are not so many chances of a high position but within this we can do courses that help us develop in our current position to the next possible level
Salary is not as high but we get coaching session, learning budget, we can buy books, addition to the bvg tickets, presents to christmas etc
Since this year webgears is a climate neutral company financing awesome projects that have been chosen by the whole company
Everyone is treated fairly even though the teams are mostly younger
We can get development plans to see in which direction and how we would like to develop professionally at webgears
There are quarterly updates about the company and the leaders are very open to what is going on in the company
Remote work, flexible hours, good equipment and a nice big office make it a pleasant to work here
Communication is an important part especially during COVID-19 times. Through weekly updates within the teams and regular smaller team calls we can all stay up to date on projects, timelines and also keep up with small talk like we used to do in the office.
Females and Males are in leading positions. Webgears does not discriminate by gender or in any other way. Every one who does a good job is rewarded
Always changing tasks and possibility to self-manage the tasks (of course there are tasks that are not as interesting sometimes)
Teamwork steht im Mittelpunkt, jeder einzelne Mitarbeiter ist wichtig
Tolles Betriebsklima, in dem jeder seine Meinung sagen und Kenntnisse und Fähigkeiten einbringen kann
Früher gab es ein paar unzufriedene Mitarbeiter, heute ist das Image gut
Durch Möglichkeit von Remote Work und Stundenreduktion ist der Job sehr gut mit Kindern und Familie vereinbar
Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten gibt es viele - intern sowie extern
Persönliche Weiterentwicklung wird immer unterstützt
Karrieremöglichkeiten innerhalb der Firma sind begrenzt, da durch flache Hierarchien nur wenige "höhere Postionen" zur Verfügung stehen
Das Gehalt ist mittleren Führungspositionen ist verglichen mit anderen Unternehmen nicht besonders hoch, dafür werden Coachings für die persönliche Weiterentwicklung angeboten sowie andere Benefits (Amazon Gutschein zum Geburtstag; Kaffee, Getränke, Obst und Snacks im Büro, Geschenke an alle Mitarbeiter zum Firmenjubiläum; großartige Firmenfeiern etc.)
Seit Anfang 2021 ist Webgears offiziell eine "Climate neutral Company". Das Unternehmen unterstützt allerdings "alle Wirtschaftszweige", könnte sich durchaus noch mehr auf fair trade Shops ausrichten
Starker Zusammenhalt unter den Kollegen und jede Meinung zählt
Die Altersstruktur ist eher jung, es gibt kaum ältere Kollegen
Vorgesetzte verhalten sich immer fair, die Mitarbeiter werden in die meisten Entscheidungen mit einbezogen. Eine gute Feedback-Kultur wird angestrebt.
Modernes Büro, Arbeit mit MacBook und Breitbildmonitoren, Möglichkeit zum Remote Work
Die Kommunikation innerhalb der Abteilungen funktioniert gut, an der unternehmensweiten Kommunikation wird kontinuierlich gearbeitet
Es sind sowohl Männer als auch Frauen in den Führungspositionen vertreten, es zählen Fähigkeiten und nicht das Geschlecht. Auch ein Wiedereinstieg nach einer Auszeit oder Babypause ist kein Problem.
Kein Tag ist gleich und ich kann meinen Arbeitstag selbst gestalten
So verdient kununu Geld.