A Consulting Company that expects hard work and dedication but gives back nothing but empty promises
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Solidarity among colleagues and some mangers who despite a difficult situation try their best and are being supportive, the office
Start caring about the people by actually appreciating their hard work (through fair wages, paid social events, better benefits, being respectful to employees from student consultants and above, learning how to greet people and make them feel welcomed and appreciated.
Most people are disappointed that there were basically no promotions and budget for salary increases in the last 2 years. Those who didn't leave yet get a carrot tangled in front of there face that maybe end of year they will receive some increase or promotion but only if they keep working super hard and do a thousand extra things.
Even if that happens for some, I'm sure it will not even match the inflation that they didn't adjust for their employees (just for the clients) the last 3 years.
There is a feeling that management does only care for management and some who displayed empathy and openness already left.
The atmosphere is mirroring the lack of appreciation that Capgemini has for its employees. Management in AT and also coming from Paris love to talk about building capabilites for all sorts of technologies without even mentioning that it takes people to build those capabilities.
There is no budget for any social events or anything that could make the situation better.
There is no transparent communication and serious questions or complaints from people are often put aside jokingly or just not answered at all.
Also don't expect most upper management to say: hello or greet you when they walk by. This is especially true for the CEO who seems to be incapable of greeting people that are deemed not important enough for her. You can see that at all her presentations where she only looks at the person that is the "most important". If you don matter enough to her, she will manage to actually not even make eyecontact with you in the same room.
And this attitude of not really caring about the empoyees is also part of the atmosphere in AT but also from managers visiting from Paris or India. In all speeches/presentations that I attended from management, I always heard talks about growth, clients, capabilities and new strategies but never not once about the people that you need to actually get there!
Also there is little interaction between different departments, this is especially true between capgemini invent and the rest of the company in AT (this narrative of divide also seems to be supported on both sides)
This is definitely a plus. Colleagues and team members really are there for each other and help each other out.
You can have a work-life-balance that is quite ok, if you except the fact that you will never get a promotion or salary increase because you didn't work overtime on your project and you didn't spend additionaly time on tasks that you need to do for the company and on top learning for new certifications
Direct superiors in most teams are doing a good job and trying there best with their limited resources.
Interessante Aufgaben
depends on the project....not really a big choice not to take a project
The office is great, you have a decent coffee machine and some fruit baskets and sweets. On Certain days the office space can get quite cramped and therefore the noise level can be quite high. The laptops are standard and if you want a decent work phone you have to pay another couple of hundreds yourself on top of what the company provides.
There are some minor steps in that direction and Capgemini in generel has some sustainability goals here but in the end it will depend on the clients/companies that implement those and if there is a company that only does greenwashing but continues polluting, I'm sure Capgemini will help with that too. In the end they will have a great slide deck to present all there sustainability achievements.
-Salary quite below the industry standard.
- Bonuses that are cut to stay in budget with whatever excuse necessary.
- Edenred card with enough money to order-in once for two people
- some money for a phone but not enough to get something decent
- basically no social events that cost money like any other consulting firm does.
- No Inflation bonus and no generel inflation adjustment.
not well known in Austria.
Somehow Capgemini AT is winning employer of the year awards during a time where employee are dissatisfied and the kununu rating is dropping to the ground.
if you wait long enough you will get a promotion (or not). Budget for certifications is also quite tight and employees are encouraged to do inhouse learning....its cheaper ;)