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Used to be a great place to work, isn't any longer

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr im Bereich Marketing / Produktmanagement bei Greentube GmbH in Wien gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

You have quite a few perks, like several sports and health offers, the possibility to borrow company cars or bikes, plus several discount programmes. As well several official and unofficial events.
And I personally enjoyed the canteen - two different menus every day with the option to order ‘speciality dishes’ - you guys do a great job!

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

I think you will understand my points by reading my statements below.


Listen to your employees, think about the criticism. With so many people speaking up, maybe there's a problem that needs to be solved - and I don't just mean the Novo people.
While onboarding is (or at least was a dream), offboarding is non-existent - I got not offered any off boarding meetings with neither HR nor my manager.
HR could perhaps avoid many harsh reviews here on kununu if they had an improved off boarding procedure.


There are some toxic elements and although they have been addressed to managers and HR, they still haven't been dealt with.
Ever since the two Novomatic guys joined, the work environment has been on an epic downturn. I wonder how much longer it can go on before someone higher up asks themselves some questions.

Even though the motto is sustainable growth, it's still about earning as much as possible and milking the cows.

Some good colleagues in between kept me going


There is communication. It's just not very good.
The best example is the RTO. No logical justification was given for it and when questions were asked, those responsible for the decision and communication closed themselves off like oysters.

I imagine there are a few individuals (we're back to the Novo guys) pulling the strings, while the rest of the headless chickens try to defend their decisions to keep their skins on


At least this part is rather great. Although, a few toxic elements not being dealt with, can spoil it for the greater good


A 3+2 hybrid solution, with rather flexible working hours. Tbh, I personally can't complain, but I now other do, since they were used to a 100% HO solution, and got forced back in the office (while having had some record-breaking years in the HO-period), without any logical reasons


As long as you don't shout out loud, you'll be fine

Interessante Aufgaben

Its casino - hard to reinvent the wheel several times


Have a look at the board

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

The business may not appeal to ‘the elderly’, but there aren't that many of them in Greentube.


The equipment is fine and it is regularly updated or replaced, especially if you ask for it with a valid reason.
But working many people (like +50) in a room where several have different calls and meetings is quiet and disruptive.


You get a fair salary. But I wouldn't expect anything else with the profit being made in the company.


It used to be better, now it's gone downhill - I'm not sure they've hit bottom yet.


I've learnt that it's best not to ask for more. If you stick to your path without trying to achieve more, you'll be fine.

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