14 Bewertungen von Bewerbern
14 Bewerber haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 3,1 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
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Jetzt Profil einrichten14 Bewerber haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 3,1 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.
The most unprofessional interview process I have encountered.
- The interview lacked structure, making it difficult to navigate the process effectively.
- Candidates were not given the flexibility to choose interview times that suited their schedules, as only predetermined slots were offered by HR.
- After completing the take-home assignment, there was no follow-up or feedback provided, leaving candidates in the dark.
- I had to send multiple follow-up emails over the course of more than a month to finally receive feedback on my submission.
- The feedback I eventually received was unprofessional, as the evaluation and rejection were based on criteria that were not outlined in the take-home assignment requirements.
- Observing the same position remain open for more than six months raises serious concerns about the company's commitment to filling the role.
- Give feedback within the announced time-period.
- Not canceling interviews after scheduling.
- Be more flexible about the interview dates. I was asked to choose different time-slots for a possible interview in a calendar just to get the feedback that none of my chosen time-slots are available. I had to take a time-slot that was suggested by the recruiter as the only possibility.
- Confirm interviews more than one day ahead of the interview.
- Be more clear about what to expect from the interview. For the first interview I was invited for a first "getting to know" for approximately 30 minutes which turned out as a technical assessment interview with the team lead within around 60 minutes.
- Go more into detail why another candidate was chosen. I was offered a feedback call but did not receive the call since I got the negative reply weeks ago
- In general: To empathize with the applicants a bit more and not to apply different standards for the applicants than for the company itself when it comes to flexibility, feedback, etc.
First three rounds were tech rounds with some of their developers and with one of their bosses (I'm not allowed to give his exact function here although this is the positive part of my review!). Talking to the tech guys was fine. There were some easy exercises but everything within a good timeframe and good atmosphere. I could imagine myself working there. Last round was with a lady from HR. She had no clue about the previous rounds nor the questions I had already answered nor anything else. I had given my salary expectations and availability right from the start but she asked again and when I gave my answers she said, that they needed someone who could start immediately (impossible for me) and that my salary expectations were FAR to high. Then why did we even have to do three rounds of interviews before that? When I got the rejection I asked for feedback but never got any answer besides "another candidate was more qualified" although all the tech guys seemed to think I was qualified, otherwise the process would have been over after round two or three.
eine Terminbestätigung kam etwas kurzfristig und ein detaillierteres Feedback wäre schön gewesen - ansonsten good candidate experience, wenn auch sehr umfangreich
+ Young, international team!
- The process takes to long. It took one month since I applied, and it was only the 1. interview (of 3). Before the 1. interview, a candidate needs to answer 13 additional questions in the written form.
- There were two mistakes in a job posting. If a candidate advised you about that and especially about the correct, specific HR term, which you used in a job posting later on, it is not suitable to tell the person afterward, that he or she does not have enough experience in that field (which was not even required in the job posting, it says one should have a desire to gain that knowledge).
- If you call to give the feedback - do not just use the typical sentence, that others have more experience. Learn what giving feedback means and how it should be done.
- If you need to reschedule the interview, which was planned for the next day, calling at 2 o'clock in the afternoon the day before and asking if a candidate can spontaneously come on that day - not professional.
- Be prepared for the interview (candidates CV and other documents).
+ The atmosphere during the interview was good!
Vorab Telefoninterviews führen und nicht eine Liste mit Fragen rausschicken, geht schneller und ist übersichtlicher.
Anstatt angerufen zu werden wurde mir eine Liste mit Fragen geschickt, die ich natürlich ausgeführt und zurückgeschickt habe. Bekomme einen Reimender, die Fragen zu beantworten und Tage später einen Anruf, dass ich doch bitte die Fragen beantworten soll und ihnen schicken soll. Ich schaue verwundert nach, ob ich vergessen habe die Email abzuschicken. Hab alles richtig gemacht und die Email nochmal geschickt und dann eine Absage erhalten. Fazit: Meine und deren Zeit wurde verschwendet!
Wenn Sie sich erlauben, 13 detaillierte Fragen zu stellen, die etwa 1,5 Stunden dauern, um zu beantworten, geben Sie zumindest ein echtes konstruktives Feedback!
Die Menge der Fragen war im Grunde genommen ein Mini-Interview..... In diesem Fall erwarte ich als ausgewählter Bewerber ein echtes Feedback.
Ich hatte das Gespräch mit einer Dame, die entweder einfach nicht verstanden hat was ich sagen wollte oder mich bewusst bloßstellen wollte. Das Gespräch verlief bedrängend und ich habe mich äußerst unwohl gefühlt. Man erwartet einen guten Umgangston, der einfach nicht an den Tag gelegt wurde. Ich habe das Gespräch mit dem Gefühl verlassen, dass das Ziel war mir zu zeigen wie wenig ich im Geschäftsleben wert bin. Start-Up Mentalität = Null,
Verbesserungsvorschläge: Kommunikationsskills (Interessanterweise im Kommunikations- bzw. Marketingbereich), Verbesserung im Umgangston,
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