80 Bewertungen von Mitarbeitern
80 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 3,9 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
55 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Ihr Unternehmen?
Jetzt Profil vervollständigen80 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 3,9 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
55 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.
The office is beautiful, though a bit outside (depending on where you live), and the restaurant where you get a daily €8 discount is also tasty. However, I preffered the edenred card with €100 monthly. Especially since the restaurant is almost entirely owned by Waterdrop, meaning we’re essentially using our wages to fund this restaurant. The Christmas parties are always very nice, colorful, and abundant. It almost feels like the budget cuts aren’t real anymore. At least for those kinds of events. I also appreciated the company doctor very much.
I don’t like how employees who aren’t team leads are treated. You just feel like a replaceable, cheap labor force. Also, the fact that long-term employees quit because the company isn’t willing to pay a fair and justified salary is frustrating. It’s like, ‘Oh well, we can replace them.’ Meanwhile, they boast about team spirit and how they’re the best, but it just doesn’t add up.
Maybe just listen a little more to the ‘regular’ employees as well, instead of always asking the higher-ups for their opinion. People are quitting, people who have been there for a long time, those where you wouldn’t have expected it. Simply because it feels like all values are being tossed aside, and only money matters now.
It kept going downhill. First they reduced home office to 3 days in the office per week, then to only 5 home office days per month. Very modern, i mean why? They compare it with Amazon, because they also quit HO. They expect you to be there Monday to Friday, ideally from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM. Who doesn’t love finishing work at 6:00 PM on a Friday as an office employee? By the way, if you need more than those 5 home office days, they’ll threaten you with consequences.
not really much possibilities because they are on budget cut
Pretty okay until you ask for a raise, they will always find a way how to not pay you more
Well, it’s not exactly as glorified as it’s made out to be
If you're honest, that's the only reason why people are still there.
not very much to say because there was not really much contact. TL kept making weird decisions nobody (of the team) could ever understand why, and don’t you even dare to even think of criticizing him
friday until 5/6 or even later is a no go for me, also one of the reasons why i quit. We’re selling drops, not saving lives.
Worse than bad. You weren’t allowed to communicate directly with colleagues from other departments (even if you needed something to complete a task). Instead, you always had to contact the team lead first. Makes no sense!
You’re only valued if you’re in a management position, everyone else can feel they’re not part of the ‘inner circle of trust.’ But yeah, I guess that’s how it is in many companies where CEOs have completely unrealistic expectations about future goals etc.
Eigentlich nur die Fillialmitarbeiter, unlimitierte Getränke/Drops und angenehme Schichteneinteilung
Das Office Management ist eher unsympathisch, es fühlt sich sehr inszeniert an. Produkte (Drops) sind ok, aber auch nicht mehr.
Mitarbeiter im Laden ernst nehmen (v.a. die Fillialleiter*innen), wirklich unterstützen und nicht von oben herab kommunizieren - authentische Wertschätzung wär gut.
tolle Fillialmitarbeiter
Gute Einteilung der Schichten
enormes Greenwashing
Fillial-Team sehr herzlich
FIillialeiter*innen toll, der Rest eher nicht. Anliegen werden von den höher Vorgesetzten nicht ernstgenommen.
Im Winter viel zu kalt und im Sommer viel zu heiß (Türen sind oft auf - wohl management Vorschrift)
Team spirit, sustainability, working cross-departmental
There is very good team spirit and support among colleagues.
You are very involved in the respective topics of the team and can grow beyond yourself.
great team and nice colleagues
great benefits such as a gym in the office, sport courses and discounts for lunch
interesting and challenging tasks, therefore great learning opportunities
Die Bürostühle die sie zur Verfügung stellen
Den inkompetenten, impulsiven Geschäftsführer!!!
Fokus auf das wahre Produkt legen! Stoppen Accessoires zu produzieren und wirklich auf die Umwelt zu schauen!
Das Unternehmen schaut darauf nachhaltig zu sein, hat die Mission den Menschen Leitungswasser schmackhaft zu machen. Aber wenn wir ehrlich sind wäre die Welt eine sauberere ohne diese Firma. Waterdrop macht mehr Müll als was sie gutes für die Umwelt tun.
Flexible Arbeitszeiten
Kommunikation zwischen Vorgesetzten, Office und Store, ich arbeite im Store und unsere Meinung wird selten eingeholt und oft fahrts Office drüber und denken es wird schon so funktionieren und dabei sind sie nicht vor Ort und wissen wie es im Store abläuft, ob die Veränderungen realistisch sind.
Vor Ort im Store die Angestellten nach Feedback fragen bzw. in Entscheidungen und Veränderungen konsultieren. Ausgaben im Griff bekommen und für essenzielle Dinge ausgeben wie immer nur für Marketing
Bis auf manche Leute läuft dieser Punkt relativ gut
Die Führungskultur in a nutshell: Gefakte Kununu-Bewertungen.
Ignore the cause, hide the symptoms.
Großer Mismatch zwischen Selbst- und Fremdwahrnehmung.
Egal wie produktiv du von 8-17 Uhr bist, stelle sicher dass du vom C-Level nach 20 Uhr gesehen wirst. Ansonsten wird die Karriereleiter eine flache. Gilt nicht für Personen die regelmäßig Home-Office in Anspruch nehmen. Hier führt die Leiter bestenfalls in den Keller oder eben direkt nach draussen.
Langer Salary-Freeze (außer du bist "wichtig"). Grundsätzlich solide für ein Scale-Up.
"Feel You"-Mentalität.
Nicht vorhanden.
Opportunismus > Ethik
Tolles neues Office! Schwacher Mobilempfang im Gebäude. lol.
Top-down: Unpräzise, redundant, intransparent, unehrlich.
Bottom-up: kein Anschluss unter dieser Nummer.
Good team spirit among colleagues, cool benefits, great office with restaurant and gym
Internal communication could be better
Better communication
Above average
Working at waterdrop is challenging due to high expectations, yet there's significant trust in your skills. All teams are united in their purpose and objectives, fostering strong collaboration among teams and individuals.
The whole mission of the company is founded on sustainability values and objectives. For several years, the company has been collaborating with various charitable organizations, including Plastic Bank, OutRight Action International, Queerbase Vienna, and Caritas.
Also, there's a Green Team who's spearheading sustainability projects and everyone interested in sustainability topics can join.
Every employee receives an annual personal development budget of up to 1,000€. For those who are proactive and eager to advance, there are numerous opportunities for growth and career progression.
The people & culture team at waterdrop invests significant effort in hiring individuals who are not only exceptionally skilled but also align well with the team dynamics.
Generally, waterdrop is a fairly young company with an average age in the early to mid-30s. Naturally, roles that demand greater seniority and experience are filled by employees who possess such backgrounds.
Interactions between leaders and team members at waterdrop are highly respectful. waterdrop utilizes a transparent OKR system, ensuring that all employees are clearly aware of the company-wide goals and objectives everyone is working towards.
Every employee is provided with a laptop and additional screens if needed, along with a personal desk in the newly constructed office. This office isn't just aesthetically pleasing but also features soundproof carpets and wooden panels. It includes a fully equipped main kitchen, two smaller kitchens, multiple meeting rooms, and an energy-efficient heating system (love that). The cherry on top is definitely the gym in the basement, available for use by all employees at any time, complete with changing rooms and showers (in case it wasn't clear from reading this, I love the new office).
Monthly company-wide meetings at waterdrop feature extensive transparent communication about ongoing company activities. Regular check-ins and alignments are also conducted for projects, launches, and campaigns. The company's communications tool is Slack and everyone receives instant access once joining.
waterdrop offers competitive salaries, a gym facility along with a personal trainer who conducts weekly workout sessions and bi-weekly partially subsidized massages from a professional masseur who visits the office. Also, lunch is subsidized, with an 8€ daily allowance at the restaurant in our office building. We also have regular visits from a company doctor, and free vaccinations are available for illnesses like COVID and the flu. Additionally, there's a weekly supply of baked goods, fruits, and various vegan milk options.
If there's one thing waterdrop is not, it's boring. From day one, if you want, you will be able to work on exciting projects, have high responsibilities and ownership (of course with guidance and sparring if needed) and the possibility to dive into a lot of different areas, challenges and tasks. There's never a dull moment.
So verdient kununu Geld.