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Rigid Hierarchy: Power Concentrated, Limited Recourse for Employees, and Lack of Qualified and Energetic Superiors.

Nicht empfohlen
Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich Forschung / Entwicklung bei Berner Fachhochschule BFH in Biel gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

There were opportunities for innovation and other positive aspects, though these became less relevant to me following the changes in management structure in Biel from January 2024.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

- Concentration of Power: There is a significant concentration of power at the upper hierarchical levels, where superiors can easily exhibit egotistical and dismissive or manipulative behaviour, leaving employees with limited options for recourse.
- Behavior of Superiors: When reality doesn't align with their interests, superiors tend to resort to minor falsehoods and confusions to divert attention away from core issues. Tactics to avoid accountability.
- Role of HR: The HR department functions mainly as an administrative body, executing directives from upper management without addressing the underlying issues or fostering open communication with employees.
- Navigating the Structure: To navigate this rigid structure, it's essential to focus on appeasing upper management. Genuine excellence and personal integrity are only valued if they come packaged with unwavering praise and submission to those at the top.


- Some work groups suffer from disorganization and a shortage of qualified project managers, hindering academic and scientific excellence.
- The presence of many young, enthusiastic professionals brings a positive and inspiring energy to the team.


- In my group, project managers failed to clearly communicate tasks and goals, focusing more on enforcing work ethics that made them look good - this means last minute complaints, mopping, and unclear mechanism for decision-making.
- Communication was often misleading.
- One-to-one focus groups or task force meeting were never organised by supervisors. If an assistant organised this from personal initiative it can work.
- Superiors rarely/never took the time to follow up on non-urgent tasks.




Interessante Aufgaben







Human Resources BFH, HR-Mitarbeiter*in
Human Resources BFHHR-Mitarbeiter*in

Liebe*r Mitarbeiter*in

Vielen Dank für dein ausführliches Feedback hier auf kununu. Wir bedauern, dass dich die BFH seit Jahresbeginn als Arbeitgeberin in diversen Punkten nicht mehr überzeugt. Um eine genauere Einschätzung davon zu erhalten, laden wir dich ein, das Gespräch mit deiner*deinem zuständigen HR-Berater*in oder mit uns zu suchen. Nur so können wir uns verbessern.

Liebe Grüsse
Sandra Pagel und Peggy Riese
Co-Abteilungsleiterinnen HR
