57 Bewertungen von Mitarbeitern
57 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 3,9 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
40 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Ihr Unternehmen?
Jetzt Profil vervollständigen57 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 3,9 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
40 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.
There are a lot of talented, intelligent and purpose-driven individuals that work here. Some teams have very good dynamics and good team leads. Unfortunately, the mood fluctuates with that of the founders and top management, who are somewhat moody and excert pressure. Because of them, there is also a general fear of making mistakes as these are often harshly punished and frowned upon.
Climeworks enjoys a very good image in the industry.
If you have a good manager that will fight for you and has a good standing in the company, you can develop. Otherwise, if you are not a golden consultant boy that work 12 hours a day, you dont stand a chance.
Salary is on par with the industry, yet there are no other benefits. They cut away many positive elements like parties, ski weekends and home office policy (they asked people to come to the office 3x times a week even though many were hired as remote), but havent replaced them with other benefits. In some discussions, the company's attitude is "you should be happy to work here, there are no other benefits needed".
For a company who's only purpuse is fighting climate change, it is absolutely terrible. The policy on travel is absolutely out of control with people flying constantly. There is no encouragement to take a train and just be "effective" and quick with your time. Also, the founders rejected to only have veggie/vegan food at christmas dinner and insisted on having steak. It might be a small thing for some people, but in this industry we must lead by example.
Exceptionally strong due to many people being there for the purpose of fighting climate change. I have experienced only helpful, positive and solution-oriented collaboration with my former colleagues and team leads.
On the negative side, hiring seems to have been less focussed on personality in the last year and rather just on CV, which is why the sense of team and the strong purpose has drifted away a bit.
From who i remember, there werent really many employees you would count as "older".
In many cases less than ideal. There were many issues in our team, which we communicated transparently to that individual at top level and finally also to HR, but no changes have been made and the team's wish for change and their feedback ignored.
Clean, friendly offices.
On overall company level, this topic requires some improvement. Especially difficult topics are often communicated with a lack of transparency. For example, the topic of females in top management is often asked about in company calls, and the reaction from the founders is very defensive and everyone senses their frustration and disinterest in the topic.
This company is a man's world..
Within this new industry, a lot of the work is pioneering work. Everyone can become creative and find new solutions. My work was very diverse, agile and interesting.
Sinnhafte Aufgabe
Ressourcen um die Firmenkultur langfristig zu ändern (damit sind nicht Anlässe oder Merch gemeint)
Co-CEOS sind als Founder weiterhin das Gesicht der Firma, die Aufgabe der/des CEOs übernimmt jemand anderes.
Im Team hervorragend, ausserhalb teilweise durch Micromanagement und wenig Vertrauen geprägt.
Überstunden werden erwartet - so von einem der CEOs gehört. Wer sich nicht gut abgrenzen kann, wird unter Druck gesetzt. Solche Aussagen helfen weder gegen Stress noch tragen sie zu einer guten Firmenkultur bei. ALLE Mitarbeidenden sind Menschen, keine Nummern.
3 Tage Anwesenheitspflicht sind auch nicht mehr zeitgemäss und zeugen nicht von Vertrauen in die MA.
Prinzipiell sollte CW hier 5 Sterne haben. DAC ist eine zukunftsweisende Technologie und die Portfolio-Lösungen sind eine gute Weiterentwicklung.
Die Technologie wird nur von ihrer besten Seite gezeigt. Wie unglaublich viel Energie verbraucht wird, wie die Zusammenarbeit mit der Öl-Lobby aussehen wird, wie eine realistische Kostenentwicklung aussieht... darüber wird geschwiegen.
Im Team hervorragend, ausserhalb teilweise durch Konkurrenzkämpfe und "golden boy" Verhalten fast schon toxisch.
Es sollte einige mehr davon geben, die Erfahrung in den einzelnen Bereichen mitbringen und die auch in hektischen Momenten Ruhe ausstrahlen.
Hängt unglaublich stark von der Unit/vom Team ab.
Die CEOs reden zwar gerne über die Core Values, wo diese gelebt werden, ist nicht ersichtlich - weniger TALK, mehr WALK wäre da hilfreich.
Teilweise zu wenig Meetingräume/ focus booths vorhanden
Intranet ist eine Bereicherung.
Es wird zwar aufgrund des Druckes von women@CW einiges gemacht. Die Auswertungen bleiben aber aus und die CEOs behandeln Diversity als könnte man als Unternehmen gar nichts tun und zeigen auf, wie es bei CW eigentlich ja schon erreicht ist.
Im Verlauf der letzten Monate aufgrund politischer Gegebenheiten und der Reaktion der CW-Spitze (Trump/Musk und Hinwendung zu Saudischem Öl) ist die Sinnhaftigkeit leider stark zurückgegangen.
Top colleagues, collaboration, can-do spirit and challenge!
Individual goals not relevant for bonus, not sth normal in Sales.
Focus more on top people who advance company, especially leadership positions. Listen to experts better and maybe work better with industry as a whole.
After half a year this is my analysis: our mission is a true challenge but the cohesive team spirit will get us there. Everyone is supportive, we work a lot but also progress a lot.
Never worked for such a fantastic brand. Reading global newspapers and seeing the positive articles everywhere makes me proud. Even my neighbours follow our news.
Ok fair enough: we all work a lot but it is worth it - we are driven by our own wish to combat climate crisis. If not us, who else?
Limited as company invests into tech and is still low hierarchy thus not many options to step up.
Ok but we all took a pay cut compared to previous jobs
Part of the job and even ceo come by bike
See above… the team collab is extraordinary.
Not many of them but I have the feeling everyone is heard and included.
My boss is great, but most managers are quite young and not everyone ready for the task.
IT and office desk furniture ok, offices a bit old. Bootcamp for sporty people, food/restaurants with discount but no own offering.
CEOs inform regularly in allhand meetings, answer questions and the Intranet serves as a good source of info, too.
Top inclusion, people with all sorts of backgrounds, strong female leaders in the company.
It inspires me to work along bright minds and solve challenges. Also you can have a lot of fun here.
For some people the ambiguity that comes with a scale up company is difficult to understand since many people are coming from big corporates. Navigate the people through this ambiguity would require more communication on companies strategy and eqipping leaders woth some tools.
vibrant place to work. You get the chance to work with experts from different fields in a very collaborative atmosphere.
very strong one feels proud working for such a company.
We all can track our working hours and balance work life balance. Very high flexibility on your daily schedule which is important for family life.
Salary is good, the benefits could be better (buy holidays etc)
strong since we are working on an immportant challenge to tackle.
Although Climeworks is a quite young company you see more and more senior people joining.
Climeworks started to introduce leadership trainings which helps a lot to shape leadership styles.
weekly team meetings and monthly companies strategy updates and news.
According to our industry we lean towards a higher portion on male team members. The company sets a focus to support a diverse population.
super interesting field to work in. You literally working on first of its kind devlopments.
A lot of work..However, supervisor always keeps an eye on it and ensures that I can convert the overtime into freetime
+ high flexibility due to remote work, independent scheduling of working hours, and possibly the option to work from abroad
It is a true team spirit: when theres a problem, there is always someone to ask and we help each other
Close collaboration with the supervisor - There are no 'stupid questions', constructive feedback
Very important... Diversity and inclusion are actively practiced
opportunities to participate in projects and to further develop oneself
The company is struggling. Promises and targets are not met. Employees live in fear.
Fancy marketing department, but it is going down.
People get overworked and underappreciated. Burn-out rate is high.
Good programs, bad implementation.
Below market standards, on all levels.
Excessive event participation and a very high CO2 footprint per employee. Costs are out of control and targets are not met across operations.
No real team spirit.
Hardly any old employees around.
Leadership team overwhelmed and overworked. False promises cause constant frustration. Firings every month.
Lack of clear rules.
Culture of fear, people are afraid to speak up.
Most employees are 35yrs (or younger) + widely inexperienced.
Cool product and purpose!
Umsetzung der Ideen
Entwicklung langsamer angehen…
If you hire experienced people, you should be able to listen (somehow) to their advice.
it was nice but is going down
still a good and fresh image
still good balance but the stress is not helping
career path not structured by HR
no benefits, the only bonus are the shares of the company.
average good (it should be the inspiring vision)
average good but the environment does not encourage the sharing
the 'older'colleagues if still in the company belongs to a different mindset
bossy attitude not supported by clear evidence. goal setting unclear and not realistic
not too bad but far away from the state of the art.
not good communication neither from management nor among departments
average good with participation to some events
the industry is just started
Vielfältig offen, Ideen können eingebracht werden.
Luftschlösser bauen, zu vollmundige Ankündigungen an die Mitarbeiter. Marketing stimmt nicht überein mit der Realität.
Nicht Hipp spielen, sondern Produzieren. Mehr Bodenhaftung.
There is a wealth of knowledge among your coworkers.
Fix the current issues and put scaling up on hold. Prioritize fixing leakages before increasing production.
Depends on the line manager you have. It will be worked during night, weekends (incl. Sundays), public holidays etc. No wonder on the high numbers on mental health and Burn-Outs!
The ‘Green Company’ is polluting the beauty of Icelandic nature with their filter material, prioritizing CO2 production over fixing the leakages in their capturing units. You only need to check the ground around Orca and Mammoth.
A lot of not needed business trips to Iceland or for other purposes.
Depends on the location and/or department you work in
So verdient kununu Geld.