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Kulturkompass - traditionell oder modern?

Basierend auf Daten aus 18 Bewertungen schätzen Mitarbeiter bei FIFA - Fédération Internationale de Football Association die Unternehmenskultur als ausgeglichen zwischen traditionell und modern ein, was weitgehend mit dem Branchendurchschnitt übereinstimmt. Die Zufriedenheit mit der Unternehmenskultur beträgt 2,6 Punkte auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 basierend auf 40 Bewertungen.

FIFA - Fédération Internationale de Football Association
Branchendurchschnitt: Sport/Beauty

Wie ist die Kultur bei deinem Arbeitgeber?

Nutze deine Stimme und verrate uns, wie die Unternehmenskultur deines Arbeitgebers wirklich aussieht.

Die vier Dimensionen von Unternehmenskultur

Die Unternehmenskultur kann in vier wichtige Dimensionen eingeteilt werden: Work-Life-Balance, Zusammenarbeit, Führung und strategische Ausrichtung. Jede dieser Dimensionen hat ihren eigenen Maßstab zwischen traditionell und modern.

Work-Life Balance
JobFür mich
Umgang miteinander
Resultate erzielenZusammenarbeiten
Richtung vorgebenMitarbeiter beteiligen
Strategische Richtung
Stabilität sichernVeränderungen antreiben
FIFA - Fédération Internationale de Football Association
Branchendurchschnitt: Sport/Beauty

Die meist gewählten Kulturfaktoren

18 User haben eine Kulturbewertung abgegeben. Diese Faktoren wurden am häufigsten ausgewählt, um die Unternehmenskultur zu beschreiben.

  • Intransparent sein



  • Mitarbeiter kleinhalten



  • Mitarbeiter über Richtung im Unklaren lassen



  • Dauernd Überstunden machen

    Work-Life BalanceTraditionell


Kommentare zur Unternehmenskultur aus unseren Bewertungen

Hast du gewusst, dass es 6 Fragen zur Unternehmenskultur gibt, wenn du einen Arbeitgeber auf kununu bewertest? Hier sind die neuesten dieser Kommentare.

ArbeitsatmosphäreEx-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/in

To many egoistic people in senior management which are only power and self-interest oriented. Staff who work hard has no meaning to the people in the top. There are no reliable and trustful people in senior management you can share and talk openly about your concerns and views. Criticism of management is not tolerated and is punished with dismissal. Employees are scared of senior management as they live on a daily basis with fear to lose their jobs. No one in senior management is fighting back against the president's autocratic unilateral actions because the C-level is filled with either friends or incompetent managers. Furthermore senior management is filled with weak people who follow the president unconditionally and are not allowed to contradict him. Otherwise they face immediate dismissal. President has replaced the C-level twice in eight years. High fluctuation in both management and staff levels.

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KommunikationEx-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/in

No flow-down and no information on company related matters to staff. Staff remains uninformed and gets information from external sources rather than people who are leading the company. Only secrets and hidden games behind the scenes. The soul of football is being sold for the president's own economic power and gain. The employees have no access to management because there is a great deal of arrogance and overconfidence in senior management. "The employees are not good or qualified enough to be allowed to speak to chiefs." The senior managers think they are better than everyone else, but many of them are technically incompetent in their positions or positions on the floor are filled by friends or family members who are not experts and have no experience in their field at all. In addition, these people have very rapid careers without having made a key contribution. They are world class at two things: obeying orders and traveling the world at company expense without playing a role on these trips. Travelling the world in order to make money in terms of daily allowances and spending quality time in five star hotels.

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KollegenzusammenhaltEx-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/in

Workforce has a great collaboration among each other. They work hard and value each other while working together on challenging and long-term projects. But workforce's engagement is never valued by the Management. Highly positioned managers like directors and chiefs receive exclusive benefits such as business flights to events, although the benefits to which employees are entitled (according to the team handbook) are reduced to an economy flight shortly before the event. During World Cups, employees live in miserable residential areas outside the city center, while senior managers stay in five-star hotels and receive the best benefits. Before and during the tournaments employees work day and night with a maximum of 5-6 hours of sleep, but overtime is canceled and not paid. In Sepp Baltter's time, employees received the same benefits as managers. But since the new president and the new HR boss have been there, the benefits for employees are disappearing more and more from year to year.

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Work-Life-BalanceEx-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/in

Too many working hours and overtime is not being paid out. Cap by 40 hours a week even you sometimes work double a week especiallyon events. You even do not get spare time for your additional hours. Chief HR has downgraded many services throughout the years since her start in the position. As mentioned above she came in with no experience in HR related matters. But this is possible at FIFA. You do not need to understand the requirements of the job. It is all about understanding the requirements from the big president. Your hard work is not appreciated. Chief HR: "If you do not appreciate working for FIFA, you can leave. There are millions waiting outside who would do the job"

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VorgesetztenverhaltenEx-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/in

No transparency, no communication, no promotion. People and departments are disconnected from each other. Sexual harrasment is a big issue and a recurring incident with no solution. When you make it public, you thinkg you would get support: In contrary you are being punished and fired. Toxic system. Some top managers have affairs with employees from their office. One gets what he wants and the other gets a nice career ladder as a reward.

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Interessante AufgabenEx-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/in

If you are a football and sports lover you are at the right place with very exciting tasks. But also too many people who have no idea from football and sports in general. Me personally I would never employ someone who does not understand the product and cannot identify him/herself with the company. These people can never reach out to their maximum potential without having the passion for the sports.

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