Business Analyst
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Great Team Spirit
The general acceptance and support for people to do sport at Lunchtime is a huge benefit.
Challenging and interesting work
Good Facilities. Bistro/Gym/Kitchens etc
More transparent salary & bonus structure
There is a growing culture of expecting you to start work earlier and work later... plus a need to work uncompensated at weekend just to manage the workload
Salary is OK, but no WOW factor with the bonus despite how much unpaid overtime/weekend work you have to do. I would gladly forgo the bonus and just work 40 hrs per week.
There is no career development in fact it is the opposite in IT. The management concept of Personal Development is to give more responsibility/work for the same salary/position. It is for this single reason that I would consider leaving the company as people who can deliver are kept in the same position for fear of losing them, which can have the opposite effect. This is also bad for the company in the long-term as people stagnate and become demotivated. My salary & position understate my true roles and responsibilities within the department