A good company, with focus upon the employees as the primary driver to achieve company goals in a dynamic environment
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
atmosphere, the people, the helpfulness of all people, introduction program for new employees and the managers approach to management (of the managers I have direct contact with), more options to select from in terms of Workplace (HE / PF)
Review the hardware polities (PC)
the culture is very open and regardless of area or level people. People at all levels are very helpful also if it is not their area of expertise the normally can refer you to the correct person
This is very depending upon the area, in terms of IT the communication is very transparent and open. The company is very dedicated to MS 365 this also means a lot of communication is done via Teams - stream
Very dependent of the manager and team members. From my perspective is it really good and so it the collaboration with my direct business counterparts
This is really up to you, the company generally support this and when you have to right manager this is really supported.
this is 90 depending of the manager. But the general process is you support the corporate goals and add some personal goals which in the end also supports the company as a whole. From my experience this process works well If you understand the corporate goals and see how you as an individual can support this by your goals
Interessante Aufgaben
Always assignments to your likings and since the company is very dynamic this brings more interesting assignments to the surface. BUT you should be capable of "holding you own" in terms of capacity otherwise you will have too much too fast
to my knowledge - yes absolutely
Umgang mit älteren Kollegen
to my knowledge - yes absolutely
They try but there is always a trade-off in relation to cost specifically in relation to hardware - when is enough enough
absolutely and it is not just "written" in the policies but also done
as expected but there is focus upon the social suppot
Compared to what I heard before starting, my current image is a lot better
hard to comment on, but there are a number of educations which the company has decided upon. This is again depending upon the department. But on a general level there is focus upon development of talents. The company does most of what is can to ensure everyone will be successful.