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9 Bewertungen von Mitarbeitern

kununu Score: 1,1Weiterempfehlung: 0%

9 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 1,1 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.

Keiner dieser Mitarbeiter hat den Arbeitgeber in seiner Bewertung weiterempfohlen.

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Worst experience ever. Toxic toxic toxic!

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr für dieses Unternehmen gearbeitet.


You know you are ruining people's lives the way you treat them. You should be ashamed.


Because of the work atmosphere and the constant stress, I had trouble sleeping, I cried several times a week, I had completely lost confidence in myself and my skills, I had knots in my stomach just thinking of going back to work every morning.


They want to look fancy but if you look closer, you can see how rotten everything is.


None, I would receive whatsapp every morning, starting at 6 am with tasks, and in the evening too, sometimes with tasks that needed to be done right away, even though it was 8 pm and I was at home. We had tasks on the weekends too, even if we were participating in an event that was taking place on that day.


None, they do not want you to gain experience, because then they would have to pay you more.


You are better paid if you work at Coop or Migros.


My colleagues were the only thing that kept me sane.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

There were none. They would all left after a few weeks, realising that this is the most toxic workplace ever.


Bad, bad, bad, bad. They have to do it on purpose, there is no way they don't know that they are the worst. They are going to say that they are demanding because that is the way an agency works, but that is NOT THE TRUTH! No one needs to be that mean to another human being.


Bad, the laptops were old, the internet was slow, the office was a shitty place.


None. There is no communication whatsoever. When you think it's supposed to be a PR agency, so related to the communication field, they should be ashamed of being that bad at communicating.


None, I heard them mock the interns because they didn't have money to buy Louboutins.

Interessante Aufgaben

None, seriously, you cannot participate in strategies, and there are none anyway. All you do is excel lists, stupid SM posts, and other completely outdated tasks.



Wouldn't recommend my worst enemy to work here

Nicht empfohlen
Hat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr für dieses Unternehmen gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

I can't think of a single thing, except for an impressive client portfolio (with whom you are not allowed to be directly in contact.)


Be kinder, more compassionate, and understanding of your contemporaries. Maybe also get some professional help.


Subjectively a deeply unpleasant and traumatizing experience with management lacking basic interpersonal skills, with humiliation, disrespect, and pressure on employees being recurring. The general atmosphere was perceived as horrific and management's attitude and management skills (or lack thereof) frequently led to immense dissatisfaction among employees. Subjectively, the atmosphere is toxic, rife with favoritism, and unrealistic expectations while being overall hostile and demoralizing.


In my opinion, the general sentiment from past employees and collaborators (journalists, influencers, clients) is entirely negative.


In my impression, non-existent flexibility and unnegotiable below managerial (or favored) levels, despite different promises during recruitment. Working from home was agreed upon once a week and at management’s discretion, though office presence at a managerial level seemed erratic to me. In my opinion, sick leave often resulted in employees feeling pressured to work from home due to chronic understaffing, poor planning, or simply avoiding the communication of discrepancies to clients such as illness or exhausted capacity. In my opinion, the unavoidable accumulation of overtime was astronomical while being highly discouraged and met with scrutiny rather than thanks.


In my opinion, camaraderie among colleagues was mostly strong as most sentiments appeared to be a shared experience. I believe the team consisted of creative, supportive, and passionate individuals, with some willing to go the extra mile and offer support to one another, fostering a sense of solidarity in an otherwise frustrating environment.


In my opinion, what could have been an interesting and fulfilling job was undermined by management’s behavior, attitude, and incompetence. There seemed to be a prevailing divide, despite everyone working towards the same goals. I believe this establishment would immensely benefit from consulting or managerial training, while also ensuring competent personnel at the director level as the current approach is just keeping the owners happy at the immense expense of the team. Subjectively, the most challenging aspects of this job included management’s short temper, arrogance, overbearing demands, and micromanagement, which hindered employees’ ability to feel safe making mistakes or seeking help. In my view, there was little to zero advocacy or support from management, while an unpredictable environment marked by abrupt layoffs and hires, contributed to a high turnover rate, which further highlighted the company’s dysfunction to me.


In my opinion, if there was any, communication was often cryptic and met with condescension when seeking clarification to ambiguous requests. Meetings were mostly held online (even when most participants were in the office), while I believe some meetings were simply held to micro-manage and ensure tasks were being done and just taken on.


In my opinion and experience, salaries are significantly below the competitive average, non-negotiable, and not livable for Zurich. I also think that the contract is entirely skewed in favor of the employer, with maximal legal working hours, minimal legal holidays, and highly questionable clauses like non-compete rules after leaving.

Interessante Aufgaben

Subjectively, while some tasks and projects are interesting, much of the work involved nonsensical reporting and creating endless Excel lists. Compared to competitive agencies, the company’s approach to PR appears extremely outdated, inefficient, and disconnected. I had the impression that clients would've benefitted much more from actual consulting rather than an agency that just accepts non-sensical projects and ideas. I also believe that the company would benefit immensely from investing into proper and not outdated task, project, and reporting management tools.




Warum gibt es diese Agentur noch?

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-FührungskraftHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr für dieses Unternehmen gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

die Kunden, mit denen man aber gar nicht direkt im Kontakt sein kann.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Persönlichkeit ohne jegliche Ethik und Moral, kein Anstand, überschätztes Ego, cholerisch, unstrukturiert.


Be human, be professional.


Ich würde gerne 0 Punkte geben, geht aber leider nicht.


Welches Bewusstsein?


Minus 500




Gibt es eine -10?






Umgang mit älteren Kollegen


Interessante Aufgaben


Would not recommend

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Praktikant/inHat bis 2023 im Bereich PR / Kommunikation gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

I guess the clients.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

A lot. I just wouldn’t recommend.


This company would benefit strongly by getting a consultant to look at the organisation.


Really bad! I would give 0 if I could.


Pretty bad







Umgang mit älteren Kollegen




Interessante Aufgaben


The worst PR agency in terms of management, payment, clarity and structure!

Nicht empfohlen
FührungskraftHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich PR / Kommunikation gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Location was all that was decent.


Get a consultant to show management how to accurately manage, schedule, brief, and on-board employees.


CEOs are dreadful and incompetent of running a company. General manager of Zurich is clueless, throws her team under the bus at all cost, and if you speak the truth internally, you better be ready to be humiliated.


Embarrassing to be associated in public with management because they make you look like an ass.


Rubbish. Never a clear schedule, but when CEOs or general manager make a mistake, they expect everyone to pay for it by working more.


No chance


If you work the paid hours out, then you are making less than a cashier at a kiosk.




Backstabbing, fearful for holding a position, but there are a few diamonds in the rough who try to help and be friendly. There is never a time when we are all in the office, so it’s hard to say that everyone is a team. In years, never met team member who were only 2 hours away?!

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

Backstabbing to keep one’s job


Founder is an absolute nightmare. It’s clear some accounts stay due to personal connections, but it is baffling how this place stays afloat. If you ask for assistance, client info, or even a clear breakdown as to who is leading accounts, you are ignored or screamed at. Zero structure, zero briefings, and everything is last minute because management can’t handle their own two hands.


Chaotic and you never know what schedule you have for office time until usually Friday night.


Zero chance for communication. Always pushed aside when management says they don’t get involved.



Interessante Aufgaben

Some clients are fantastic to work on accounts. The fact that this agency only works via chaos and last-minute is known throughout the country. Their only inkling of chance is that they offer super cheap retainer services compared to Europe. This is where you can say “you get what you pay for”


If I could give zero stars, I would. I DO NOT recommend working there!

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat bis 2021 im Bereich PR / Kommunikation gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Amazing colleagues and cool clients. Gives you an entry into the Swiss PR world.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Everything else, unfortunately.


I would love to see the agency incorporate benefits, better market-oriented salaries and value their employees more.


Extremely stressful and toxic. Your work never gets appreciated and it expected to stay late and finish whatever unreasonable request is forced upon you.


Client portfolio looks extravagant, but all of them are only there because it's more expensive with other agencies.


There is none. You either work or get yelled at for "mistakes" in your time off.


Promotion only happens as a means of postponing the inevitable resignation.


Compensation is very far from market average. A junior earns as much as a cashier. If you ask for a raise, you are told you're not ready. How that works is beyond me.


I think it's hard for any PR agency to be honest, but it should be a very important topic nonetheless. A lot of waste could be prevented.


amazing colleagues, who work very hard and keep the agency afloat!

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

The oldest member of this company is the founder


The slogan fake it till you make it fits very well to management. Although they have never made it and never will.


I would rather not call that place an environment, as that requires oxygen to be present. The place is toxic!


Cancelled weekly meetings and if they took place, they were a waste of time. Separate meetings for management where CEOs gossiped about other employees. Communication only happened screaming when you made a mistake.


No discrimination per se, although I heard the CEOs were actively participating in racially charged conversation about a black employee and how she was their diversity hire. Not cool!

Interessante Aufgaben

If you like schlepping oranges, preparing senseless media reports and fighting about wording on a social media post, then this is the right place to be.


Just horrific. Don't work there.

Nicht empfohlen
Hat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr im Bereich PR / Kommunikation gearbeitet.


Management creates a toxic atmosphere. If your mental health is important to you, don't work there.


Overtime is announced on short notice and expected, and certainly not compensated.


Lovely colleagues. I feel sorry for everyone who still works there. Fluctuation is extremely high, but management keeps saying that's just "normal" for an agency, and try to cover up the real reasons why people keep leaving. Honestly, I have no idea how they can still be in business.


Lots of screaming and belittling involved. Choleric, untouchable, toxic, condescending... Everybody is stupid. Management think they belong to high-society, like some sort of celebrities. Which is somehow amusing.


Half-assed briefings. Nobody ever knows what is expected of them. It's a guessing game. And it's never good enough.





Umgang mit älteren Kollegen



Interessante Aufgaben


Der absolute Horror!

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr im Bereich PR / Kommunikation gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Nichts, absolut gar nichts.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Alles. Finger weg!


Hopfen und Malz verloren. Am besten überlegen, ob man seine Mitarbeiter wirklich wie Dreck behandeln will.


Perfekt für alle, die gern jeden Tag angeschrien und heruntergemacht werden. Recht machen kann man es in keinem Fall. Leider muss ich einen Punkt geben.


Arbeit am Abend (oft am selben Nachmittag angekündigt) und Wochenende völlig normal. Überstunden werden erwartet, jedoch weder bezahlt noch kompensiert. Wer sich gut aufteilen kann und sowieso kein Privatleben hat, wird die Stelle lieben.


Wird nicht gefördert. Dann würde man schliesslich ein besseres Salär verlangen.


Hohe Fluktuation, jeder geht, sobald er eine andere Stelle findet. Nur junge Kolleginnen, die sich noch alles gefallen lassen und keine Wahl haben. Das oft gemeinschaftliche Weinen schweisst dennoch zusammen.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

Es waren keine älteren Kollegen da. Wer die Chance hat, rennt, so schnell er kann.


Unprofessionell trifft es noch nicht mal ansatzweise. Management ist cholerisch und völlig damit überfordert, ihren eigenen Ansprüchen gerecht zu werden. Sie schreit viel und gerne, wird beleidigend, beschimpft ihre Mitarbeiter und lästert auch gerne mal über die Unfähigkeit ihrer Angestellten. Anweisungen und Aufgaben gibt sie völlig unstrukturiert und teilweise kryptisch. Selbst ein 4-Augen-Prinzip lässt ihre Nachrichten nicht klarer werden. Vor lauter Stress rotzt sie Mails auch einfach mal nur hin. Sieht sich selbst in der Welt der High-Society und überschätzt ihre eigene Wichtigkeit vollkommen. Noch nie so etwas unprofessionelles erlebt. Als Vorgesetzte völlig ungeeignet.


Das Büro wäre nett gewesen, aber vollgestellt bis oben hin.


Nicht vorhanden. Kryptische E-Mails, halbherzig hingerotzt. Fragt man nach, wird man heruntergemacht, man soll selbst denken. Ergreift man die Initiative, wird man als unfähig bezeichnet. Regelmässige Wutausbrüche im Büro völlig normal. Aufgaben werden nicht richtig vermittelt, teilweise wird man per Whatsapp auf die private Nummer bombardiert oder abends noch angerufen. Gedankenlesen ist Voraussetzung!


Lieber an die Kasse setzen, da ist das Gehalt besser.

Interessante Aufgaben

Die Kunden wären interessant, wenn man denn selbst mit ihnen in Kontakt treten dürfte. Für Events und zur Influencer-Bespassung sind die Mitarbeiter gut genug, die wichtigen Mail-Absprachen übernimmt das Management selbst. Die Arbeit besteht quasi nur daraus, ihr zuzuarbeiten. Vertrauen in die Mitarbeiter ist nicht vorhanden.




Run for your life

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr im Bereich PR / Kommunikation gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Nothing at all.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Everything. How can you treat your employees like shit, pay them like shit, and produce shitty work for your clients and still exist?


At this point I think it is already too late to change anything, their personalities are the issues.


Awful, several of us were crying on a weekly basis.


Cheap AF


None, you are expected to work on weekends, holiday, and to stay until your work is done, which is sometimes until 1 am.




None, honestly run for your life, anywhere is better for your career than this place.


That is the only thing that made me stay for 10 months, otherwise I would have been gone since day 3.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

The only older colleague I had stayed for only two weeks, and realised how awful that place is.


Awful! Screaming all the time, never happy with anything, treating all the employees like shit, manipulating the facts, etc.


Awful, most of us were too afraid to even eat lunch when management was at the office.


What communication? Nothing was communicated, so you were always trying to guess what was expected of you, and of course you were always wrong.


They even tried to not pay me my full salary when I quit.

Interessante Aufgaben

None, i have several years of experience yet they gave me intern tasks, like bringing back the clothes they didn’t like from Zara, washing the coffee mugs, making copies, etc.


Fragen zu Bewertungen und Gehältern

  • Basierend auf 9 Erfahrungen von aktuellen und ehemaligen Mitarbeitenden wird PR/TICULAR durchschnittlich mit 1,1 von 5 Punkten bewertet. Dieser Wert liegt unter dem Durchschnitt der Branche Marketing/Werbung/PR (3,8 Punkte). 0% der Bewertenden würden PR/TICULAR als Arbeitgeber weiterempfehlen.
  • Ausgehend von 9 Bewertungen gefallen die Faktoren Kollegenzusammenhalt, Interessante Aufgaben und Gehalt/Sozialleistungen den Mitarbeitenden am besten an dem Unternehmen.
  • Neben positivem Feedback haben Mitarbeitende auch Verbesserungsvorschläge für den Arbeitgeber. Ausgehend von 9 Bewertungen sind Mitarbeitende der Meinung, dass sich PR/TICULAR als Arbeitgeber vor allem im Bereich Umgang mit älteren Kollegen noch verbessern kann.