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Beware - low maturity company promising a great place to work but being highly unprofessional.

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-FührungskraftHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr bei Twint AG in Zürich gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Good brand & marketing, which is the reason why people might think it's a good company to work.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

It is still a low maturity company, trying to hire qualified people to improve their ways of working. In reality there is a significant gap to leading practice, no processes, no structure.


First increase the level of structure and basic processes, then hire well qualified employees to be able to retain them.
Avoid making promises, HR should be honest during the hiring process.


Highly unprofessional way of working, people working against each other based on gossiping.


Communication only within the management but lack of transparent communication.


Appears to be good company culture at first sight, but gossiping everywhere.


Promising a good work-life-balance but in fact tracking employees based on calendars.


No clearly defined targets, no guidance, lack of decision making by the management, employees are rarely involved in any kind of decision.

Interessante Aufgaben

Interesting development of features, but a huge implementation chaos.


No women in management & no voice for women.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

Few experienced staff, mostly young staff trying to gain experience.


Small office, no proper cafeteria - only one coffee machine for all.


Salaries seem ok, but variable part is a bonus without entitlement. In comparison with other companies, limited to none benefits.


Good brand - but that's it.


Almost no chance for promotions since there is a very flat hierarchy.




Mathusa Kandasamy, People Manager
Mathusa KandasamyPeople Manager

Dear colleague,

Thank you for sharing your feedback with us. We value the opportunity to hear different perspectives to help us understand how we can improve.

We are actively working on strengthening areas like the company’s structure and processes to better support our employees and ensure a more efficient way of working.

Whilst we recognize that there is always room for improvement, we do not share the view that TWINT is an ‘immature company’. Many teams work together professionally and effectively, which reflects a balanced view of the organization. However, we recognize that everyone's experience may be different, and we take your feedback seriously

In terms of team dynamics and work-life balance, we strive to create a positive and professional environment. We continue to work on improving these aspects, as well as transparency and clear communication, which remain key for us.

We have taken note of your comments on process improvements and the importance of honest communication during the recruitment process. These are key areas that we are actively addressing to make sure we remain a reliable and attractive employer.

Thank you once again for your honest feedback. If you would like to discuss your experiences further, we would be happy to continue the conversation. We wish you all the best in your future career!

Best regards,
