21 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 3,6 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
13 Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihren Bewertungen weiterempfohlen. Der Arbeitgeber wurde in 6 Bewertungen nicht weiterempfohlen.
Authentische Bewertungen für eine bessere Arbeitswelt
Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.
Gute Arbeitsgeber.
FührungskraftHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich Produktion gearbeitet.
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Sehr sozial.
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Zuviele regeln.
Wegen personalmangel soll die Firma noch attraktiver werden.
Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich Produktion gearbeitet.
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Gehaltszahlungen sind meist pünktlich
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Es wird den Mitarbeitern Geld für Kost und Logis abgezogen - die Verpflegung an Bord ist oft extrem schlecht und niemals zu genießen Schlechte Leistungen oder unkollegiales Verhalten haben keine Konsequenzen weil jeder Mitarbeiter gebraucht wird
Beschwerden der Kollegen ernst nehmen und real umsetzen anstatt von tollen Leistungen zu sprechen, die tatsächlich nicht vorhanden sind Markt- und Leistungsgerechte Bezahlung
Ex-Zeitarbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr im Bereich Personal / Aus- und Weiterbildung gearbeitet.
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
The owner is a visionary leader and provides clear direction to the company. A lot of opportunities for career advancement.
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Viking should be more eco-friendly (for example do something for the cleanliness of the rivers and oceans) and do good for the society (rather tahn just make money).
More transparency and faster communication on decisions would help.
The working atmosphere is overall very positive. Viking has a good value based culture.
Nobody knows Viking brand in Europe, only in the US.
At the end of the day it is up to each individual to keep up a good work-life balance, and everyone can choose to do so.
Staff onboard were provided with a lot of trainings.
Competitive salaries and social benefits, best in the industry I think.
In this aspect, the company has still a long way to improve. We used still single plastic bottles on board, which was ridiculous of course.
We had a great team on board.
Umgang mit älteren Kollegen
Mostly respectful.
In general the leadership culture in the company is very positive.
Best hotel company on the rivers/ocean I ever worked for. By far.
Communication is OK, and it could be better of course, but comparing to other similar companies I have worked for, it is fine. Transparency and speed for decisions is sometimes needed more for sure.
We had a lot of different nationalities on board and it worked well no issues. Also LGBT was not an issue.
Interessante Aufgaben
High expectations on the onboard management and a lot of diverse work, and for sure it does not get boring.
Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung für dieses Unternehmen gearbeitet.
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Things are moving fast, you get a lot of responsibility from day one and you never know what is going to happen next week. The learning curve is steep and the company is constantly growing. It is like working in a big corporate start-op. In Basel you get cheap healthy food in the office restaurant which makes the office much more enjoyable and social. Fun events happening also 2-5 times a year.
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Difficulties to maintain deadlines within company and bad work-life-balance for a lot of the employees.
Great Employer with a lot to offer if you can keep-up with the speed
Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung für dieses Unternehmen gearbeitet.
To sum it up, the work environment is great. Not only the office set-up (we have a truly great employee restaurant, brand-new and well-maintained office space) but also the colleagues in the individual teams and across other departments.
Viking has a great image in the cruise industry, however, is fairly unknown locally or in continental Europe as our marketing efforts concentrate mainly on the US market.
Viking supports gym membership to support the life balance :) Viking is a company that sets itself enormous goals and is growing at an incredible speed. At the same we are trying to remain innovative in all aspects and to foster us staying market leader and # 1 position in all markets we operate in. Due to the nature of the cruising business, River and Ocean, the required work speed is extremely fast and the pressure at times is very high most of the time. Which is a good thing if you are a result driven person and get your energy from making an impact in a company. If you are not such person you won’t be successful at Viking.
We are growing fast and there are plenty of opportunities. But like in every other company not always the right people are put in the right position. As a general guideline I would say: If you can keep up with the pace you have the opportunity to be promoted and develop leadership skills.
A higher salary would always be great. For the position I'm holding and comparing it with other companies in the hospitality and/or cruise industry the salary is competitive. The main point for me to work for Viking, though, is the work atmosphere and the variety of projects/ new challenges. Indeed, I would like to have one more week of vacation during the year. Viking offers only 4 weeks of vacation which is at least one week less than in other Swiss companies.
Colleagues are all, without exception, friendly and collaborative.
Umgang mit älteren Kollegen
I don't think there should be (or is) made any difference.
Directors and Executive Management are respectful and are working with the teams together in most cases. There is sometimes a too strong sense of competition among Management which does not always yield best results and can cost a lot of energy. Nevertheless, the positive and "can-do" approach of the Senior Management outweighs.
The pictures in the Kununu profile reflect the office space and environment. Great office. It's located close to the port in Basel and by public transport appr. 30 minutes away from the main train station. Depending on where you live, in Basel City or a bit outside, this can add travel time to your daily commute. Nothing major as you can decide yourself how far away from the office you want to have your apartment.
Communication for sure could be improved. Knowing it from other companies, though, this is always a difficult point. The bigger the company gets the more difficult communication becomes. Several times employees are finding out about new projects, business areas or other news at a too late stage and mostly after our guests and competitors. I think we could do better there.
We have a 50/50 male/ female ratio in the Basel office and colleagues from all continents across the world. The working environment is very international which makes any job more interesting. Especially when you are interested in destinations and languages.
Interessante Aufgaben
There is a strong sense of working together and achieving goals which makes it more than worthwhile to come to work every day. Every day new projects are appearing and the company develops into so many different directions. There has not been a single boring day at Viking so far. Expectations are very high but it’s rewarding in terms of acknowledgement and in the freedom of coming up with solutions in your team.
Basierend auf 24 Erfahrungen von aktuellen und ehemaligen Mitarbeitenden wird Viking Cruises durchschnittlich mit 3,6 von 5 Punkten bewertet. Dieser Wert liegt über dem Durchschnitt der Branche Tourismus (3,5 Punkte). 100% der Bewertenden würden Viking Cruises als Arbeitgeber weiterempfehlen.
Ausgehend von 24 Bewertungen gefallen die Faktoren Interessante Aufgaben, Kollegenzusammenhalt und Gleichberechtigung den Mitarbeitenden am besten an dem Unternehmen.
Neben positivem Feedback haben Mitarbeitende auch Verbesserungsvorschläge für den Arbeitgeber. Ausgehend von 24 Bewertungen sind Mitarbeitende der Meinung, dass sich Viking Cruises als Arbeitgeber vor allem im Bereich Work-Life-Balance noch verbessern kann.