Male, inexperienced, no own opinion and a yes man, then you are at the right place!
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Boys club in management, women not really wanted, only female quota managers exist. Anyone - male or female - who does not have the sympathy of one of the men has no chance in the company, even with exceptional performance. Who stays or has to go is decided by personal feelings.
Unfortunately, the company is no longer recommendable as an employer. It used to be quite different some years ago and was fun to work there.
A toxic atmosphere, leadership is carried out in the form of failure search and control. No trust in own people. Don't try to improve things, just process without using your brain.
No team spirit, people work against each other, which is also enforced by the management. This situation has arisen in the last 2 years. Some years ago it was an amazing team spirit.
Control and search for failure. No leadership.
Nice and modern building with open space.
Poor internal image