Terrible culture in HR area (CPO area)
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
the challenges
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
too many self centred egos
After the management change the situation in CPO might get better
in the first glance the CPO management is caring and supportive to their people. Behind your back the top management is mobbing everyone who has a different opinion. Step by step good people are kicked out and replaced with yes-men and women. The CPO is now leaving, I hope this will improve the situation
communication is not honest, behind your back head of CPO is blaming his team and his people. I experience this again and again, in front oy you he is super kind, once you are out of the room it is the opposite
people on working level stay together and to survive
lots of work with unrealistic time line and far too little capacity. The worst model for an HR function. All driven from the top.
the top level is only interested in their own career and want to shine upwards. no interest in their people. no decision are taken, all decision areredeligated or distributed to the business. Lower management tries to heal the misbehaviour from the top
Interessante Aufgaben
topics itself would be super exciting
only friends of the head of CPO get a good career