20 Bewertungen von Mitarbeitern
20 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 4,7 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
19 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Ihr Unternehmen?
Jetzt Profil einrichten20 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 4,7 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
19 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.
I have been with Alta Via for over 4 years now and can only say that this company is an absolutely great employer for me.
Even in times of change, employees are always well informed and kept up to date. The management is always approachable and takes time if there are any uncertainties.
The personal development of employees is always the focus and individual needs are perceived and taken into account.
In addition, Alta Via is modern, future-oriented and at the same time the growth that is taking place is driven forward healthily and carefully.
Kepp going :)
Paying very great salary.
communication skills.
A clear communication why the management changed happened and what will happen with the company and the old management team now.
Since announcing the change of the management team. The overall atmosphere in the company is tense and it is unclear of what is happening next.
I would have given 5 stars to that 2 months ago but now also this is not clear.
Unclear communication. Irrational behavior of the leading team regarding the change of management.
The announcement of a management change was fast and seemed not thought through. In the quarterly meeting that theme was not addressed at all. It is very confusing if the old boss that was supposed to stop working already a while ago becomes the first managing director and the ones that were making significant positive changes in the company are being kind of fired but are still in the company. It does not seem to make sense.
Ich habe vor einigen Monaten bei Alta Via angefangen und es gefällt mir bisher sehr gut. Die Kollegen sind alle super nett und sehr hilfsbereit. Dadurch herrscht ein sehr familiäres Arbeitsklima. Zudem ist es Alta Via sehr wichtig, dass man sich im Unternehmen wohl fühlt und unterstützen einen sowohl auf persönlicher als auch professioneller Ebene.
Man wird als Kollege geschätzt und es wird nie langweilig. Es gibt viel zu lernen und die Kollegen helfen einem gerne weiter, wenn man Fragen hat.
Alta Via embodies the values of diversity, creating an inclusive environment where individuals from all backgrounds thrive. They prioritize work-life balance and offer flexibility. The company's remarkable growth provides exciting opportunities, and its performance-based compensation system ensures that hard work is duly rewarded.
Employee experience management is at the highest level in Alta Via: care about employee needs, training, hybrid work, interesting and challenging tasks, motivating and highly competitive compensation scheme
Grateful to be a part of this amazing organization. The supportive and collaborative environment, coupled with the company's commitment to excellence, has made a significant impact on my professional growth.
Angenehmer Umgang zwischen Kollegen und Management. Geschäftsführung ist sehr vernünftig und geht auf Wünsche und Bedürfnisse der Mitarbeiter ein.
Flexibilität, die eigenen Termine zu planen und zur Not auch mal tagsüber einen Termin wahrnehmen zu können. Es wird ermutigt, sich nicht zu überarbeiten.
Kollegen um Hilfe bitten ist kein Problem, alle sind sehr hilfsbereit und haben ihre Spezialgebiete.
Bisher einwandfrei, offene und ehrliche Kommunikation in beide Richtungen.
Täglicher Austausch möglich und wöchentliche Updates vom Management. Regelmäßige Termine mit Geschäftsführern, um über Probleme o.Ä. zu sprechen. Sehr lockere Atmosphäre.
Die Komplexität der Projekte ist sehr unterschiedlich, damit gibt es für jeden etwas interessantes zu tun.
Excellent work atmosphere, either working from home or in the office in Berlin. Management is always super transparent and fair in their treatment and communication. A+
AltaVia allows a high degree of flexibility (working hours or working remote/ home office). This flexibility comes of course with the responsibility to deliver on the projects.
Very good, performance based salary structure which directly rewards the employees for their contribution to the company's success.
Great team spirit. Very friendly and supportive work environment across the whole team and the management. Everyday I can reach out to any colleague and get the support I need.
The MDs are very fair and transparent with their expectations, support when goals might be at risk and always have an open ear for the employees.
Employees usually work on multiple projects on the same time. Every project is different and comes with its own new challenge.
Very friendly atmoshpere , people with alot of experience and knowledge , flexibility and salary
Day to day life in the office or home office is excellent .
Everyone is very friendly and cooperative.
In Alta Via they care alot about their employees , they do workshops and also offering their employees access to paid learning centers so that they can learn even more .
The salary is really good with alot of added bonuses inside which makes it even better. Basically they reward your work and if you would like to work even more , they reward that too.
Always there to support you with anything . Very good.
Options to work from home or from amazing office
There is a flat hierarchy and equal rights to everyone which is cool.
Many many projects in this company , every project is different but most important meaningful so as well interesting too.
So verdient kununu Geld.