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20 Bewertungen von Mitarbeitern

kununu Score: 3,9Weiterempfehlung: 55%

20 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 3,9 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.

11 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.

Authentische Bewertungen für eine bessere Arbeitswelt

Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.

Tolles Team

Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich Finanzen / Controlling gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Jeder Mitarbeiter wir gehört und ernst genommen. Das ist nicht selbstverständlich.


Weiterhin an einer transparenten und klaren Kommunikation arbeiten. Hier und da versuchen klarere Strukturen zu schaffen und auch durchzusetzten.


Ich fühle mich sehr wohl in meinem Team und auch die Zusammenarbeit mit den Kollegen aus den anderen Abteilungen ist sehr gut. Ich persönlich arbeite komplett remote und bin nur sehr selten vor Ort, aber die Kollegen haben es dennoch geschafft mich mit ihrer sehr freundlichen und warmen Art, auch über die Entfernung und am Bildschirm, gut in das Team zu integrieren.


Ich arbeite remote und kann mir meine Arbeitszeiten recht flexibel einteilen. Das macht es natürlich sehr einfach.


In einem relativ kleinen Unternehmen sind die Karriere- und Aufstiegschancen immer etwas limitiert. Ich denke aber, dass trotz der nötigen Einsparmaßnahmen in den letzten Monaten, alle die Möglichkeit zur Fort- und Weiterbildung erhalten.


Diese Punkt ist natürlich immer ein wenig vom eigenen Team abhängig, aber ich kann den Zusammenhalt unter den Kollegen nur extrem positiv Bewerten.


Ist natürlich absolut vom eigenen direkten Vorgesetzten abhängig, da hab ich es echt sehr gut getroffen.


Ich bin nur selten vor Ort, aber die Büroräume sind sehr modern und schön. Das Arbeitsmaterial ist ebenfalls immer auf dem aktuellen Stand.


Die Kommunikation ist in vielen Unternehmen ein kleiner Schwachpunkt. Ich kann hierzu nur sagen, dass es viele Bemühungen gibt die interne Kommunikation stetig zu verbessern. Es gibt regelmäßige Meetings mit Updates zur aktuellen Situation. Und es wird viel und offen über die aktuellen Herausforderungen im Unternehmen gesprochen bzw. an alle Mitarbeiter geschrieben.


Wer hier jammert, hat den Bezug zur Realität völlig verloren!

Interessante Aufgaben

Das Unternehmen ist noch jung und sehr viel ist noch im Auf- bzw. Ausbau. Die Aufgaben sind abwechslungsreich und vielseitig. Wir können uns mit unseren eigenen Ideen und Verbesserungsvorschlägen immer sehr gut einbringen, werden gehört und ernst genommen.





Diana StrackeHead of People & Operations

Vielen Dank für das tolle Feedback! Es freut uns sehr zu hören, dass du dich in deinem Team und im Unternehmen insgesamt so wohlfühlst. Deine Rückmeldungen zur Kommunikation und den Arbeitsbedingungen nehmen wir gerne auf und werden weiter daran arbeiten, diese zu optimieren. Weiterhin viel Erfolg und Spaß bei der Arbeit!

Liebe Grüße

Great colleagues, but clueless leadership.The situation speaks for itself

Nicht empfohlen
Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung für dieses Unternehmen gearbeitet.


The workplace USED to have a great culture, which was a major reason for joining. That changed with the first round of layoffs in July 2024. After the second in November, morale collapsed. Despite the poor attempts, it has not changed, people are leaving.


Do not believe the values listed on the website.


Work is fully flexible without an enforced remote/on-site ratio, but the pressure to meet unrealistic goals without proper infrastructure drains energy that the employee should be able to save for their personal time. No one in leadership is addressing this, and employees frequently call in sick.


It’s good, too good in fact. Inflated compared to the current (compared to the recent years) market


Colleagues are the only thing holding this place together. But they're leaving.


If zero stars were an option, that would be the rating. Despite some of them having backgrounds in strategic business consulting, leadership fails at business planning, strategy, and understanding the challenges, threats and actual needs of their own main target market - DACH region.
In a short time, strategies and directions have changed too many times, making it difficult for employees to trust anything they are told.
Their main concerns are keeping shareholders happy and appearing as if they were business-savvy. Yet, one of them insisted on having a team too large for the real project capacity. Another one used the number of hirings within a year as a KPI as if the hirings lived in void, disconnected from real-world work and capacity, and as if the number of employees were a proper reflection of how good a company and its business are. Another is so overwhelmed with teams to supervise and responsibilities that he does quite a poor job.
The CEO is better suited as a brand ambassador rather than the company leader. He should listen more to the voices that deliver a different perspective than his own.


If I could, I would give zero stars. Management swings between toxic optimism and a catch in their voices when announcing layoffs, acting as if they’re caught off guard and holding back tears. No professional middle ground. It’s hard to understand how some of the directors and the CEO himself can confidently present to clients or broader audiences when they struggle so much to communicate clearly and transparently with their own team.
HR and leadership see themselves as champions of the team, but their messaging is always vague and inconsistent. After the first layoff in July 2024, employees were promised open and transparent discussions with directors to address "tough questions". Yet, only one out of six directors was able to answer questions clearly and without a patronizing tone.
Even the monthly financial update is an example of problematic communication. It’s a mix of barely understandable statements, scattered numbers, and a graphic that lacks meaningful data storytelling and fails to give employees a crystal-clear picture of the company’s financial health.



Umgang mit älteren Kollegen



Interessante Aufgaben



Diana StrackeHead of People & Operations

Dear Colleague,

Thank you for your open and honest feedback. We understand that the past months have been challenging for the entire team. We're sorry to hear that this is how you perceive the current situation. At the same time, we are working hard to improve transparency and communication to build a strong foundation for the future. A key part of our current actions are the deep dive sessions on our strategic framework for 2025, where we actively engage with all teams to discuss our direction and priorities together.

We truly appreciate your contributions. Let’s keep the dialogue open so we can move appliedAI forward together. Therefore we would welcome the chance to discuss your input further in a confidential conversation. If you are interested in having a meeting, please get in touch with me personally or a colleague from the people team (people@appliedai.de).


great team, strong purpose, on a good path

Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung für dieses Unternehmen gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

There is big openness in the management to listen to the employees and discuss strategy and developments. Culture is based on trust, not on control.
Very smart and supportive colleagues that challenge you and help you grow.
appliedAI has an incredibly strong purpose that is getting even more important in these times.


The company has struggled in recent months and had to let people go. It seems to me that we are on the right track not only to becoming a financially healthy company, but also to regaining trust and a strong culture. We should stay on this path and not be tempted to follow every new opportunity.


The company had a difficult year in 2024, which has left its mark in a formerly strong culture.
In my impression the confidence is growing that we will be successful again as a team.


family duties are respected, flexible working hours, remote or hybrid work possible


There is a lot to learn on the job. As the company is rather small, there are not so many traditional career opportunities, but there are opportunities to grow in project work or to take up new opportunities in other departments. The training budget is rather small this year.


strong team with a culture of mutual support


Always on eye-level and approachable. Managers did their best to give orientation in the last year.


We are flexible in deciding how much we want to work from home, sabbatical and workation options; flexible hours, flexibility in choosing your computer / operating system;
Cool office in the Munich Werksviertel;
Basically the working conditions are based on trust, not on control


The company is experimenting with different ways to stay in touch. Dialogue, information, quick Slack updates. Regular get-togethers in the office. Every manager / director can be approached easily. open feedback is welcome.

Interessante Aufgaben

For me in a support role, the range of tasks and responsibilities is quite broad so that I can learn and grow in my day-to-day work. You are always welcome to take responsibility and experiment with solutions.


Umgang mit älteren Kollegen





Diana StrackeHead of People & Operations

Dear Colleague,

Thank you for your valuable feedback. We appreciate your trust, collaboration, and dedication, especially through recent challenges. Your insights help us grow, and we remain committed to strengthening our culture.

Let’s keep moving forward together!


Great experience, great people!

Ex-Werkstudent/inHat bis 2025 im Bereich Forschung / Entwicklung gearbeitet.


When I was at appliedAI, I felt like the working atmosphere is much closer to a big company (in the good ways) rather than a startup. There's a lot of events organized to bring people together, and people are super-friendly in the first place. There's very little friction in talking to anyone and collaborating.


I had only heard good things about appliedAI before joining, and afterwards the reality also matched what I had heard!


Working hours are super flexible, as is the time off. As a student, I often had to take weeks off for exams, and it was never an issue. The work assigned to me was always planned around my available hours, and it felt nice to have my own time as a priority.


There's definitely scope for personal development and working on very current topics. However, my personal ambition lies in a different domain.


My salary was very competitive, definitely on the higher end for working students. There were plenty of benefits as well, e.g., the wellness pass.


Environmental or ethical concerns were definitely taken into account when deciding the direction of our projects.


Probably the best aspect of appliedAI are the people. It was a joy to work with everyone, and they are super welcoming and really genuine in their interactions.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

We had a mix of young and old. It was very common for working students to get a full-time position once they finished with their studies as well.


My direct supervisor was a pleasure to work with, and there was no concern about heirarchy between us. We understood each other well and our working styles matched as well.


There was a state-of-the-art office. I mostly worked from home, and I had the latest equipment available to me for work.


While communication from the leadership team could definitely be better, I have no qualms about communication across the rest of the company. It was always easy for me to reach out to someone, and I never felt unheard despite my position as a working student.


appliedAI is very inclusive and we had a diverse cast of employees. Everyone was welcome!

Interessante Aufgaben

We had periodic reviews where I would discuss what I'm interested in going forward and what kind of tasks I'd like to take up. It was a great learning experience for me, however my personal ambition lies in a different domain which appliedAI does not work with.



Diana StrackeHead of People & Operations

we’re glad to hear that you appreciated the collaborative culture, flexibility, and supportive team at appliedAI. Creating an inclusive and engaging work environment is important to us, and it’s great to know that this was reflected in your experience. We also value your input on areas where we can improve and will take it into consideration.

Wishing you all the best in your future career!


A flourishing, vibrant company and culture destroyed

Nicht empfohlen
Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung für dieses Unternehmen gearbeitet.


The atmosphere used to be great however after a bunch of layoffs in 2024, the culture is gone. There is an eery atmosphere in the office with employees seeming like they're merely existing there collecting a paycheck


From what I hear from most people here, nobody even knows what the strategy of the company is, nor the message or purpose. This seems like something AAI has floundered around with for a very long time now.


The only place where I could say 5/5, as this was one of the best things working here. They respect your work-related wellbeing and allow fulltime remote work for most positions


Used to be good but due to the large budget cuts it seems like a lot of the further education has been shelved or cancelled entirely.


I find that colleagues individually are really happy and excited to work together, yet teams are silo'd which creates an 'us vs them' culture. Has become even more apparent after layoffs.


Terrible, especially upper management. Through every difficulty the only people effected were employees. Two rounds of layoffs saw absolutely no changes to those in management unless the individual left themselves. Directors preach of successes and outcomes even after the worst year of the company. Basic questions given to directors during sessions are given incredibly long non-answers which answer pretty much nothing, almost in attempt to avoid the question entirely. During layoff periods majority of the directors seemed to be talking about how well things are going and promises of brighter futures with no real sound of compassion. I only detected some kind of sadness from one director during these periods, the rest seemed very unphased by the fact they had to lay off really good employees.


Great office, great devices and the working space is very modern.


Has always been a challenge for this company. Solutions are created due to request and even after they have been in effect for months, it seems like half the company doesn't even know about it.

Interessante Aufgaben

so-so, I've worked on some really cool stuff but I must say it is also disappointing as a lot I have worked on seems to be redundant due to so many changes within the company.



Umgang mit älteren Kollegen




Diana StrackeHead of People & Operations

Dear colleague,
We are sorry to hear that you have perceived recent developments this way. Your feedback on the work atmosphere, communication, and leadership is very important to us, as we are committed to creating a positive and motivating work environment. The decisions that had to be made in 2024 were not easy and unfortunately had an impact on many areas.

We’re glad to hear that you value our approach to work-life balance and working conditions, as this remains a priority for us. At the same time, we are aware that we need to learn from the experiences and mistakes we made last year.

Your feedback helps us to improve and take the right steps for the future. Thank you for taking the time to share your impressions with us. We would welcome the chance to discuss your input further in a confidential conversation. If you are interested in having a meeting, please get in touch with me personally or a colleague from the people team (people@appliedai.de).


Big disappointment. Huge opportunity wasted.

Nicht empfohlen
FührungskraftHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung für dieses Unternehmen gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Colleagues (unfortunately by now, many have lost hope and are only waiting for the right opportunity to leave)


Over the cause of the year 2024, more than 20 people were laid off in total (it's not 100% clear who many exactly, but I can count min 20). After first round of layoffs, CEO publicly promised that this was an exception only to lay of 10 or so more people 2 months later. There were many other instances of heavily over-promising. I recommend the shareholders/board to replace the CEO.


Heavily depends on who you ask.


Permanently high stress levels and no real change in the company to improve the big problems burned me out.


Decent salaray. While it's not matching the revenues and size of the company, it's a more than solid salary for the employees.


The team is the core and the sole reason why the company is still alive. Strong people of which many do 60+ hrs weeks to make it work.


CEO reluctant / immune to advise from his management team. Tendency to come across with toxic positivity. Sending overly positive messages on things in the future that -in most cases- never materialize, leading to even more disappointment in the team.


Leadership and HR do a consistently poor job in communication. I'm sometimes asking myself whether the CEO actually believes his own words.

Interessante Aufgaben

Depends on the projects, but overall rather scratching the surface in terms of AI as appliedAI has had a small number (and currently has none) actual AI engineering projects with the opportunity to dive into the biggest and most interesting customer AI problems.




Umgang mit älteren Kollegen





Diana StrackeHead of People & Operations

Dear colleague,
Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback. We deeply value the insights provided and recognize the importance of reflecting on these points to improve and grow as a company.
We deeply value the engagement of our team, especially as 2024 presented some challenges. We are committed to improving communication, supporting our employees, and creating a more balanced and sustainable work environment.

Your input helps us identify areas for growth, and we remain focused on building a workplace where everyone can thrive. Therefore we would welcome the chance to discuss your input further in a confidential conversation. If you are interested in having a meeting, please get in touch with me personally or a colleague from the people team (people@appliedai.de).


Horrible working culture and lack of leadership, no wonder they have to let go of so many people.

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr für dieses Unternehmen gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

They actually do some interesting projects and many cool people especially on the button line from whom more and more are leaving now.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

It is sad to see a company that used to be one of the best players for AI really early on in the field to see in this state. I think that says more than enough


Maybe if you promise investors to deliver on three KPIs, more partners, more revenue and more hiring and you fail to deliver on the first two, then it is not a good idea to just keep adding more people to the team. Management 101. Also I believe you should tell the people that the runway is only a couple of months long and you are not able to close any significant projects or hit any other targets than there have to be much more layoffs. It is just fair. One thing is clear you cannot continue how you have been doing.


There are some very cool and smart people. But the culture used to be much better now I feel everyone is looking only for themselves.


Everyone outside I have been speaking to tells me that they do not really know what appliedAI is doing. Not the best image. Used to be one of the coolest places to do AI when we where small now it has been completely run down by management. Does not really come as a surprise for me.


This is actually quite okay, as project stuffing is rather low


They pretend to be the leader in trustworthy AI. Which is not true. They are not the biggest initiative. There some that are much larger and also doing trustworthy AI.


I learned a lot there and it was quite good for my career.


Community in the teams can be quite good. But teams seem to work against each other and every team is a bit on their own.


There is a clear lack of leadership. The C-Level are all introverts who do not really know how to work with people or motivate them and it starts showing. Best example most of the C-Level do not even live closer than 100 miles to work so good luck spotting them in the office.


Manager said everything is going as planned and that we appliedAI is the biggest initative in Europe. A month later they let people go and I do not understand why they claim to be something they are not. Other initatives are much bigger. how is this even legal?


Salary is okay but you will make probably more somewhere else in the same position. Also they burning through money like crazy so not sure how long they can keep going, paying those salaries. They are already laying people off but not enough and the runway does not look very good. If you reed the comments here just ask yourself how likely you it will be that they will get a follow up investment.


I remember there was one high level employee that left because she figured out that some to levels below her was making more money than her. They have improved this now.

Interessante Aufgaben

If you will get a project than they can be quite interesting but currently with this little projects people are staffed below 60%. No wonder they are loosing money. They have totally inflated the company with investor money




Diana StrackeHead of People & Operations

Dear former colleague,
Thank you for your detailed feedback. We are very pleased to hear that you had the opportunity to work on interesting projects, collaborate with great colleagues, and expand your knowledge. It is, however, truly regrettable that you had a negative experience with the management of our company.
We take your concerns very seriously and would welcome the chance to discuss them further in a confidential conversation. If you are interested in having a meeting, please get in touch (people@appliedai.de).
We wish you all the best for the future.
appliedAI People Team

Dieser Kommentar bezieht sich auf eine frühere Version der Bewertung.

Spannende Strategieprojekte mit C-Level Exposure mit guter Bezahlung für Berufseinsteiger bei wenig Überstunden

Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung für dieses Unternehmen gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

coole, fähige Leute, spannende Themen

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Dadurch, dass man bei uns schon als Senior (Strategist/Engineer) Projektverantwortung hat, ist der Weg hin zur Führungskraft (Head of...) nicht smooth vorgezeichnet. Hier klarere Aufstiegsmöglichkeiten aufzuzeigen, wäre langfristig sicher hilfreich.


Wir sind komplett frei in der Wahl zwischen Office & Home Office. Ich würde mir ein stärkeren Push des Managements hin zu mehr Officepräsenz aller Mitarbeitenden wünschen.


Im Büro wird viel gelacht, auch in stressigen Phasen ist das Verhalten untereinander immer kollegial


Wir werden von den KI Experten, die uns kennen, als sehr gut eingeschätzt, jedoch könnten wir noch etwas bekannter sein. Und ja, es gibt intern eine Restrukturierung bei der es anfangs ein paar Friktionen gab über die manche Kollegen zu recht nicht erfreut sind, aber diese Friktionen werden aus meiner Sicht gerade gut angegangen.


Natürlich ist die Arbeitsdichte höher als in anderen Jobs, aber es wird wirklich darauf geachtet, dass man nicht zu viele Überstunden macht. Bei privaten Terminen ist es mir auch möglich schon nachmittags Feierabend zu machen oder völlig frei entscheiden, wann ich Home Office mache oder ins Büro komme.


Pro Stunde gerechnet habe ich keine Beratung gefunden, die vor einem Jahr einen besseren Deal angeboten hat. Inzwischen könnten andere vielleicht aufgeholt haben.


Wir fahren auch zu Kunden in der Provinz mit den Öffis, für manche vielleicht auch ein Nachteil


Wir treffen uns auch außerhalb der Arbeit gerne für gemeinsame sportliche Aktivitäten. Ich glaube das spricht für sich. Auch gibt es - im Gegensatz zu früheren Tätigkeiten - keinen Kollegen/keine Kollegin, mit der ich nicht gerne zusammen arbeiten möchte.


Es wird wirklich Wert darauf gelegt, dass ich mich fachlich und menschlich weiterentwickle. Durch die hohe Termindichte von Vorgesetzten, sind manche Führungskräfte bei Anliegen nicht immer sofort erreichbar, aber wenn ich ein Thema als wichtig pushe, wird dann auch dafür Zeit eingeräumt.


die Büros sind top, insb. im Münchner Office findet sich zum Beispiel eine tolle Kunstsammlung. Es ist echt cool, dass ich jeden Tag Werke von zB Anselm Kiefer bewundern darf oder auf der Dachterasse die Alpen sehen kann.


Im Meetings wird regelmäßig über den Salesfunnel, Umsätze, Auslastung u.ä. berichtet. Auch bricht meine Führungskraft strategische Entscheidungen immer auf mich herunter und was diese für meine weitere Personalentwicklung bedeutet.

Interessante Aufgaben

Ich spreche regelmäßig mit dem C-Level über strategische Entscheidungen und darf zB bei Ergebnispräsentationen sprechen, obwohl ich die most junior person im Raum bin.


Umgang mit älteren Kollegen




Diana StrackeHead of People & Operations

Liebe/r Kolleg/in,
vielen Dank, dass Du dir die Zeit für eine ausführliche Bewertung genommen hast.
Es freut uns sehr zu hören, dass Du sowohl mit der Arbeitsatmosphäre und dem Gehalt, als auch mit den Projekten und der Kommunikation zufrieden bist.
Dein Feedback ist uns sehr wichtig und wir schätzen Deine konstruktive Kritik zu den Aufstiegsmöglichkeiten. Ich würde mich sehr freuen, diese Punkte in einem vertraulichen Gespräch mit Dir zu vertiefen, wenn du Lust hast.
Liebe Grüße

Unfortunately: Chaos - Recommend to stay away

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat bis 2024 im Bereich Forschung / Entwicklung gearbeitet.


The board should step in and make some strategic decisions…It‘s about time.


Oftentimes decisions are very intransparent and expectations are overly optimistic leading to missing the goals frequently.


Nobody really knows them given also that the company also does do rather standard consulting and no innovative initiatives that would end up in products the company could really be known for.


It depends on your role and if you sit on the bench or not. This company has had very few projects when I was working here so many did not have any meaningful work and opportunity to grow. Others drowned somehow in work. Quite a weird thing. Again lack of leadership is to blame as they were not able to allocate work among their directs well.


Not sure of progression would be possible. I assume rather not do much as they overhired heavily based on inflated expectations and now struggle to deal with the tough situation.


They pay crazily good. More than the majority of other companies. And they also raise the salary to account for inflation. Was great but again quite careless from the leaders as frugality is key for startups without product market fit as this one.


Was not too apparent to me that this was of any real concern. Other issues were definitely more pressing.


Great colleagues that are always there to support when needed.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

There are no experienced older colleagues here.


See above comments. But generally the leaders are weak here. No relevant experience (partially not even real AI expertise), no track record, poor decision making and most importantly no viable business model and strategy leading to quite a problematic situation as you might imagine. Companies are measure on profits but as the leaders steer so poorly, your job is kind of always on the line here as there is always the risk that the financial support simply dries up as no results are delivered.


Constant fear of losing your job due to the situation this company is in. There is basically no psychological safety. But again it’s a startup so also not uncommon, too.


Honestly, quite poor. Meetings run by the leaders are oftentimes useless, not well prepared. Leaders praise themselves but results show an entirely different picture.


No apparent issues here that I noticed.

Interessante Aufgaben

Small stuff that I have seen mostly. Would not call these things interesting. Partially stuff was done that was not even AI but rather fundamental digitisation.



Diana StrackeHead of People & Operations

Dear former colleague,
Thank you for taking the time to provide your review.
We are very pleased to hear that, along with the competitive pay, you especially appreciated the strong team cohesion. We strive to continuously supporting the development of our employees and ensuring they are involved in key decisions.
If you are open to it, we would appreciate to discuss the concerns you´ve rasied directly with us. We assure you that any conversation will be handledwith absolute confidentiality. Please feel free to reach out to arrange a meeting (people@appliedai.de).
For your future, we wish you all the best.
appliedAI People Team

Good intentions but destined to fail

Nicht empfohlen
Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung für dieses Unternehmen gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Good work life balance, nice colleagues.


I think If you are good at talking or can sell your work output as valuable even without tangible monetary value, yes. I also think preparing nice diagrams and presentations would give you an edge.


People are nice but when you grow very fast, they wouldn't build a bond

Interessante Aufgaben

Depends on the team and project











hicham SammaSenior People and Culture Specialist

Dear former colleague,

Thank you for your detailed feedback. We are glad to hear that you experienced a good atmosphere among colleagues and were able to balance your job well with your private life.

Naturally, even with rapid growth, we aim to foster long-term relationships between colleagues and provide everyone with the opportunity to develop individually and grow within the company.

We take your points of criticism very seriously and would like to discuss your concerns with you personally in a confidential conversation. If you are interested in a meeting, please get in touch (people@appliedai.de).

We wish you all the best for the future.
Your appliedAI People Team

Wir setzen auf Transparenz

So verdient kununu Geld.

Fragen zu Bewertungen und Gehältern

  • Basierend auf 22 Erfahrungen von aktuellen und ehemaligen Mitarbeitenden wird appliedAI Initiative durchschnittlich mit 4 von 5 Punkten bewertet. Dieser Wert liegt über dem Durchschnitt der Branche Dienstleistung (3,6 Punkte). 31% der Bewertenden würden appliedAI Initiative als Arbeitgeber weiterempfehlen.
  • Ausgehend von 22 Bewertungen gefallen die Faktoren Kollegenzusammenhalt, Gleichberechtigung und Arbeitsbedingungen den Mitarbeitenden am besten an dem Unternehmen.
  • Neben positivem Feedback haben Mitarbeitende auch Verbesserungsvorschläge für den Arbeitgeber. Ausgehend von 22 Bewertungen sind Mitarbeitende der Meinung, dass sich appliedAI Initiative als Arbeitgeber vor allem im Bereich Kommunikation noch verbessern kann.