8 Bewertungen von Mitarbeitern
8 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 4,7 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
8 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Ihr Unternehmen?
Jetzt Profil vervollständigen8 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 4,7 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
8 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.
In the CS scene known by now.
Demands a lot from employees on the other hand offers WFH and a lot of freemdoms
Could be improved. You have to push pretty hard to see progression personal progression here.
Employees are often presented with management solutions but not consulted on the question in the first place.
Alles steht auf Wachstum, weshalb eine sehr gute Arbeitsatmosphäre herrscht. Jeder hat das gleiche Ziel vor Augen und zieht am gemeinschaftlichen Strang um diese sehr ambitionierten Ziele zu erreichen.
Punkt Abzug nur, da babelforce noch nicht so bekannt ist und das Image noch nicht über den Customer Service Kosmos hinausgeht.
Wie bei einem so schnell wachsenden Unternehmen üblich, sind die Ziele sehr sehr ambitioniert und die Arbeitsbelastung ist dadurch zeitweise sehr hoch. Jedoch ist dies auch ein sehr großer Ansporn sich stetig weiterzuentwickeln und diesen Wachstumspfad gemeinsam mit dem Unternehmen mitzumachen.
Typisch für schnell wachsende Start Ups - hier gibt es sehr viele und sehr schnelle Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten, wenn man selbst bereit ist diese mitzugehen.
Selten in so einem talentierten und gemeinschaftlichen Team gearbeitet.
Alter spielt hier keine Rolle, jeder wird für seine Qualifikationen respektiert
Das C-Level ist sehr stark und versteht es sehr gut mich als Führungskraft zu führen, fordern und weiterzuentwickeln.
babelforce ist eine remote first company. Das kann ein Vorteil sein, wobei jedoch nicht jeder immer damit zurecht kommt auf dauer.
Dem schnellen Unternehmenswachstum geschuldet, ist die Kommunikation manchmal ein wenig hakelig, wobei zu betonen ist, dass grundsätzlich immer so effektiv und transparent wie möglich kommuniziert wird.
Wir sind ein sehr diverses und ausgeglichenes Team in dem es keinerlei Ungleichgewichte gibt wenn es um Gleichberechtigung geht.
Nachdem babelforce als Pionier in der Customer Service / Contact Center Branche gilt, ist man ausschließlich mit interessanten Aufgaben konfrontiert.
- It is a company that works fully remote.
- Organize your work yourself
- VESOP/VSOP program
Feels like university sometimes, no one will tell you how to do things. You'll only receive input on what to achieve and it is up to you to find the best solution for a given problem.
Could be better for me personally, but this is more a me problem than a company problem :D
Environmental awareness could be better.
Hard to tell since we don't have any.
Could be better and also it feels sometimes not enough between different departments. Anyways I have the feeling we are on a good track to improve this.
No one is discriminated on any basis at this company. It is really remarkable I never saw this before anywhere.
This is also really important since we are all from different cultures and backgrounds.
The team has a great say within the company and is always in the center. If you want, you are heard and this is extremely important.
There are always news and exciting tasks, responsibilities are handed over fast to those who ask, but the team will have your back and support whenever necessary.
It will be a challening work environment for anyone who "just wants a job". Every employee has to deliver and fully engange. Therefore, this isn't a good place for everyone.
Continue with the healthy growth, not oversizing the teams to fast.
It's fun!
Remote work has it's challenges but the company gives all needed freedom. It's important for oneselves to keep the balance.
babelforce is rmote so a bit difficult to say.Trains oare always preferred over planes if possible.
We all stick together.
babelforce is constantly looking for the best ways of how to communicate within a remote team with low hirachies and to ensure to take everyone along. It works well most of the times but sometimes this could be improved.
For size and position of the company they pay very fairly
babelforce is an IT company. There were always more male than female employees. This changed over time. The balance is not at 50/50, yet, however, the aim is to have a team that is evened out in all teams if possible.
The tasks are divers and challenging.
Again, one of the things I like the most about this company are the colleagues and the company culture, which is just really healthy. The other thing I like a lot is that I have a lot of freedom to take own decisions and bring in my expertise.
Well it's an "disadvantage" that comes with the freedom of a small company I guess, but for some specific topics, I just have no guidance or learning possibilities from a senior, because the knowledge is not within the company. On the other hand learning by doing and trying out is not the worst thing and definitely possible there. Also I think, that in general there are some departments who could need some more employees to take out some pressure for the colleagues and help delivering new features faster.
I don't know, I think they are doing pretty well. I just hope growing plans go as predicted & we can get more resources to move quicker with our projects.
One of the best work environments I worked in so far. Everyone is respectful, very constructive and just enjoyable to work with.
I think my colleagues talk positively about our company and I think it's quite representative. At least I do.
I think this depends a little bit on in which department you work. There are some areas where there is more direct necessity to deliver or secure processes and there are some areas, where you can organize your time more freely. I personally feel I have a good work-life-balance (I do not work in those areas).
Difficult to say. From within the company, I'd say you just gain a lot of experience because you have to figure a lot of things out on your own and investigate by your own. But I think there are no concrete internal training programs in place. Still, if I search by myself for external training opportunities, they will try to make it possible if it's in the budget (just doing an online-course right now). But it's more on your own initiative.
In my team, people work together and collaborate where they can to move forward, even if we have sometimes very different responsabilities. Same goes for collaboration with other teams. In general, I think the positiveness and openess of colleagues in this company are one of its biggest strengths.
Very good. Very clear about expectations, always open to suggestions, listening to employees and just very approachable as persons.
This depends a bit on how and where you live, since most of colleagues work remotely. Technology-wise, they do what they can to equip you best at home. If you're in Berlin, they are located in a very nice co-working space.
Communication works well, with colleagues but also with superiors. As well for general projects and day-to-day work as for individual matters.
I would say it is good, but it also depends a little bit on from where you work. If you're located in Germany you can have a contract as an employee and I suppose it is quite good regarding social security etc. If you work remotely, it depends a little bit on the laws of your country regarding freelancers. They try to offer fixed contracts through third-parties but it's not always a clear advantage depending on where you live. What I can say is that they try their best to always be as fair as possible, stick to German standards even for freelancers from other countries where they can (good holiday policy for instance) & make things possible if they can.
It's a company with a lot of people from very different countries and I think precisely because of that, they are even more careful to create a healthy and respectful work environment. I never experienced or observed any inequalities in regards of gender or origin since I worked there.
Since it is a startup in a growing phase, there are always a lot of different and new topics to be covered (but not in a chaotic way, it always makes sense). Also to me the telephony sector is just an interesting sector to work in with a lot of new customers and use-cases to discover (worked always in e-commerce before). It's a complex product but that makes it even more fun to work on. Also in a lot of cases, there is the freedom to choose yourself new topics and investigate, it's not like in a big company where everything is solely decided top-down and you just follow.
There is a strong focus on values and dedication to living by them. I like that health, purpose and people come first. I also love the dedication of everyone in the team to their craft. It is a wonderful feeling to approach each process and area of work with a passion to do it really well.
It is a fast moving and rapidly growing startup, so it will not be right for everyone. I would only work here, if you want to get out of your comfort zone and test yourself with achieving something great together with a very talented team.
The company is growing fast, but growing even faster would be better. Being able to influence that growth is something that we have control over.
There is a culture of building people up and encouraging people. The team also manages well to foster genuine connection both within teams and across different parts of the business. My experience is that we always have a lot of fun together as well.
The company is a Gartner Cool Vendor and also in the Top 20 CCaaS Vendors. Within the CX, startup and scaleup world, the company is very well regarded. It is also backed by major investors.
The company encourages people to take care of themselves. Obviously being a fast growing startup, it is an intense environment. But there is an emphasis on personal growth and good stress management. What is repeated all the time is: "There is no point being successful with outcomes, if you cannot maintain your mental and physical wellbeing."
I like that employees can progress and even move from one field to another if they see an opportunity for themselves to grow.
Salaries compare well with market data. There is also a VESOP program that almost all team members up to now have opted to take part in. Since the company is growing strongly, this gives everyone a chance to participate in the company's success. There are other benefits also, for example, the support to work anywhere. I have used that myself to work for periods in different countries.
babelforce has a code of conduct and corporate responsibility that is indeed used to make decisions and guide what we do. There is an emphasis across the team that we act as a positive actor in the world.
My experience is that there is a strong sense of mutual support between team members.
As is typical for a startup, we have more somewhat younger team members. But we are a B2B enterprise software provider, so many of our core people are over 40 and over 50. So it is well balanced and we have a need for very senior people in our industry.
There is a culture of supportive management. 360 degree feedback is done anonymously for everyone, including C-level and other managers. So there are opportunities to give constructive and critical feedback in all directions.
There is massive flexibility in arranging when and where we all work. Rather than close management, there is an expectation that each team members takes on responsibility to organize their work in their team. I like a lot that there is a focus on health and well-being. People and Culture organizes events and other opportunities to foster connections with others across the company and to develop personally.
The company has a 100% transparency policy. So management shares information regularly on overall company performance and has open forums to answer questions. I have never been in a company that was so open in its communication.
We have way above average number of female team members. In Germany in tech companies, 26% of employees are female. babelforce has over 38% and this includes female management on the exec team. There is also an active recruiting policy to encourage both equality of opportunity and diversity. The company enables teams to test better approaches. For example some teams anonymize applications where possible to remove bias.
We are working on complex problems using automation and AI. And we need to explain these new technologies to our customers. So there is nothing but interesting tasks both in engineering and in customer communication parts of the business.
Alle sind unendlich nett und es herrscht ein netter wenngleich auch bestimmter Ton
Für ein Start-Up in der Durchstartphase noch okay. Es ist eben kein 32h Konzern Job
Die Unterstützung verschiedener Abteilungen, aber auch der Kollegen bei Fragen und Problemen ist herausragend
absolut einwandfrei und vorbildhaft
Man wird mit allen Arbeitsmaterialien unterstützt
Alles wird offen und ehrlich kommuniziert
Der Vertrieb spaltet sich in mannigfaltige Aufgaben, eine spannender als die andere. Es wird weder Routine noch Langeweile aufkommen
die Kollegen und der Umgang miteinander ist sehr locker und gleichzeitig sehr respektvoll
Die Vereinbarung von Freizeit und Arbeit ist wirklich sehr einfach, es wird definitiv auf individuelle Bedürfnisse eingegangen
Ich habe die Möglichkeit mich stetig weiterzubilden, in den Bereichen, die mich interessieren.
Der Zusammenhalt ist ziemlich stark und gegenseitige Unterstützung wird meiner Erfahrung nach groß geschrieben
Homeoffice-First-Policy: Fluch und Segen zugleich, da man seine Kollegen selten in echt siehst, aber es macht den Arbeitsalltag sehr flexibel und angenehm