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3 babelforce Mitarbeiter haben auf kununu bereits für Gehaltstransparenz gesorgt. Finde heraus, wie viel du bei babelforce verdienen kannst.

    Gehälter bei babelforce GmbH

    Softwareentwickler:inBerlin73.300 €

    Kommentare zum Gehalt aus unseren Bewertungen

    Hier sind die neuesten Kommentare zum Thema Gehalt aus unseren Arbeitgeberbewertungen.


    For size and position of the company they pay very fairly

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    Gehalt/SozialleistungenAngestellte/r oder Arbeiter/in

    I would say it is good, but it also depends a little bit on from where you work. If you're located in Germany you can have a contract as an employee and I suppose it is quite good regarding social security etc. If you work remotely, it depends a little bit on the laws of your country regarding freelancers. They try to offer fixed contracts through third-parties but it's not always a clear advantage depending on where you live. What I can say is that they try their best to always be as fair as possible, stick to German standards even for freelancers from other countries where they can (good holiday policy for instance) & make things possible if they can.

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    Salaries compare well with market data. There is also a VESOP program that almost all team members up to now have opted to take part in. Since the company is growing strongly, this gives everyone a chance to participate in the company's success. There are other benefits also, for example, the support to work anywhere. I have used that myself to work for periods in different countries.

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    Häufig gestellte Fragen

    • Basierend auf 3 Gehaltsangaben beträgt das Gehalt bei babelforce GmbH für die Position „Softwareentwickler:in“ 69.900 € bis 79.100 €. Die Gehaltszufriedenheit liegt bei 4.4 von 5 und damit 19% über dem Branchendurchschnitt.