Auf gar keinen Fall!
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
35 working hours a week, good colleagues, used to be very international
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
allmost everything, in the last years I was just depressed, during the work, after the work, at weekends and on vacations. All my life I loved my work, Baker Hughes managed to make me hate it.
Once I left, I have learnt to love my work again, to enjoy the time during the work and after the work.
I recommend no person to go there.
Send home all the current top management, I don't remember a single name there that I have respected
was not bad in the first years, and then came the former management of GE Oil & Gas and turn the atmosphere to the worse I ever experienced
"Everything is perfect, we are the best, we win, wie earn, bla, bla bla", if you wish to know how live in the time of the DDR looks liked, go to Baker Hughes Town-hall
The colleagues are pretty good, but you still have too many "wrong guys of the worng places"
For me it was good as I could keep working 35 hours a week
No real circulations, the top managers are concerned only in their own careers, some of the low level managers are not bad but they can't really do much in order to improve the company
Interessante Aufgaben
I had a lot of responsibility in my area, I felt valued by my colleagues and direct manager, but it never brought me forward, no place for promotion for my kind
In my area, it did not matter whether you are man or a woman, old or young, there was a lot of respect between the colleagues, I cannot tell how was it in other areas.
When it comes to promotion, only a special type of employees were promoted, without PhD or if you dare to say your real opinion, you don't have much chance
Umgang mit älteren Kollegen
We respected the older employees, the top management always said they respect everybody, at the end, without the protection of the worker union, they were thrown out
There is good development and manufacturing equipement and there is an emphasis on safety and health at work.
The atmosphere that the management is creating is a disaster
Oil & Gas, what do you expect?
Salary was not bad, but today I'm not sure if it was really something special
Oil & Gas, what do you expect?
Without PhD in mechanical engineering or if you are used to say your real opinion, you can forget about this