A typical corporate group. Everyone optimizes themselves.
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Flexible working hours, including before and after maternity leave.
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
The culture of a large corporation in which performance doesn't count, but rather that you are visible to your managers. Your bosses often don't have the professional competence to assess your work or are forced to have a two-hour discussion with you once a year. Appreciation looks different.
- HR does not have to change the process for further development on the slides every umpteenth year if nothing changes in reality.
- Statements on slides do not reflect the actual company culture
- Feedback culture is completely missing. (Especially important: Never give feedback to your boss!)
Neutral atmosphere. Colleagues often work here because they come from the region or appreciate the pay. With an average of 18 years at Bosch, many older colleagues who have little interest in more than a working relationship.
Sufficient information available. Sometimes you have to read between the lines
Everyone takes care about herself and optimizes their career. If your colleague suddenly becomes your project manager or supervisor, you get to know them from a different (not necessarily better) angle.
Almost free organization of working hours
Supervisors, especially those with employee responsibility, seem to be most interested in their own careers. Their own employees are the most annoying part of their daily workload. However, you often only have a conversation with your boss once a year, in between they are not interested in you.
Interessante Aufgaben
Sometimes interesting tasks, sometimes you try to support other business units, whereby it is occasionally chaotically organized.
As a woman, I am supported in my career. Diversity is a top priority and is celebrated every year. It's the others who are diverse. Diversity does not apply to the majority of the workforce, so they are not of great interest.
Bosch even gave up its diesel almost without a fight, although the technology would certainly have been good for the environment in the end. Rational decisions cannot be expected, the woke policy is followed.
Good salary, but other competitors pay significantly better. You reach the maximum after a while, after which the salary is almost only increased via collective agreement increases. Even as a manager you earn better elsewhere.
If your manager likes you, you have a chance of a career. Unfortunately, there is also a lot of elbowing behavior here, especially among the men.