Positive and negative sides.
The company gives in general a great image of itself. Then, the atmosphere varies according to the department you are working in.
It depends from the department you are in. Some departments are full of young people and it's easier to have a connection and make the work easier. Some dpt are entirely managed by German people. There are many people who are working for +20 years and they reflect their frustration on new resources. In some dpt. there is a high micromanagement and control of everything you do.
Most of the people working 8-17, not a minute more. Extra hours are not paid.
Many promises, numbers, good words from the superiors. Most of the times not kept. They need to have more real interest in the people and awarding the people who deserve it.
Interessante Aufgaben
It depends from dpt.
Nearly all the chefs are man.
Some kind of activities are exclusively done by women and men are excluded.
Umgang mit älteren Kollegen
Much instatisfaction. People are not listened from the superiors and live in their frustration, making the new colleagues escape.
Negotiation needs to be done in the beginnning. Otherwise there is no more chance to have an increase. Salary is much lower than other companies.
Company cares a lot for its image.