No values, no appreciation, no development
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Some colleagues are nice.
There is basically no atmosphere. Management separate theirselves from the rest and their opinion is the truth. That's the base of the entire atmosphere. If you're not a data or engineering specialist, they do not appreciate your effort as you do not add value to the product. The turnover rate is very high which also indicates a problematic atmosphere.
Depending on the team, it is better or worse. In general, their is room for improvement.
People shooting eachother is not uncommon.
It's your decision: working for Buynomics and no life or not working for Buynomics and having a work-life-balance.
Working hours of 60h/week and more are usual and they expect it. Even when you flag the workload nothing will change. You will also realise people working when they are on sick leave, on vacation, at weekends... is that legally compliant in Germany/Spain? Anyways, it's unhealthy and puts pressure on all employees.
The management are kings and queens in their kingdom. They try to pretend being leaders but in crucial situations when a real leader is needed, they fail.
Interessante Aufgaben
The only positive thing.
Women do not have the same career opportunities as men. Sick people are judged. Salaries are a big secret, so probably also financial discrimination. People pleaser have career opportunities.
Umgang mit älteren Kollegen
The only "older" employee left. There's basically no diversity in this regard.
Everything needs to be done asap does not matter how and how much capacity you have.
Their hire & fire culture is unbelievable. They hire from abroad and relocate to fire at the end of probation. Also, they fire because of underperformance. But how should you perform when nobody onboards you adequately? Even after probation, they find ways to let people go.
Other companies, also startups, pay ~40% more. They offer almost no benefits. They try to catch you with shares and a steep learning curve which is ridiciulous in times of high inflation.
Career starts with an onboarding. There is none. There is a general/organisational onboarding but no professional by your team/leader.
They have a development budget but it's not enough for reasonable courses. None of their leaders has ever learned being a people lead. How are they supposed to develop their team members? You might end up having a leader who has no clue about your job, so you will probably not have a mentor.
Being a people pleaser helps a lot in this company.