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Fails to address employees concerns and issues

Nicht empfohlen
Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung bei Capgemini in Stuttgart gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Freedom to choose project to a certain extent, large pool of resources to learn from , Matrix organisation which makes networking good.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

The company does not follows its own values. My manager has breached my trust several times. In terms of self development pressure tactics are deployed , less support is provided , you will stick to one domain and no support to switch between businesses. The politics and networking plays a monumental role .This inturn will decide where you will work , with whom , what position you will get and etc. The organisational objectives overshadows everytime your career objectives. The grading systems in capgemini puts a template on you and no matter you say or do , you will always be seen through the lense of grade. Which means , you will taken less seriously , you will be heard less, less opportunities based on your grade . It is a very closed network compay and you may sometimes feel you are insignificant and does not contributes in any way to the companies success. As the work you would be doing is very shallow work. There is a disconnect between management and employess , however it varies from pratice to practice. Managers have convinced themselves they have done all they can to create a thriving work culture and that the employees are already doing their best.
Ultimately, the opportunties to learn and grow are not there.


Please follow the values correctly and everthing will be fine .
Honesty, Boldness, Trust, Freedom, Fun, Modesty, and Team Spirit


Less supportive and employees do not mix up well even if they are in the same department. The employers does not takes into consideration the home office and there are no team events since 2 years.


The communication is mainly received through emails and there is less transparency.


As you work for different clients , it takes years of time of internal networking till you build up your circle . If people do not know you , you do not exist.


This depends on your client and rather less on the company.


Makes false promises and always tries to move things forward in future. Lacks the empathy and basic leadership skills like listening etc.

Interessante Aufgaben

The company is less concered with the work you do , rather more on if you are bililable or not . This also depends on your internal network to get the project , the desired role , whom you know . Your capabilities comes at second place. . I have spoken to VPs, EVPs and cannot do much , as the power lies solely in the hands of few people.


Your manager promises you every year new projects and promotion , which never happens. It is all formality to go in discussion with your manager on career goals , as all the decision are taken behind the door . Lastly, it again comes down to your reputation with manager. I am afraid to say Extroverts have more chances of getting promotion. Apprisal process supports extroverts. If you are working for a big project , your chances increases as well . If you a lone employee working for a client , then your manager does not know much about you and you will left behind. There is no criteria who gets promoted , you just get the email that some colleagues got promoted. Career growth is well documented and established , but it is not followed.
Your manager has just one goal of keep you in projects and they would not care about your career growth and progression. You will lack the clarity on your growth plan , even if you fill the forms every year. Those are just the formalities.


Umgang mit älteren Kollegen







Laura Zschirnt, Lead HR Marketing & Employer Branding
Laura ZschirntLead HR Marketing & Employer Branding

Dear colleague,
Thank you for taking the time to rate Capgemini as an employer. I am very sorry that you are not satisfied with us. Since the satisfaction of our employees is very important to us and feedback helps us to continuously improve, we take your evaluation very seriously. I have therefore read your feedback very carefully and forwarded it to the relevant department.
I would like to offer you a personal meeting to discuss further points. Please contact us (meinebewertung.de@capgemini.com) or talk to your HR Business Partner or your HR manager.
Best regards
Your Capgemini Recruiting & HR Marketing Team
